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Posts posted by Umpire

  1. I really liked this spec until I saw that firebug doesn't boost the crit damage of Explosive Dart. That's ****in stupid and I hope it's an oversight. Although that's the reason this entire thread is full of people saying "my TD crit for something stupid lol when does your ED do that?!?!" so maybe not.


    That said, the build still makes sense. Though why even go for burnout? Hot iron is a no brainer especially with your whole sustained dps mentality.


    Try 8/8/25.

  2. Serrated Blades is a poor talent to get unless you plan to go up to the 21-pt talent in Adv Proto.




    For 3 talent points you are buffing the DoT portion of one ability's damage by 15%. That's pretty craptastic, considering that the ability is not designed to be spammed on a single target.


    I don't get what you're saying; it's a dot, of course it's not meant to be spammed on a single target. Boosting the dot damage doesn't make it more attractive to spam it?


    The dot increase is small, but it's consistent. You always want to have RB rolling on the target, right? So the dot will always get a boost, the talent is always used. The RP/FS crit bonus damage is ONLY on when you RP and further more ONLY when you crit with said RP (FS is kinda a bonus, no one actually FSs unless its to get dudes debuffed/stop capping.) Also, the dot component of RBlade is internal, so you don't have to worry about armor. Kind of a bonus point. So for 3 talent points you boost the unmitigated internal damage of your ability you roll on every single target by 15%, vs 2 talent points to boost the critical (~50) damage of an ability you use every ~5 seconds (also our highest damaging ability where most of our burst comes from, though).


    I mean, in PVP burst is the way to go usually, but i'm curious about the numbers here. Sometimes when i'm fighting a tank all I can think about is how i would love a beefy unmitigated dot.


    edit: I see you use the combat tech set with the rocket punch crit increase. If I was wearing that it'd probably be a no brainer, but I rock the supercommando set for the consistent 5% extra damage, working on swapping surge/dps mods in.

  3. I totally agree.


    There seem to be a lot of players on the SWTOR forums who are fixated on damage, but the ability to control an opponent is pretty powerful, coupled with solid damage.


    ouch bro


    I don't have issues killing sages, maybe it's just me. We do have a couple ranged abilities ya know. explosive dart while closing in after a sprint/knockback makes for a nice burst with rocket punch. When your heat is high/waiting for cds and you need to rapid shot anyway, turn around and run away, charge them when they cast/your cds come up/heat comes down. it'll usually line up time wise.


    ps have you done the math on serrated blades (15% more dot damage for RB) vs iron fist (8% more RP damage)? Iron fist is the obvious since RP is a huge damage source for the build but having a strong dot is always a good thing. I'm running something very close to your spec but 23/18 is thinkable.

  4. i know how to use carbonize...valor rank 60 and all that...


    i did recently aquire a 2nd piece of combat tech gear that gave me the 2 piece bonus of 0.5sec increase on carbonize ... might be worth looking into ... ill test this out tomorrow.


    then you should already know............that the carbonize is broken............with this set bonus..........its been documented...........

  5. my eventual plan is to run the supercommando set (4pc is you do 5% more damage when gaurding someone) with the surge DPS mods/enhancements. that'll take a minute so for now i'm just rocking supercommando gear and loving my 20k health pool.


    edit: for pve use the supercommando if you're tanking anything.

  6. Even though an 8% increase on IGC is a modest increase on an already small number, it's something that is consistently hitting every single time we use our keystone ability, rocket punch. I'd rather take an extra ~1k+ every time I RP over 2 seconds off of quell's CD. Between stun dart, grapple, charge, carbonize, i don't really see interrupts as the powertech's Achilles's heal.


    I take the two out and put it into prototype cylinders and shield vents, but the SV talent is more of a float talent. its better than 1% endurance and 1 second off quell.

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