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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. remember to use cloak of pain each time you jump into a bigger set of mobs or when you see 'strong' mob with a minion or two. anni won't get nice till aronud 25th level. So, if you are desperate



    use medical droid you will get after you finish Dromund Kaas, even if with Vette it's all faster, some people preffer him - trying will not hurt. and you will get Quinn on end of Balmorra.



    Good luck.

  2. And those people dont exist in the 50 bracket? HAH!


    They do. But, half of games in 1-49 people just leave nodes without a word. it causes most stupid loses ever. yes, 50s has their downs, people not looking right direction, not doing incs. but on 10-49 is just pure ridiculus.


    incompetence, lack of abilities, skill, will to win, gear and ignorance mixed together in one big bowl.

    How many times you were on node and that other pug told 'go help others, I'll stay and defend' only to find out, that after you left he left either afk or followed a bait with no calling incs?

    my gf slaps my bald head if I play to much 10-49 without atleast 1 guild mate as I swear alot out loud on stupidity of some people. luckly there is no VOIP built in...

    note, I'm in IT dev business, I'm very patient person, but team play and objectives in 10-49 drives me mad (half of time, other half I enjoy crushing any one who tries to solo ninja my node or those 1 vs 2 where 2 commandos trying to take my annihilation marauder down. oh the lols - so it's a tie)

  3. There are clases who can solo heroic 2, 2+.

    If u want to solo almost everything, it's either a healer,any healer will do, but sorcs/sage are easiest at first, operatives/scoundrels and mercenaries/commando takes time to shine (every heroic 2+ is easy if you untag aoe skills of your tank companion and CC for 60 sec hardest mob in the pack), or a tank (assassin/sahdow has easiest time, since out of combat mezz for 60 sec) with a healer companion, or a dps with 60 sec cc and healer companion.

  4. Gunnery needs is a defensive cooldown which makes us immune to all forms of CC (including slows, roots, pulls and being jumped to) and interrupts.


    Ekhm. It's called 'the sniper'. try one. unless using cover is to much.

    But uncle Atramar, Sniper is to hard, to many buttons, cover sux, and I like my merc/commando since it's high dps 2 buttons (4 if you are pro and starfe).


    Well Charlie, suck it up.

  5. Can't belive people are loving 10-49 for being 'fair and square'.

    Filled with bads, afkers, muppets, donkeys and objective ignoring kids with god complex.

    and there are premades. and they are even more deadly.


  6. The arguement is that we shouldnt have to hybrid ourselves out like prostitutes to be viable


    You were given a solution, and you complain ' But I dont wanna go hybrid, I wanna go 0/41/0 and kick arse'


    most classes have to go a bit here and a bit there to pull out most. That's what good players do, Adapt. (Darvin's Evolution theory says 'hello')

  7. Yet when us Puggers ask for a PUG only option you premades QQ a river over it because then you would have to play against other premades... Hmmm


    When us puggers prefer to play in competetive WZ, when people try to win, not like 10-49 chaos brackets, lazy lolpugz call us elitists and tell us to go rank wz... Hmmmm


    World is a crazy place. specially on the internet

  8. What you mean by 'fun in the game' ?

    You mean total random haos and havoc of stupidity covered by ignorance over objectives, best seen in 10-49 brackets?

    last night Civil war, I'm running to help 2 defenders who are fighting with 4 enemy players, they didn't call incs, I just noticed and called '4 inc grass'

    They died killing one of four. I interrupted cap, killed 2 of 3 left, had a little dance with last one, but I lost (comon, no one is immortal), looked on map, and to my suprize, 2 defenders who died about 35 seconds earlier, went mid, and no one from mid moved to help defend, and all I heard was 'sorry, I thought u can handle that, so we moved from boring defence'.. really?

  9. oil slick - 20% enemy accuracy for 18 seconds 1 min cd, shield +25% dmg red 2 min cd, small self heal 2 min cd (on tank) which is nice with medpack. that's 2 (I cound shield+heal+eventualy medpack as one button) buttonS, but since oil will be used every time, I guess I over used letter 'S'
  10. Easy solution for corruption: Up the hps on Dark Infusion fore more healing while left alone. Make dark heal instant so we get some mobility while healing... Its silly that the squishiest healer has the least mobility. Will also make us use DH. Its not worth it (heal/energy/time) as it is now.


    Easy solution for lightning: More damage on Force lightning wich means mor dps while left alone, but its easy to interrupt due to its obviousness (its hard not to notice that lightning). Make lightning strike instant for more mobility.


    Easy solution for madness: Up the dps and reduce the ticks on affliction (shorter duration but higher damage, since the time it takes to do full damage is ridiculos... who lives or dont get purged for 15 seconds?) and make crushing darkness instant for more mobility.


    You do think pvp only right? upping sorc and sages HPS will neutralize to the bone operatives and merc healers in raids.

    all of your propositions to increace dps and hps will make progression operations inquisitor/consular only, will help assassins/shadows in their high enouth burst (I'm thinking mind crush/crushing darnkess to be instant without proc), and will NOT change how fast you die on pvp as a sorcerer.


    added: to back up my words, look at mercenary/commando. easy as ***** 18 yo girl rotation, and high dps doesn't make them pvp gods, if anything, they are first to shut down right after healers.

  11. What a load of bull. You have to deal with premades already who know these warzones inside and out. Changing it from random to one where we know what we are getting isn't going to change that.


    I'm starting to wonder if the folks that are against this are just afraid of no longer having easy wins against players who don't want to be there.


    what stops you from going internet and learn them inside and out? lazyness? without random you will have premade made just for that one wz, and then you will be screwed...


    if they don't want to be there.. why que... if you are really that bad at hutball and don't have a spot for 'pass ball' on skill bar, leave right after loading screen, no one will blame you.

  12. One thing to bear in mind is that mechanically Vanguards were not built all that well for pvp. As a class centered around a shield/absorb focus and passive mitigation over defensive CDs they do just fine for pve however this doesn't translate into the yellow-damage centric world of pvp.


    Unfortunately unless you are up against a sniper-heavy team you are probably going to feel a bit like a second class citizen even when well geared.


    sniper heavy if MM. lethality aren't called 'tank killers' for nothing.

    PVP isnt so much full of yellow damage, plus only internal and elemental (aka poisons and burns or bleeds) avoid armor. even smash respects armor rating.

    Vanguards have more armor mitigation then jugg tanks (or on par if jugg is 18/23 hybrid), low cool down on def 'oh crap' buttons, and i've seen some give many trouble to people.

  13. Why would you uncheck a flashpoint when you're grinding coms?


    All I can say is, there are multiple complaint threads on this forum that all boil down to players not getting to choose their warzones.


    you wouldn't. but if you want it just like pve, then go with it to the end. if you check only some warzones, so not making it random for your self, you are accepting the fact, that you will not get full reward for this warzone. (comparing to pve group finder, instead of 140 comms max (plus votes) you would get 40 (5 comms per medal) if you win, or 24 (3 per medal) if loose... don't get me wrong, I want people who don't know how to play huttball not to que for huttball if it's possible.

  14. Yes I would imagine that the wait time for Huttball will be sky high as that seems to be the least liked of all of them. But if they put in a system similiar to the PVE game, you will be able to checkmark the ones you like and the wait times won't be as bad. All I'm asking for is a system similiar to what PVE gets.


    Sure. But if you 'uncheck' flashpoints, you don't black hole daily reward. So, if they would make it 'just liek pve' it would mean 'if you uncheck' you would get 1/4 reward that you get now for random que.

    how does that sound?

  15. Well, every sorc/mercenary forum cries how good sniper have it.

    Cover mechanics are a pain to learn and get used to, but will pay in the future. Don't run to more then one group, Kalyio is a good tank, and by ranged, it means type. So she CAN shoot from range and most abilities are ranged, but will jump (every 15 sec) to make more threat, and she doesn't use cover.


    if she is dying to fast, maybe you forgot to upgrade her gear? or going into heroic area?

    you will get more skills around L 20 and most of them aaround 36, like with every class, give it a time.


    Also, since leveling is super easy, doing few chars at first is a good practice to find what are you comfortable with. bring them to atleast 25-27 should give more or less an idea for future.

    Marauder is far easier to bring high dps then assassin or juggernaut, but it's comparable, and marauder can't tank (and you said you want multiple roles). plus, stealth for pvp is fun :)

  16. well, you choose sniper and expect non stationary combat? (also, on that note, if you don't like stationary turret classes, don't even go near sorc I doubt you will like it).


    from option you gave, I would say marauder, Sith Warriors have nice story.

    there is no arena pvp (depends how you define arena), pvp is objective wise.

    'have many uses in pve, maybe some pvp, and does good dps' , from that, I can say, wait a minute and think about assassin/jugger. both have many uses in pve (both can tank and do good dps), they arent squishy, and will give you options on pvp.

    (juggernaut - sith warrior , so same story line as marauder, and assassin is same story as sorcerer).

  17. you people obviously are assasins or shdows yourselfs if you are so quick to ridicule. surely you know what it means to exagerate and be dramatic to prove a point but not if you cant see below NERF THE SHADOW/ASSASIN. My point being they have it all and need to be nerfed. all cc they can damage you while in a very long cc they have buble speed burst stealth and ranged ofensive and masive damage. i know there must be a noob class for ppl who cant p[lay but this is ridiculous....you cant be a stealth tank with huge damage speed and king of crowdcontrol


    make one. learn to counter, learn to play.

    if(op.isTroll()) score = 0;

  18. For the love of God stop speaking useless bullshts!. We all know ( yes I speak about people who plays sorcerers actually) that sorcerers are worst class in game, Even mercs are better than him. **** and go away and enjoy ur smash while u stilll can!


    if they are worst, why u play it?

    as I do respec to smash if my pvp team has to many tanks, my main spec on jugg is hybrid tank.

    Maybe your problem is you play 'only sorcerer' and don't know other classes.

    grass is always greener on the other side and all players want to buff their class. guess what. I play all of them (some got deleted tho)

  19. The sad thing is that I have a 50 mara and 50 sorc.... Its just kinda... I dont know.. not competitive. If you have more then one 50 you would understand.



    Smash = Stack power because *** does crit mater

    Bubble stun= ... just ... annoying


    not sure if u were replying to me or your self :confused:

    I have 5 50s (assassin, jugg,operative, sniper, and power tech) and 11 chars total (4 republic, 7 imp) not to mention all chars I've deleted (first example, L 48 sorcerer, L 45 mercenary, would delete my L 41 marauder but they extended character slots so I kept her for now)


    I've responded to 'balancing fractions imp vs rep being silly'. IMO all AC are where they should be, maybe some tweaking would be in place, but I don't think it's that critical.

  20. I fail to see how trying to balance factions for a fair and competitive PvP environment is silly.


    How is the question. Demanding balance franctions is silly.

    Would you buff republic on server XY since they statistically loose 74% pvp games?

    Would you buff imps on server YX since they loose 82% of pvp games?

    would you count all servers win/loose ration and then buff loosing fraction?

    Would you pay people to support loosing fraction?

  21. There are less then few good Vanguard/PT tank players in pvp.

    1. You die cause all know you are good and focus fire you

    2. on lowbie pvp one person means more, on 50 team play means more.

    3. pt/vang tank should either defend node or guard a healer (and putting taunts, vanguard/PT has best pvp group taunt IMO)

    4. they think you are pyro/what ever rep side tree is called(same happens to my jugg tank hybrid, all think I'm a smasher, so they focus fire me)

    5.EVERYONE thinks they die in 5 sec and are beoing focus fired. when I play my operative healer (I play him only in guild premade, hate to the bone heal for pugs) I get shouts from 3 ppl at same time asking for heal cause they are being focused (lol).

    6. empire has 40% more dmg buff :p

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