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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. I never said there was any injustice last I checked.


    Why do you feel necessary to either claim or imply that I said that is quite frankly beyond me.




    And yet again, you're either claiming or implying stuff I never actually said, namely that I'd quit the game over this, which I wouldn't.


    I believe it was an oversight, especially seeing that even recently, Charles had said in a Twitch stream they had no intention whatsoever of overriding our player character's decisions. Had this been intentional, it would be odd to say the least.


    Regardless, you're just trying way too hard.




    An error / oversight happened. FACT.


    Charles acknowledged it and the team is going to rectify it in a future update. FACT.


    You and others are apparently too sore about this for reasons I quite frankly fail to understand but whatever floats your boat I guess. As I said on Reddit, I believe it's fair to assume they actually take it as a compliment that people go to that much trouble and / or notice this stuff.


    It means they're paying attention to the stories they're invested in. Some of us at any rate.


    You had a ridiculous, public overreaction to a video game. FACT. :rolleyes:

  2. Wrong. This game was designed as a WoW copy (at least in terms of end-game content), thus it would only benefit from adopting features from a superior game of the same type.



    I dunno, to me all the Jedi and Sith stuff is very close to fantasy setting.


    Uncle Owen flat out called Ben an "old wizard." in episode IV. So I'm sure there was some intent there.

  3. •Placeable sandpeople/jawa NPC? There are jawa vendors you can place and Blizz companion.


    Yay, one of my questions got answered :)

    I think they showed a bit towards the end of the stream that showed a Jawa npc placable but mentioned something about it still being in development.


    If you watched closely, they showed a Jawa scrap vendor in the Nar Shadda house. He even had a name.

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