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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. lest rant more pew pew.

    pre 50 was not about skill, was about who had less no-skill.

    was easy to shine on pre 50, and then you hit 50 brick wall of people who know what they are doing.

    Get recruit gear MK II, dont buy BM weapon, wait for WH one (2k rwz comms), and learn how to play against (mostly) skilled players.


    don't worry, most people who didnt hit 50 on January, know how you feel.

  2. voidstar, 2vs2, left door, me and my sniper buddy got attacked by 2 stealthers and I died like syberian hamster, I'm sure that sniper can handle them, he is half BM!!, let's go right.


    sniper perspective

    oh boy, he died quick, I'm sure he will come back in few secs with full health, let's not worry those guys on right door, I can hold them off. wait, I died and I'm still alone? oops guess I can call incs now :rolleyes:

  3. Let's be honest, when you queue as Heals/DPS, 19 times out of 20 you are being put in that group as Heals. When you queue as Tank/DPS, 49 times out of 50 you are being put in that group as a Tank.


    Only being allowed to check one box would solve a lot more problems than it would create.


    for L 50 HMs and ops, yes. For lvling sm fp's and heroics, you don't need fully specced tank (who pre 30 is not really a tank, and usualy in dps gear any way), nor a full specced healer (just a AC who can heal).

    so, how about

    multichoice (checkbox) for pre 50 and single choice (radiobutton) for 50?

  4. Depends on healer too. I don't mind killing extra bosses (with few exceptions like skipable one on boarding party, and 3rd on BOI for example), some depends on healer (bonus on BT), but when I go, I go for fast run.

    Want extra boss? Feel free to ask (not demand, 'would you mind killing extra bosses please?' and I bet you 85% will agree 10% will sa 'no, sorry, gotta hurry', and eventually 5% might kick or be rude to you - chance you gotta take)

  5. A grind is still a grind.


    I still think THIS grind is good... with recruit you are weaker (yes, I admit, it makes a difference, not big one as all assume) and you need to use skill more then depend on heavy mega death hits.

    Then you gear up, and your skill is worth twice as much.

    If you can stand for your self in recruit (unless enemy is paper to your rock) against WH, you will be rockstar week later. If you are crappy player who blames all on gear and need to outgear scissors to kill them with a rock, well... I just hope I don't have to pug with you ;)

  6. That was a bad group. I have yet to be in a group that pulled something like that. If I was I would vote kick the guy that tried to vote kick the new guy since you stated you were new to the fp.


    But I have to say people are getting extreme on avoiding mobs in these fps. I watched a guy trying to jump some boxes to avoid a fight for two minutes before I finally said it would be easier to just kill the mobs. They agreed and we killed them in 30 seconds and moved on.


    ha, totally did something like this on boarding party. Trying to avoid 2 gold Jedi with juggernaut type 3. in the end, when I was showing him the route (after 2 minutes of him getting up on pipes) I accidentally pulled those 2 Jedis and addons :D


    that facepalm still hurts.

  7. Does not change the fact that Marauders stealth does not make you exit stealth


    ya mean combat.

    Also, Mara/Sent 'stealth' is temporary, while ***/shadow is pernament. I preffer my *** over mara 'sissy CD'


    replace *** with sin. seems my favorite shortcut for assassin is not welcome here :)

  8. Okay, I got a good one.


    A group is in a HM Flash Point and a boss drops a LightSaber. The Tank (Jug) and a DPS (Maurder) both need on it and the Tank wins. The DPS cries fowl and demands the LightSaber be given to him based on the idea that it's a DPS weapon and not a Tank weapon. The Tanks proceeds to show the DPS the weapon has a: Guardian Hilt, Powerbased Color Crystal and a Mod that has Endurance, Critical Rating and Surge.


    Who is in the Right. :cool:


    was saber for dps stats or tank?

    if dps, then mara, it has more str then end, powerbase crystal is not usefull for tank, better have end, mod can have only 3 stats, which are endurance, (in this case) str, and crit/power/def/etc. wont have crit and surge (you prodobly ment enh not mod)

    still, no one cares what dps think, so I'd say, Tank was right :)


    edit:you said 'it was a dps weapon' I figured marauder cried since he thought all sabers are dps (why we all treat dps like muppets?) , still, dps saber wont have usefull anything for jugg tank (unless he have hilt rate 48 and this one is 56) so favor still is Marauder, but my original point stands about not caring for dps, they are 200 of them waiting for a que :p

  9. If you're not happy with them you could send those skills to my merc.




    Yeah, thought so.


    we are happy about our snipers, he only cleared few common mistakes and myths about them.

  10. try hitting harder :p


    you did not describe what are you doing, my suggestion would be to smart pick your targets.

    Hight total damage could mean person is hitting a healer for 15 minutes without killing him.

    Dont worry about it.

  11. only gear available after patch 1.2 have the set bonus tied to the armoring:

    - campaign & war hero (1.2)

    -dreadguard (1.4)


    It was probably too much work to redo all previous sets...


    Or it would give to much freedom or not enouth.... BUT it's not as bad as you think. Sometimes you WANT it to work that way. My sniper,PT dps set and operative healer uses 2/4/2 of pvp Battlemaster for PVE since pve is worthless (arguable). (so on BM I put BH armoring and I dont loose set bonus).

    So it aint all bad.

  12. carebear? right... so you would pvp just for the sake of pvp? after 1 month u would be fed up or not even that, better play unreal tournament or something if you want that... Mr pro pvper 2012


    Thought in UT you had to go and collect your weapons after each death? or was that old school grind in 2001?

    and that gear grind in counter strike. only true pvp was mobile forces :)

  13. Sounds like Lineage 2 :)



    Sweet old times.

    Prodobly wouldn't work now, with full time job, family, life, etc.

    Even in need for speed, (like most wanted for example) you some times had to do extra races to buy that new tires and engine from shop, or new car + upgrades...

  14. That sniper pushed back+root mara/sent and is tapping objective/smashing him? I will push Mara/Sent to sniper, I bet he missed click and wanna hug his friend.


    That sniper used flashbang on enemies? I should stop capping this turret and help him dps.

  15. Heh, brings me back to old times where you had to gather 4-7 people to make a party, and hack n slash mobs for 3 hours just to get rec for item, then 6 hours of slashing to get special mats to make few of those items, then scavenging on market for cheap matts or more grind for 'normal materials', and in the end, only 60% chance of success :)

    not complaining, it just makes me giggle when people are saying it's long and hard here....

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