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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Don't always lose, no. Just said I've been in losses before because of how they acted and they aren't automatically an advantage over the other team because of the way they play. You couldn't see how it was an issue, I pointed out why they are an issue. They either cause a team to lose because they aren't playing objectives, or they'll single out lowbies on the other team to giggle-stomp preventing them from gaining as much as they can from the WZ.


    They are 'joker' for their team or wieght. Like every of 8 players in that team, can be either good, best, bad or pure awful. L31 marauder can harras players on spawn, if they are bad...team of 2 stealthers can harras people in WZ too, are 2 stealthers on one team an issue?

    You meet better and worse players in WZ there are 8 on each team, deal with it.

  2. A team with these "twinks" on them may think they'll have an advantage, but they don't. Been in losses before with these idiots on the team because they aren't playing the objectives. Been against these idiots before and been camped at spawn/speeder areas and killed before I can even get medals. To me, that seems like they are stopping people from gaining as much as they can from a WZ. May not be "game breaking" because it's low level, but if it's happening to you and those around you, it's enough to be a problem and preventing proper game play. This shouldn't be overlooked just because it's a minor area of the game. You may not see the big deal, but to those that actually enjoy all aspects of PvP and not just "end game" PvP, it's a pain in the *** and disrupts game play.


    Soo, when they are on your team you loose cause they are idiots, and when they are on other team you loose cause they kill you to the bone.


    I'm sorry.

  3. Maybe not an exploit, but maybe it could be classified as "griefing" or harassment. Those players that go around on PvE servers flagged and stand inside a group of mobs to flag the opposing faction when they attack the mobs aren't getting rewards or gaining anything from what they are doing, but yet they can get in trouble for doing that, right?




    technically it's an exploit to flag person that way, 'harrasment' would be going as L 50 to nar shadda on pvp server killing oposite fraction and stopping them from questing on hardcore style all day long (but then again, if you go for pvp server, you need to expect those d-bags are prodobly there).

    level 49 is not super power wrecking ball either, so it's not game breaking. They don't stop anyone from doing anything.

    Level 10-49 pvp is unbalanced and bad any way.

    I still don't understand why they are doing it, I hate pre 50 pvp, it's boring and full of very terrible people (no offense, I'm not elitist, but some people are just awful like my grammar and spelling), but if it boosts their ego and nothing else (like they are not getting comms for that nor can grind WH on lowbie pvp), it's not against rules, nor hurting any one.

  4. I've been kicked once because one of their friends D/C and then returned and they told me about it and said they were sorry, yet i got punished by the stupid 15min Group Finder block for getting kicked. I understand leaving a group etc... but why should i get punished when they kick me out for that reason.


    if true, you should report bug.you get 15 min lockout if you leave team, if getting kicked, you can join que straight away again.

  5. For tanks using askmrrobot.com you can see how much dmg was avoidedblocked/resited (so defense chance), biggest hits, etc.

    it's a shame that it doesnt say how much dmg was absorbed/reduced, but if you live, it means you are good tank

  6. I like this mixed faction idea and I fully support it. So far I support the following.


    Cross server queue's

    Solo bracket and group bracket

    Mixed faction pvp. Maybe adjust for RP servers if you wish.


    also add 'we don't guard nods' bracket and 'siths and giggles' bracket :p

  7. People may give **** in this thread but the OP is right and it is an exploit.


    such a big exploit, boo-hoo.

    Most games on pre 50 are either total loss or total faceroll. muppets not guarding nods, not looking at nods, not passing, going afk on nods....

    it's basicly 'who has less muppets on team' lottery

    one lvl 50 char who will own once in their life,is LAST of the pre 50 pvp problems.

  8. Huttball today:


    I have the ball, I have ONE fire pit to pass, Shroud,deflection,CC breaker and force speed are all ready. Fire is down, I move toward the endzone and activate Shroud and deflection, some1 stun me, I'm like WUT DA FAK!!! but hey CC breaker is ready so...1 sec after it,an other stun, Shroud was STILL up. Result: I die and my team doesnt score.


    2nd time, I have the ball and I have two fire pit to pass Shroud,deflection,CC breaker and force speed are all ready. But this time a save Shroud for the second fire pit, I pass the two pits, I'm close to the endzone, I pop Shroud to avoid any pull/stun, 1 sec after shroud is activated some1 pull me into the fire and stun me.


    We lost 1-2 in this game, I hate to loose ranked games that way.




    Fix it please


    not all stuns are force/tech. Low slash and spike for assassins is not force/tech stun, leg shot for agents is not teh/force.

  9. usual pre made -

    1. me

    asking who wanna go pvp

    2.1st person who says 'me'

    3.2nd person who says 'me'

    4. person who asks 'still have room for one more noob?'




    lol stomp newbs

  10. I had similar problems to the OP. This is what happened:

    - I reached level 10 before completing my class missions on Tython, so I went to fleet to get my AC before finishing them.

    - I still had a training saber, which is apparently two-handed, so I could not use my offhand lightsaber and any of my new Sentinel skills.

    - I finished the class mission, got a real lightsaber, equipped it, and only then I could equip the offhand one.


    Training saber is not two handed, you can't wear saber as offhand to different weapon (I think, not sure but I think I'm right).

  11. Don't underestimate tank pt so much... I've seen few on pvp and full tank PT can be very very hard to kill and an excelent nod guarder.


    on deception Sin, PT tanks are usualy ones who give me most trouble (sometimes stop me) from 1vs1 nod kill and cap, rly thinking of making one hmm.

  12. How is voidstar not arena? few doors, a bridge and force field is to much objective? for IQ<80 maybe....

    and new hyper gates.... basicly all wzs beside huttball is an arena (well, middle in HB is arena too)...

    are objectives really that hard?

  13. Ranked just uses all the most OP classes, and gear makes the biggest difference aside from class. Skill hardly comes into it when, for example, one person guarding a node gets rofl-stomped by a stealth class with equal gear just because that class got massive buffs in the patch previously.


    Love how people pick up on stealthers. That's what they do... they stealth... people panic and die. or go afk a bit... let's look up facebook page and alt tab every 6 sec... stealth are ninja to defend or attack, that is their job...

  14. They can't even implement a "healer/tank/damage" system for the PvP queue like they do for the FP queue. You REALLY think they even try to separate premades and PUGS at all? It's almost certainly first come, first serve, and that also means that the majority of your matches will be against the same opponents. You all get done at the same time and go right back in the queue at the same time. Queue mashes you together again, repeat whatever happened in the previous warzone. Talk about mind numbing.


    please say you are joking about matching heal/tank/dps for wz... srlsy want that?

    and about first come first serve, you can always wait 5 minutes (take weee weee, brush your teeth) and not be with same group you lost last time.

  15. I'd say BH for first char, you get healer as first companion which makes learning curve friendly. Pyro or Tank tree is user friendly too (prodobly tank in dps gear a bit more)

    Or, Assassin. Only problem with asa is healer in late game which can make leveling and learning a bit hard for newbie.


    p.s. don't treat your gf as half mind person... they are humans like us :p


    mine beats me in shooters all the times.... :o

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