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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Ahh, i don't think adding much needed passive talents like increased for crit / accuracy and or mainstat will make them op in PVP, but it will help for PVE. Perhaps also make blackout's cooldown tick down every 4.5 seconds by 1 second every time you get a critical hit or something. In PVP the fights last to short of a time for any of this to matter


    Problem is, they are very very good in pvp, if pop out of stealth suprize attack, it almost never fails. Blackout is already 45s cooldown specced.

    I'm not saying they don't need pve love, could be tweaked a bit torwards long fights, but be careful of what you wish for. to strong = nerfed -> usless

  2. Well, if compare to mara - mara needs to build his rage, assasin regen while kiting aoe.

    black out is good for force regen, and can be reseted. (force regen is not a big issue any way, you can't derp spam voltanic/trash all the time, but don't need to much filler saber)

    force speed is not as good to get to boss, ofc, but it's much better to get away from him if needed.

    force cloak is better then maras derp stealth.

    madness does good dmg while kiting and has more range for dots then mara anni.

    we have +9% to mele crit if force crit if specced.

    comparing assa to merc is just wrong.


    what we stated before, was, if they make assas a bit better, it will make them to OP for PVP which will end in nerf.

  3. pre 50 wz, it's spec (worthless spec is wortless no matter how good you are plus bolster works better for some)> SKILL> gear


    on 50 it's skill>spec (since you should know how to pvp by then, and some specs are better then others)>team>gear


    with exception of stealthers where skill>gear>spec (IMO)


    edit: please stop telling about 'top dps', wz are about winning and objectives. High dps means you are ignoring both plus you don't kill your targets.

  4. /signed. The only viable spec in pvp is always darkness/Hybrid. Decdeption is a waste of time trying to tweak stats and results. It's so sad, because it's the one I like more.


    I beg the differ about that part. Deception (and deception/madness (DF) ) is quite good for pvp.

    It's ridic good against smashers, out of stealth pops + sneak + vanish + sneak = 24 seconds of + 25% dmg reduction.


    if you tweak it for pve to give more dps or better energy managment, it will be to OP for pvp and will get mega nerf

  5. Yeah its me, wow thanks for pointing that out!! I NEVER even considered it a possibility that my WH fulled auged toon was the problem. THANKS FOR CLARIFYING IT! I mean it couldnt be the other PUGs I am with, who I consistently outheal, or out dps, or out objective points right! IT JUST HAS TO BE ME RIGHT~! I MEAN THERE IS NO ISSUE, EVERYTHING IS BALANCED, FULL PUGS HAVE A GREAT CHANCE TO BEAT A 4 MAN PREMADE USING VENT RIGHT!


    Just another elitest "pro" player who only pvps with a 4 man vent premade and lolgrenades 14k hp newbs thinking hes special.


    uh oh, I've hity a soft spot.

    1. Items don't make players. I have guildie who is BiS augumented WH, always top dps chart... but I'd never leave him by the node... tunnel vision to kill is reason why he looses objectives.

    2. I never said you are bad, but I hear 'out of 50 games I won 3' then, sorry, it might be you. not just you, but being a good player doesnt mean 'i'm awesome, I kill, I medalz, pointz mauahaha', it means you can see other people. Like 'that 14k hp sorc won't be best solo guard', or 'we have only 2 enemies here and 6 ours, let's stop getting dps points and go other turret'

    3. I actually mostly solo que, not even half WH, and guess what, sometimes my team wins, sometimes it looses. it's a game.

  6. Yeah, you could but you might as well tatoo the words bully & loser across your head while your at it. Why would you enjoy a non competitive environment such as that anyway? To thump your chest in superiority? Thats lame.


    just for fun, giggle, to annoy some one. why not to?ranked is ranked, pugging is pugging. why go pvp? to kill people, for competition I can go ranked.

  7. moment they implement newbie single que brackets (like L 50 under 1100 expertiese), the moment I reitem my assassin to gank headless newbie pugs and make their life hard, oh the fun it shall bring.


    I mean really. no one sees how it will be abused to make current 'not so bad not so good' system into total 'poop' ?

  8. since respec is free for subs, can experiment alot.

    for full middle V tree I go http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/juggernaut#22-6kdcie8e83-k

    for hybrid tank/V (for pvp ofc.) even in dps gear, you don't do loads (unlike tankasins) of dmg so it's more as utility+debuff for team guard/carrier but have some success on 1vs1 too.

    you going for pvp or pve? if pve, then full Vig is a way to go, can be amazing single target dps.

  9. Hey derp smash, say hello to assassins.


    on sersius note, I'm experimenting with my jugg (guardian on imp), and by far most fun I had was with immortal/Vengeance tree hybrrid (modified from PVE for PVP), and in full Vengeance tree (so unstoppable+revage (master strike?), auto crit on force scream (blade storm?) etc.

    rep: immortal = Defense, Vengeance = Vigilance

  10. Yup I pug a lot and lose almost everytime, thanks to those premades.


    or maybe it's you?

    Leaving weakest (lowest hp) member to guard solo?

    not calling?

    not guarding?

    not killing healer (better to attack dps , to have better stats)

    folowing baits?

    gettting hard on high dps instead of fast kills?


    what is your sin?

  11. 4 maps, 11 months, and still 65% players don't know how to guard at alderaan, 45% complains that we have no arena (since voidstar is to objective for them) and 85% can't play huttball.

    not to mention capping on novare coast, but this one is still to new and fresh to complain... :rolleyes:

  12. There are Diminishing Returns on Expertise, meaning the higher it gets the less value you get for each point. Getting max expertise (around 1400 nowadays?) isn't encouraged anyway, you will do much better with around 1150-1200 expertise and the rest of the pieces switched out for Campaign/Dread Guard -equivalents.


    //Also, as to the topic, have any of you ever heard of the Bolster -system that is present in the low-lvl warzones? Each piece of equipment and modification is boosted to match lv49. And Bioware isn't so stupid to overlook the lv10 +41 crystals as getting the bolster as well, meaning they do not scale. Conclusion: little to no advantage at all.


    I'm always confused.. math doesnt suggest that dimishing returns (dmg + reduction) would be so hight that it would not be good to stack expertiese over power. but this is not topic for that, just had to add my 0.03€ since you mentioned magic 1200


    "Bioware isn't so stupid to overlook" that leaks with sarcasm :D once my newbie hits anything where I can get her expertiese, I will check if bolster affect expertiese.. but yeah, I forgot bolster system could touch expertiese, still, even 10% dmg bonus to lvl 10-20 is still nothing compared to amount of skills L 40 has to offer.

  13. Actually it is 4.92 boost 4.69 reduction and 2.66 healing for 2x41expertise crystalls. :)


    You sure on those numbers? that would make 1000 expertiese about 40% boost, which is not.

    for 100 exp is 2.44, 1000 is 19.83

    edit: my numbers are % of dmg bonus*

  14. Ninja got upset for being called a ninja.

    Despite the fact that usually nothing good drops on fps any way, needing for companion who is not in fp, is ninja looting (unless you ask if people don't mind needing for pet/comp)

    not much to talk about.

  15. lmao no rofllmao no, please 41 experties amounts to 0.5% pvp attk/ defence, please tell me how 0.5% advantage is SO OP :rolleyes:


    or 20% more hp to lvl 10 character...

    fair enouth, on duel at level pre 20 820 hp can make a difference.. but when L 49 complains that L 10 has same HP as him, it's just silly. (even more silly if L 49 losses to L 10 lol)

  16. Ok, that makes some sense from a game mechanics point of view, but the description is still counterintuitive.

    Since whether you are interrupted or simply stopped, doesn't change the outcome.



    this is definition of being fully immune.

    "granting immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects for 4 seconds." (from link) so you see 2 parts, interrupts, and controlling effects.


    edit:it's also like snipers/gunslingerscover, immune to interrupts, but not to cc,pushbacks (additionaly immune to leaps and pulls) , but if use entreh, they are fully immune to all but diversion

  17. Then what is "interrupt"?

    For me, anything that stops masterstrike before it is finished, is an interrupt.


    interrupt, is being interrupted by skill which interrupts by description. Being pushed/stunned does not interrupt your channeling master strike (from definition point of view), it simply moves you/stunns you, and being moved /stunned stops casting (not interrupting).

    Sorry, was never good in expressing my logic.

  18. A voice add to the game would be nice, but it doenst help against Powerhealers. Powerhealers are the biggest unbalance and same time biggest advantage a premade team has.


    not really. super dps 4 man pre made is fatal too.

    basicly 4 competent players can win match, even if not premaded, just good.

  19. At least half of the maras and nearly all the juggs I face in warzones are Rage as it is. I'm so tired of fighting the same rotation over and over. The entire community calls out for nerfs to this class and they respond by making things worse by making other specs less viable. A truly baffling move.


    I actually don't mind smashers. they are easy to see, and easy to kill.

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