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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. You can flip the score by quick take over of enemy pylon before end of the round to basicly reduce all of their points for this round. I would like to see enemys face when I do that mua ha ha.

    it's not bad WZ, mostly death match with a bit of suprize attack...


    but then again, I like all warzones...

  2. nope! it would be good and you could still be able to do random game anyway and players would play what they like.

    example, I prefer real combat instead of a ball game, if I would like to play ball I would go to park.


    Been there. once you learn HOW to play it good, you will love it.

    I hated it at first. it's fav now.

  3. Does anyone else think Disney will make Episode VII? I thought it was a good book. Haven't read it in Years but I hope I get to see "Dark Side Luke" on the big screen :rolleyes:


    think they already confirmed that Ep VII will be in some far enouth future not to interfere with any existing book/canon?

  4. im man enough to admit i did not know they could only do it twice if your cc was already on CD^^.


    still people abuse it so much they become afraid to come out of stealth. (the people who just randomly stealth cc people)


    i suppose it just annoys the crap out of me to be randomly cc'd when it benefits absolutely no one and there isnt anything i can do about it.


    stealth mezz can be used only on one person at same time (ie it breaks on person 1 when used on person 2). if I see 2 people running to my node, I type '2 inc west, need 1 or 2 to assist please' (I'm a ultra fast typer), wait for them to start capping, mezz one, wait, other one is capping while first one runs around, mez capper after 5 sec, then other one caps, wait 5 secs... etc.... basicly it's a system to stop 2vs1 cappers for atleast 20 secs (plus 18 secs of fight) to give your team time to help. 1 vs 1 it's a waste of resolve. if random cc around 4 ppl and no one is smart enouth to spam attack button/aoe, then they deserve to be derped by 1 sin/agent for duration...

  5. didnt bother reading past the first few sentences.


    sitting in stealth and cc'ing the same person over and over is cheap as hell.


    call it what you want, defend it if you must... but its cheap as hell.


    there are ways to handle it in certain scenarios but its still... you guessed it, cheap as hell.


    out of stealth mezz can be used twice before filling the resolve. so it';s not over and over and over.

    making fight harder later...

  6. Forgive me if this is a stupid question but the description states "increases defenses by 50% for 12 seconds" does that mean it adds another 50% on top of current defense chance (if my defense is 20% it would make it 70%) or does it add half of current defense (if my defense is 20% it would make it 30%) ?


    it makes 20% to go up to 70%

    'by' should be your clue, plus, you see it in stats window (if you play one) after using this ability.

    it goes only for ranged and mele, not for force and tech.

  7. reminds me when I played my healer, was grouped by GF with 3 ppl from same guild (tank and his 2 dps buddies), I thought 'good, 3 players of same guiild, that will be quick one'.

    nothing more wrong. Tank jugg used only sunder armor,saber attack and smash, literally nothing else. PT used only flame tower, rail shot and basic attacks, sorc dps used only, and only lightning.... not to mention they pulled every possible mob.

    last boss enraged on us with 34% hp and took us 3 tries for them to get that I can't heal thro her almost one shot if no one runs from pull.

    didn't quit, since I like challenge on my healer and I was laughting all the way, should fraps it... those guys were rakata/black hole!

  8. This is a very boring map. Another zerg warzone. No strategy or tactics involved.

    Basically, the side with the slightly better gear wins all the time.



    It is voidstar 2.0


    Voidstar had to many objectives and strategies for some derps out there...

  9. Why take an extra gamble when you know the gamble you already take by PUGing? I think I would just take my side and south and be damned happy if it works out; knowing how PUGs work.


    I'm doing pvp with my sin, and I use advantage I can give to my team from my stealth, plus, it usually pays off and since I'm pugging 95% of the time and I like to win, I use every card I have in my deck.

    Some times it can mean 3 capping enemy.

    We can discuss NC on other topic, but if I have 2 people who want to quit cause we did not take mid in 15 seconds assault, I preffer them to quit then afk guard our side node...

    don't you agree ?

  10. So what happens if the other team sends 2 to their sides node? they still have a 6 on 5 at mid and you still need 2 nodes to damage.


    Or, they could be 7 going against 5 there and I am not sure how 5 holds up very long if the 7 are competent, but say they do and you wind up with both side nodes. I am willing to bet the other team is quicker to get to their side to take that node back than you team is to get from their base clear across the map to help defend. Again; if the other team is competent.


    Basically; what you are telling me is you are gambling on your PUG team being better than the other team either by being good or the other team being really bad, and then when you find out that is not the case, you quit.

    Pug is gamble the second you hit 'que'. other team will usualy panic and go to their close nod for support, or try your node (where you already have 2 people).

    If enemy sends 2 to their side node, I go back to mid and attack healers from behind (so dirty).

    I would quit if after we have enemy side node we lost all of ours by scenario provided few posts before, my team goes 3 groups - 2 going mid, 2 going our side, 3 hit 'leave wz' button. while I got beated by 3 on our only node (which in 4 secs is no longer ours) and there is no progress on any of enemys 3 node for next 30 seconds (or my 2 deaths)

  11. So you had 3 not at south from the beginning. That usually works...


    works, if that 5 is interrupting and if stealtehr ninja does his job. 2 at your spawn is to prevent 1 vs 1 and make it 2vs1, 1 goes enemy bunker to interrupt cap if possible, 1 vs 1 kill defender, and then cap, and THEN 5 of our team moves to defending position.


    5 in mid is not to take it (unless enemy leave or are weak and stupid) but to distract.

  12. Two groups:


    • The actual rage quitters
    • Those who get DC'd, etc


    The ones who are Dc'd, etc don't deserve this.


    Not really. There are 3 groups


    1.first sign quitters

    2.incapable of standing to much stupid quitters

    3.Those who DC.


    if you will put lockout for quitting


    1.will afk or derp - you actually want them to go since they will act STUPID (or logout for other char)

    2.alergic to stupid, will rage chat a bit, go mental about group 1, maybe still try to win. (or logout for other char)

    3.will get DC and not needed punishment. (and log in other char)


    edit:in my humble opinion.

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