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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I get a feeling that it'll be hard to max up to 4500 ranked comms between 40 and 50, especially if you have WZ exp legacy perk


    You need Valor 40 not level 40. so should be possible. Imo to much trouble, I always got 50 with no pvp on it (with exception of pre 21 lvl where exp is huge bonus) and started as fresh recruit (since you get rwz comms much faster with daily and weekly quests)

  2. Both seems low.

    I assume you mean for jugg/guardian tank, since assassin and PT will have more shield and absorb.

    Plus, you did not mention HP and what for you are aiming.

    I'd say magic 30% def 50% shield/absorb is what you should aim for (after 50% shield/absorb, rest goes for def chance and hp)

    - if I was correct about jug/guardian


    edit: back to subject, I'd take higher def chance any day , any time (if we speak of jugg/guardian), if assasin/pt, go for higher absorb


    edit2: I just noticed I'm on jugg section :p go for higher def chance

  3. Their idea, not mine. But since all cartel items are tradeable on the GTN (yep even new emotes, pvp weekly passes, ball toss, faction banners, charbonite chambes and section x and hk-51 access, xp, valor and social points boost and whatnot), you'll be able to purchase these crystals for in-game credits.


    but that means he will have to GRIND money :)


    edit: I am still waiting for that game breaking item that can be bought for real life money (crystals doesn't count, it was already explained)

  4. for last time, you can't buy skill, nor you can't buy gear which will give one abilitie to one butto smash everything.

    that 'milionare' with full augumented WH will still get smashed by your pro elite skills and team play.

    I've played game where few people payed about 2,000$ per month for items from item shop and they were unbeatable. unless you've spent many hours you couldn't touch them. and if you landed a hit, it was for 5 dmg (hp was 20k). That was pay to win. (granted, in time you had items to tickle them and 40 ticklers eventually killed one).

  5. The essence of any competitive game is you pit yourself against the opponent on equal terms, within the game, to see who is better.


    If you play someone at chess, do you regard the fact that they have practiced and played more as unfair? Perhaps you demand that you should be able to buy six more queens if you want, as your time is too valuable to waste learning how to play.


    For a game to be a clean contest and have the integrity to keep people engaged, it must not be possible to simply buy your way to victory, because then it's just a contest to see who can spend the most rather than who's best at the game.


    For the record, I'm married and have a full-time job; and also two toons in full aug-WH. It's not that hard to gear up. I'll pay to play (I subscribe after all), but I would quit the moment a game went pay to win; because I want to play a game, not get into a wallet-waving contest.


    6 queens is a bad example.

    if 6 queens can be obtained by gridning , game wouldn't be chess any more. and you can't buy skill.

    I agre it's not hard to gear up, and I won't pay for gear either, but if some one want's to pay £ or $ or € for augumented WH, let them. if they suck, they wil still suck, diff between BM and WH is not so big any way. bah, if a guy can't play, recruit player will smash them.

  6. No effort invested, no reward given.


    And can you not see the runaway effect?


    Player A buys his gear instead of going through the sweat and toil player B has. That puts Player B at a disadvantage, so he will also have to buy his gear if he wants to have even odds against player A. Then Player C and D will be at a disadvantage and will need to buy gear if they want to keep competing against Players A and B. And so forth, and so forth....



    Player A has a full time job, family, and responsibilities, that puts him on disadvantage if he want's to compete with player B.

  7. time = money

    grind = p2w

    one can 'grind' money and spend it virtually, other can 'grind' items.


    edit: p2w is to get BETTER gear for money then you can get for free (well, free = grind, so since time = money, nothing is free)

    in instance where you get same gear for money, it's rather 'pay to not grind'.

  8. IMO flagged for pvp = I want to pvp.

    if you can't waste 5 minutes in cantina, then I'm sorry (for the record, I don't do much of open world pvp unless it's killing people who try to gank my guild on NMP - but even then, only attack flagged ones, not provoking flag bug). if you got flagged by accident, go cantina.

  9. why people premade?

    sat. huttball, nice geared people, we scored 2 goals (both by my deception assassin solo run lol), we lost 2-4, but my team had nice dps numbers... who needs death match map? we have one already.

    on other hand, it was full day of solo que for me (with exception of 4 matches with my operative friend), and all those pugs, I lost 2 games (total 3 lost of that day including one with my friend) out of I don't know how many but more then 15 games (yes, I had nothingbetter to do :p)

    you can win with pugs with not bad numbers, but you know what? you need to stop whining and get to work (or get some friends)

  10. - slicing provide the blue / purple materials


    - armortech makes the aim, cunning, absorb, shield augments

    - armstech makes the presence, endurance, defense, power augments

    - synthweaving makes the strength, willpower, critical, surge augments



    I listed these off the top of my head so I may have one or two wrong...


    synth does defense augs

  11. my fav 2:


    1.I pulled enemy ball carrier into our score line (tried to stun before assassin stun range nerf, used wrong button)


    2. Was going for ninja cap, first I used shroud instead of sneak, second I used overload instead of force sprint....

    wasn't much of a face palm since I was able to kill guard and still cap turret, but damn...

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