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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. This is what will happen. People will just go afk and press the space bar every minute or so to avoid being kicked.


    I always say ^THIS^


    I prefer for quitter to quit (I rage quit sometimes too if to much stupid, better rage quit then rage chat...) and get a backfill. maybe player who leaves was crap and filler will be good. Won many games that way...

  2. 1. there are atleast 20 threads like this already

    2. no. it will make ppl AFK instead, and some of those matches are to be won thanks to the fact that replacment may be worth internet connection instead of bad quitter.

  3. Kinda not liking it but not because of it's mechanics or the map layout just because people don't have a f*** clue what to do in there, 3 out of 4 hypergates my team had tons of dmg still we lost because the wz ain't about dmg seems like most of imps just wanna kill and that's all they care about :p


    was same with huttball for a while. peeps will get it in time.

    speaking for my self too, since had no chance to play it last night, so I will be 'that guy' first 2 times prodobly..

  4. vastly dissapointed.

    I hoped they will reduce self heals of madness/darnkess assassin (and mad sorc) and anni maras, reduce that op crit damage bonus os SI (and Jedi Consular) trees, while slight buff to smash damage...

  5. Agreed. Pre-50 PvP was about your skill at PvP and 50 PvP was all about the gear. It would be nice to re-introduce skill to level 50 PvP. I know it would make me far more likely to PvP at that level (and yes, I'm a founder too).


    that made me giggle so hard, I spilled my coffee and had to make some excuse to my boss for laughter..


    pre 50 pvp was never about skill. 10-49 brackets is leveling ground filled with frustration, tears, and stupidity combined with some easy kills for those who claim to be skilled.

  6. Hilt is not off/main specific, you can buy and remove all mods and put them into other stuff as you wish.


    edit:just make sure that black hole off hand IS moddable, not fixed item, as I remember offhands from black hole vendor were not moddable (but I stopped PVE some time ago)

  7. No I wear only PvP gear but run into imps doing dailys. and go looking further into their territory from time to time.


    Then it would sound expertiese is working, that way people in pve are dying fast from person in pvp gear, who is in disadvantage over mobs, but at advantage over players.


    BUUUT, that's only implication. Maybe I'll get my sin to go on rep territory and see if someone will be marked there to do some testing.

  8. I'm sure, and a lot of people flagged doing pve always seem to drop fast.


    If you mean people doing pve in pvp gear and dropping down fast from mobs, then yes expertiese doesnt make your damage higher simply becose you have expertiese, it works only when fighting other players.. and from my expierence, it seems to work on open world pvp (still ,not on duels, as they are not pvp)

  9. expertise only counts in WZ or pvp areas like the den. At least on a pve server.


    Are you sure? My guild was doing NMP other night, and I heard on TS that they had some pubs wondering about, so I jumped on my ship, landed on Voss, stealthed to them, to see that they had one guy marked for pvp. I was in pvp gear, he had about 23k hp (did not inpect him).

    Killed poor pub, and his friend joined in, killed him too.

    After 10 minuts they we back, still marked for pvp, so jumped on them again, doing very big hits (out dpsing 2 companion healers and my healer comp out healed their dps) and took close to noone damage...

    It's not braggin, but if expertiese wasn't working, I think I would get killed fast on that fight.

  10. My feelings are actually oposite. Didn't do top end Rep missions, but when did some, I found that empire ships are easier to target turrets or shields, while rep frigates have all in the middle.

    minor issue, since they are all easy unless you are undergeared or missing vital items (converter asap).

  11. 1. you get 'kill' from anything you sneeze on (so if let's say assassin picks and kills target, he deals 20k dmg and 1 kill, while sorc can aoe 5 people and if they die, he will get 5 kills (even if he ran behind pillar and some one else kills them) but only 10k damage, this is also how healers gets medals for kills).

    2.if smash smash hits 4 targets he gets 20k damage with one smash, but by the time he can smash again, they have full health, and he smash for another 20k but doesnt kill a fly. if they eventually die, he gets 60k from 3 smashes but 5 kills (plus dmg from fillers) for 30 sec.

    3. dps vs healer healing him self, if dps is not high enouth to actually kill healer, he will put up biiig numbers of damage, but not many kills (still good since he will shut down healer from team play)

  12. Don't forget Sins


    And Op healers.


    And Bubble Stun Sorcs


    and Snipers.


    Really I've heard that apparently every class is OP on these forums. Except Mercs. No one is afraid of Mercs.


    don'tforget rocket spammers, and amazing pwoertechs



    every bloody class is op :(

  13. Wouldn;t it be cool if they let you Que up as a Heal, Tank or DPS? Like the GF. ?


    Then you could use a classic pattern, 4 dps, 2 heal 2 tank or a slight variation of that.


    you could still heal if you Que'd as DPS but you're heals would be cut in half. Same for Tank, far too many tank specs out dpsing the dps. If you're a tank then be a tank, if you're heals then be heals.


    You would think that would be doable.


    Or you could select a free for all group. But you would have to define you're role ahead of time with the same rules as above.


    so if I que as tank my dmg are **** in half? if dps damage mitigation would be cut in half? or blocked def cd (you are dps, you don't need def cd).


    Imagine long que times for dps (like in pve lolz)

    edit:auto filter lol

  14. yesterday my guildie/one of the best sin on server, he does in match 1 mil. dmg and 400k protection/ fighted with one of the best mara on server 1 vs 3, mara was with 2 average dps, and he was still close to beat mara /500 hp left/ .


    funny, I didn't play my sin last night.. hmm

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