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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Well, if ya go 23/1/17 for pvp, you get insta wirhwlind, so most of dmg is trash any way folowed by shock and DF being just for interrupts/vanished people. , try 0/27/14 instead. Since deception buff, sometimes I find it more durable then darkness.


    wither (xso 31/anything build) is more friendly for starter pvp

  2. @Veovis

    well, about 'know it all' medal, some people need to be reminded 'fight on that bloody turret' , then they type 'we know what we are..' turret taken by enemy team '..doing, oh crap'

  3. Never liked my pt tank... dind't like it's math, didnt like survival, and my friend healer complained over and over about it... maybe was doing something wrong.

    from her perspective, she said, she preffers my jugg in comlumi (now blackhole/dreadguard) over my assassin tank (then full black hole, now pvp dps), since even as sin needs less healing on trash and stuff, Jugg seems easier to heal on bosses fights.

    aside from healer perspective, I find jugg more fun to play then assassin, while assassin was far more easy to play.

  4. I tend to agree Keeva that it's not really an issue (for me any way). I've rarely seen them in warzones, it's hard to prove this is what they're doing, and it seems petty. However, it could be classified as a form of griefing (which has no personal gains) and it falls under the abuse of game mechanics.


    The main reason this thread has last so long would probably be me arguing with a wall (I mean another poster) on whether or not this is can be defined as an exploit. =P Bioware wasted time on the Kaon Under Seige terrian exploit though...


    It's not hard to proove. If person left WZ 200 times in a row, and it is in logs, there is something to it.

    I dissagree (again) about being an exploit. Waste of their time, yes. Unfair (or griefieng?) to other people? no. All get bolster, 3k hp is not such a biggie. and between 40 and 49 ppl have most of t heir abilities, and person unfamiliar with competition on 50 wz (and staying on L 49 with twinked gear cause he sucks and this is only way he can 1vs anyone) will get owned by L 40 veteran ( or a L30 veteran in blues too)., so for fresh chars and newbies, twink 49 is pain in the A, but not biggest threat any way.


    Kaon is bad example, it was clear exploit (and actually hard to prove, unless team mates were sending screenshots of thier own team doing kaon faster), since you did gain that fight using terrain bug being untouchable to mobs. L 49 twinked char is not untouchable in WZ, nor gaining anything easy way (nor getting anything at all).


    Think we have 3 kind of people here.

    1.thinks it's game breaking harrasment of weak players, should be bannable and guilty should be sent to hell

    2.thinks it's minor issue.

    3.thinks it's not an issue at all - pain,no gain, not an exploit.


    and we all are wasting time (well, I'm at work deploying app to test serwer for QA team) posting, while other people have fun..

  5. 10-49 lvl pvp is usually quick, one sided and unfair. you just got into team with crappy players against good players.

    noted, some times it's a win/lost with 2% on your / enemy bunker at novare, ot 10 points left on ship on civil war, but 90% of pre 50 pvp is decided before it starts.

  6. if you are talking about carnage tree, that 30% is for PREDATION (extra 30% to predation making it total 80%)


    actually, I've read again, sorry, I've misunderstood.


    yeah, as posted above, you only see that 30% if in combat since it does not add up to defensive form of ataru nor sprint (and speed diff on range 10-20% is barely noticable in 4 sec)

  7. If u need in PVE environment (not in Operation but let say Datacron hunt) invite the person that u want to pull to PVP duel then u can pull him....


    person being pulled thinking 'yay, i don't have to jump on pipes'

    overload (push)

    'son of a...'

  8. Ah finally, someone who can teach me to play! So how do I stop the massive smash damage or at least reduce it?


    more armour rating, poping your shield before smash, or killing smash derp on distance before his next smash (unless you have 7k hp, so will get one shoted.


    def chance won't block smash either so very pointless on commando.. (merc for imps)

  9. You are a coward afriad to fight with the big boys in the big zones. let me tell you you sicken me i will fight for what I believe is right and fight for the lives of empire in warzone with gun there is no holding back. M8.


    in what universe he said in that post that he does that? You call him a coward, while all he said, was that people should stop whining and grow a pair... (or, my fav, grow a pear)...


    I feel disturbance in logic.

  10. Are you saying sins are FOTM?


    every class other then merc is FOTP OP rotfl lol stomper asking for nerf


    marauder? omg *** fotm

    sin? op fotm!!11

    jugg? smash fotm stomp

    operative? aww my gawd stunzorz fotm

    sniper? nerf!! op fotm

    sorcer? bublbe is op fotm.

    merc? omg I leave this wz he sucks

  11. You have as little understanding of what an exploit is - as smashdude does. But thanks for contributing to those 25 pages - that's a good thing!


    Possible. All depends on point of view. For me exploit is

    doing something that was not intended to gain advantage over some one else.


    not gaining XP AND comms is intended on leaving WZ

    on leaving WZ you are not gaining comms, ergo, not getting advantage.


    if they would get comms while not gaining exp - that would be an exploit.



    ego boost is not 'gain'.



    kay, i see.

  12. I just thought I'd copy and paste this here, for the benefit of a certian Smash-Bro's peep whom likes to make statements about what Bioware considers an exploit or not.


    The post can be found here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5491010#edit5491010 and it is post #67.





    I wish to direct you to this part, namely the parts in bold:




    I think I rest my case =P


    it doesnt say they think it's an exploit, it only states they don't spread word of every exploit possible.

    again, (and again, and again), by quitting wz, those peeps are not gaining anything but ego boost, ergo, it's not any kind of exploit that gives player an advantage over other player (well, if they leave they can't be killed, let's ban quitters). it is silly, waste of time, annoying (for some), but refusing to take reward is not an exploit. min maxing L 49 char is not an exploit (waste of time, but not an exploit). not saving word document is not an exploit.


    if they change (mark, CHANGE, not FIX) it, fine, could not care less. but it doesn't deserve 25 pages of pointless argument.

  13. Tips, hmm, experiment. Assassins are fun cause all specs are viable and lots of room for hybrids. Get field respec when you can afford. On my 50 assassin I preffer 'mostly' deception build, but (despite hybrids being much better) if I'm to be healers pet (guard) I prefer full darkness due to 10 m range.

    Find your way. I preffer: stay stealth, pop out, kill target, leave no one alive asap, cap objective. people tend to panic when stealther comes out and does his open rotation.

    look for openings, don't charge into battle without thinking that's mara/jugg job.

    leave force cloak as emergency for changing node (like 4vs1 and your guys are calling incs on east, you drop battle and run to other objective), or for those 1 vs 1 where no one is coming to help you...


    last but not least, force shroud is your friend. learn your enemy.

  14. and what about good players? they should be banned from lowbie pvp too.


    I mean, they know all classes, and can outplay newbs up and down. This is unfair advantage. They know casbars, they prodobly have atleast 2 or more 50 lvl characters, fast internet, mouse with lots of buttons.... a brain, and they take care of objectives. how fair it is compared to that newbie operative who don't have stealth button binded to a key?


    if you have more then 2 50 lvl chars, you should not be able to join 10-49 lvl pvp since you are prodobly better player.


    I thought I'd bring out a pyro 50 I hadn't pvp'd with since hitting 50, and put the recruit gear on it. One guy, a lolsmashing sentinel, killed it in literally 3.2 seconds. Yeah, I actually timed it after the 3rd time. It shouldn't have been possible to take 15.5K in 2 GCDs, unless people want to enter the realm of GCD hacks.


    I'd call BS on that, smash would take at most half of hp, scream+force croush/choke could finish I guess, but that's 3 gcd not 2 :)

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