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Everything posted by Treplos

  1. Nothing that I've noticed at all. I've also read in many places that it simply doesn't. Either way, back to original post, I too think Smug/Ops got nerfed too hard with no compensation.
  2. I've got 515 expertise: 4 parts BM gear / 2 Cent / 1 Rakata / 1 Columni / rest Champ gear. I am a DPS spec Concealment Operative, and I was simply trying to test the claims that Guards/Juggs do not have much DPS outside Smash. With this same gear I got hit for 5,500 Smash btw.
  3. I just went against a Guardian and I wanted to further test their damage, just to check the all Guardian/Juggs' claim over here that they do not do much damage other than Smash. So, I stood there healing myself (my heals are 1.9s cast and do 2k - 3.5k crits normally, 1600-2500 crit with Trauma Buff), just to test their damage output. Needless to say I could not outheal his damage, as this Guardian was often critting me for 2k-2.5k dmg with his abilities (not counting Smash). Not to mention the many types of CCs he threw at me.
  4. Maybe I missed this post before. But OP said Alacrity reduces GCD? I do no think it does.
  5. You cannot focus 6 sorcs all at the same time lol Have you ever felt like a virtual pinata near the huttball spawn point, with 6 chain-lightning arcs strained at you from different directions?
  6. Not everyone participated in Illum crap. Thankfully, that did not even happen on our server.
  7. What's really funny with gambling and probability is that you cannot prove or disprove anything, not unless you look at a very high number of samples. Usually in computer games, they roll a 100-sided dice for 100% chances. So to get a BM token from a BM bag, you should roll 25 or lower. 0 out of 16 bags is unlucky but still falls easily within the system. The first bag I opened I got nothing, then 3 tokens in a row, then nothing ever since. I generally hate gambling in games, as it rewards nothing except sheer dumb luck. They need to cut this BS and remove Champ tokens from BM bags. Instead they should add BM token that drop from BM bags every time (with the bonus of a full BM item!), raise the BM gear prices a little bit, and allow us to buy them on a steady basis.
  8. The other problem is with itemization. As far as I've seen on PVP gear for my class at least, it's almost always a trade off between Alacrity or Accuracy. Since there is no reason to take Accuracy, Alacrity is the default choice.
  9. Sins / Shadows have stealth, knockback, AND Force Speed. lol Also, Stealth is so broken in this game that is it not even funny. Now, go back under your bridge.
  10. What about melee classes with no gap closers or mobility or counter knockback of any kind? What about getting stunned/mezzed then knocked back? The stun only needs to last for 1s-2s and your whole character is completely negated.
  11. While I agree with this issue (even though I cannot confirm 100%), as a side note, you have not seen real faction favoritism. In one game I used to play, one faction used to have access to a hell of a lot more relic weapons than the other faction, had more bosses to kill, and even had much better looking weapons and cloth designs. The other faction seemed to be an after-thought for the most part.
  12. Did anyone test if Alacrity works as described in the tooltip? Get your stop watches, get down to 1.7s cast time and tell me how fast your cast actually takes. Do lots of tries to take an average ofc.
  13. Thank you. But you know what's funny? I do NOT like any class to feel the frustration that I feel on my operative. I do not think that a mistake of nerfing something that was not broken (or over-nerfing something that needed just a bit of toning down) is corrected by nerfing everyone else. 2 mistakes do not make a right. I still feels ****** to know the the Devs have double standards. The most logical and sensible thing for BW is to simply revert 2 of the damage reduction nerfs. The Jarring Strike nerf alone should be enough. But I know that BW does not do anything that is reasonable. I do not have faith in them anymore or in their approach to class balance.
  14. Looks like a lot of people are in denial and do not want to admit what they know, or see, despite the videos and screenshots, and the fact that those things happen a lot in warzones. I don't care if you get nerfed or not, and this is not why I'm here. I do like to set the record straight though, because I hate double standards in principle.
  15. If I also get the rest of the perks, why not.
  16. Operatives only 3 shotted people who were under-geared, and when the operatives had full stack of buffs. Only, every other class who did the same were also 3 shotting those people. But now it's 2 shotting?
  17. Disregarding most of what you said, by your standards, an Operative/Scoundrel critting someone now for 1k-1.5k opener is more to your liking. lol
  18. Even before the nerf, I couldn't follow up with 3k-4k hits either, maybe 2k-2.5k average crits or 1k non-crit. Now however, my opener on squishies is 3.5-4k max, followed by 2.5k (assuming I get crits of course). My opener on heavy armor now is like 1k-1.5k crit, sometimes I get lucky with a 2k crit lol
  19. The whole damage rotation got nerfed, as I've said in other posts: > 20% damage nerf to Hidden Strike. > 50% nerf to Jarring knowckdown duration. > 40% nerf to Acid Blade Armor Penetration, which not only means Hidden Strike got a TRIPLE nerf, but also BackStab got nerfed, because Acid Blade only works on these 2 skills. > On top of all that, due to the Acid Blade ArmPen nerf, every other skill (i.e. Shiv, Lacerate, etc) used within 15s of the opener also got nerfed and will be hitting for less. Did you see me asking for a nerf? Let them fix the million bugs first before approaching class balance. Kinda too late for my Operative though. All I am saying is people (and BW) have double standards: it is ok for someone to do something, as long as someone else cannot. Not really. Any bubble, guard, taunt, heal or assist of any kind could also counter it, or if the Operative/Scoundrel did not get a crit. Even so, just one of the above nerfs (especially the Jarring Strike nerf) would have been sufficient. My HS opener crits Mercs for around 1k damage now. Not to mention Concealment Operatives/Scrapper Scoundrels never brought anything other than burst to the table. Also Warzones are team games, and in any team play, they are the least useful of classes. Here you go: http://imgur.com/a/BJTE8#0 But I'm sure you know you can do that already.
  20. Does it matter if they are a tank or not? One class got nerfed for bursting for that much, but it's ok for other classes to do it. Ok lol. At least you bring other things to the table.
  21. You have a lot of faith in BW. The same testing they did on things that went through beta. The same testing they did on Illum. Cool. I got screenshots?
  22. A BM does not a good player make. http://imgur.com/gallery/ngtbm
  23. Snipers and Mercs at least have knockbacks. Operatives don't lol
  24. I got hit today by a Guardian for 5,500 damage (I had 515 Expertise BM/Champ gear and the guy was only Champ rank). I thought it was a fluke but he did it again in more than one match. He's even hitting others for well over 6k. Another tank class that has some high burst is Powertech/Vaguard. Kinda silly to give tanks high burst, sustained damage, survivability, CC and utility .. and then go nerf the burst of a burst glass-cannon class that has nothing else lol
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