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Posts posted by Umpire

  1. targetting is really tough. in this game i found you need to bind that "Target nearest enemy" function (i use q). If you're guarding people a lot, also find a good button for "Target nearest friendly". it changed my game.


    also, your right click activates whatevers in the first slot (1). I put grapple there so if i have to grapple someone real fast i just right click on them. I switch it to guard in pve.

  2. I am looking at switching to a version of this build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301RMGrd0doZ0MZfhbbdh.1


    However I had questions. Currently I am the off-tank for my guild, and thanks to the current setup of Ops, there really isn't a need for an off-tank. I don't want to go full on DPS because I still want to be able to run HM FP's. I think the listed build will work fairly well for off-tanking while still allow me to DPS (with a cylinder change obviously). I am wondering how many people who run a 21/2/18 also use it to be a tank in HM's.


    i have absolutely no problem running HM fps in this pvp spec, i only respec for ops.

  3. So.. can anyone explain the rotation or priority of abilities? I'm switching to this build from a 31 point AP build and I'm having a lot of trouble with heat management.


    use vent heat offensively and be aware of when your rail shots are free. you might have to rapid shot a bit more than youre used to.

  4. that part where you said "in garbage gear"


    when you get full champ gear youll be fine


    everyone hopes for the old "player skill > gear" situation, but its pretty much unattainable, gear cant be meaningless if it improves your stats (which in turn, improve the strength of your character)


    the best that can be done is "given equal gear, the better player will win, aka class balance" which is generally the case in TOR


    but bad gear cant ever be balanced vs good gear, or else gear becomes pointless


    being in garbage gear in a 50 pvp bracket is like bringing a knife to a gunfight


    get yourself a gun and youll be fine


    makes sense, thanks

  5. Can someone give me some concise info on "how to l2p"? Everytime someone asks all you get is 3 guys in full battlemaster saying "you're terrible that's why you're complaining". Give me like a solid list of bullet points on how to play. Spec? Keystone abilitiy? Oh **** buttons? When I play my mara I do about 200K damage in garbage gear, but I get eaten the second anyone looks at me and camo is down. I get it that I'm doing it wrong by now, but what am I doing wrong?


    edit: with respects to pvp. anyone can slay dragons

  6. Since the defensive stats do close to nothing for us and Oil Slick not accounting for some damage types, those are points you should invest elsewhere as dropping from a 31 ST to 25/21 has little to no effect on our survivability as a whole. Our tankiness comes from our stances, damage reduction talents, and the debuff we place with Flame Burst/Sweep.


    and boom goes the dynamite.

    All real survivability is found in the first 4 tiers of Shield tech. the 10% shield chance is very obviously PVE oriented, and the only reason you go up to the 5th tier is because that's where charge is.

  7. yeah ... that works just great ...


    jet charge

    do some damage

    smart healer casts his first heal(the smaller one)

    interrupt > first heal is shut down

    healer casts 2nd heal

    electro dart

    w00t his resolve bar just went full white and he can use cc-breaker and heal up nicely without you being able to do anything..


    dont talk about stuff you have no clue about...


    Interrupts don't respect the resolve bar

  8. exactly my sentiments.


    i think the essence of it that outside of carrying the ball in huttball youre better off with 31pt DPS spec. you may lack survivability but you can output enough burst damage that it doesnt really matter.

    Dont even wanna start talking about fighting healers in tank spec ... waste of time ... 15min. of me slowly dying...





    electro dart



    you shouldn't lose to healers

  9. PvE spec not being completely optimal for PvP play. News at eleven.


    that's all there is to see here

    i'm full PVE gear with a few pieces of champ, and I still wind up doing fine as a tank in warzones; high damage and protection all day. I run 21/2/18 because there's no reason to take 10% shielding/heat blast in pvp tanking.

  10. The problem with shield and absorb in PvP is that shielding is kind of useless due to the way most classes significant attacks are unable to be shielded. This is why the Parakeet build has no problem losing the extra 10% shield chance near the top of the tree, and why you can use the DPS gear sets without losing a huge amount of survivability.


    I asked a similar question on gearing, the response I got and what I'm doing is to use four pieces of Eliminator for the set bonus, with the combat tech gloves. Combat medic bracers and weapon (they have crit, no alacrity).


    The reason I like the tank mods is because of the endurance; the tank set bonuses sucks but I really like having 20k HP as a warzone tank. I think with a nice blend you could have a high health pool while still keeping your surge/crit high

  11. is this bulldog build the shield/pyro parakeet hybrid stupid name ***? If so, then ya missing the point of the build.


    21/2/18 is really just about having extra flame punches to proc extra extra rail shots. You gain rocket charge, and a little survivability. I stay in ICG to make use of gaurd as I play a lot of D. This spec makes you tanky without making your DPS absolute garbage. There's no reason to go higher than rocket charge in the tank tree for pvp, so you get ppa (rail shot procs) instead.


    edit: also nice for tanking 4 mans once you're out of quest greens

  12. Why do so many people complain but still assert that raid drops should have the best gear? Isn't crafting more effort? I'm cool with raid-dependencies (e.g. mat drops) but crafting should give you superior options and not just silly little marginal ones either. Not in every category maybe but crafting needs to deliver something other approaches to acquiring gear don't given the discrepancy in time/resources invested.


    Look, you're playing the wrong game.

    Raiding/High End PVP is where you get the top slotted gear. Raid mats are needed to create items that are almost raid quality. This is to cater to casuals who don't ever raid at all. Besides that, crafting is kinda useless besides biochem, since it saves you tons of credits by giving you reusable consumables. Crafting professions just aren't gigantic in this game and that's just how it works.

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