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Posts posted by Umpire

  1. Hey sry to hijack the thread but I got a question. Do you only use incendiary missile for dots? in other words if i want to burst someone down i should just spam flame burst (when other core skills are down) ?


    I notice myself using IM less and less since it's mad heat (25). Alwaaaays use it when you're defending a node, but usually I'm rocket punching enough for rail shot to always be available.

  2. I've been rocking my champ supercommando setwith the surge enhancements from the DPS gloves. I use a PVE Rakata belt to keep my HP at around 19-20k. Losing the defense + absorbtion didn't effect me as much as I thought it would, and I do pretty nice damage. I always at least get the 2.5K crit medal, even without a surge adrenal (usually with a railshot)
  3. The two of you can take down 8 opponents?


    That says wayyyyyyy more about your opponents than CP.


    2v8 isn't supposed to work in this game, assuming comparable gear and skill.

    Not even 2v4.


    All right, all right, 8 might be pushing it but in all seriousness 5 pugs cannot take down myself and my healer. If they're in vent or something and quick switch their chances go up. 2v4 with a tank and a healer vs 4 dps is SO doable. I'm not in battlemaster gear yet.

  4. To all the people that are saying x-server queues won't kill the community, where are you drawing that from? The PVP scene in wow at 60 was SO MUCH MORE tight knit than what it evolved into after they put in cross server stuff. It was DEFINITELY noticable.


    I am on a pretty decent pop server. My queues are usually pretty quick, but sometimes when i queue with my pocket healer and another friend it'll take us 5 minutes. NO BIG DEAL. The only time queues really die is like 5AM till 9AM, but that's not worth complaining about. Seriously Bioware, my entire server is complaining about x-server queues in Ilum gen chat. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to your subscribers with this.


    I'm primarily a PVE Dragon Slayer but I can say that i've made more friends pvping than pveing. If you introduce x-server flashpoints I will quit the game and take my guild with me.

  5. No. There is no way that I'm going to spend all my time leveling to 50 for the game to tell me that I can't use a bunch of my prized mobility skills.


    If you don't have the mobility, you shouldn't carry the ball. You wouldn't let an operative tank your instance, that's not his job.Why is this okay for pvp?


    Stacking anything does not work because the item budget isn't there. You would need to roll on loot for other classes, get their tokens, take mods/enhancements out, and slot them in your gear to see something that resembles stacking.



    so? What's wrong with that? I would rather be min/maxed no matter what.

    ps: you're agreeing with me. I said defense sucks

  7. Even after I was given the math/looked at the spreadsheets I had trouble understanding WHY. Here's it:


    When you get attacked, there are two separate "dice rolls":


    First, the game asks if you were hit. This is defense chance. So if you have a 15% chance to dodge/etc, it rolls against that. This is either hit or miss.


    If you "lose the roll", or get hit, only THEN that's when your shield chance is taken into account. In other words, if you dodge the attack all of your shield chance is wasted. And considering shield chance is baked into our class pretty hard core, we might as well boost it.


    Further, since our shield rating is already pretty high due to talents & stance, absorbtion actually provides a bigger mitigation value overall right now, due to the fact that the higher your % based stats, the smaller the increase from individual points. (also part of the reason defense is a lackluster stat for us.)

  8. I wonder, if keeping the Supercommando set and swaping out the mods for the DPS gear mods would work in my favor? Power instead of shield chance/defence rating. Cause the set bonus from the super commando set to me is better for the spec I am. I am mostly shieldtech



    yes. Surge is even better than power.


    But to the OP, if you consider yourself a tank, with points in shield tech, yeah, go for a shield.

  9. The reason you see all of these hybrid ST specs is yes, because of the added damage, but mainly because the 10% shield chance is so lackluster in the grand scheme of things that you might as well add the damage talents because you're not losing much. Most attack in PVP are force or tech, which are not mitigated by armor but more importantly not shield able.


    The best mitigation spec at the moment is the iron fist build. The parakeet spec sacrifices 2% damage reduction (which is pretty big, don't let me downplay that) for a pretty thick amount of offensive ability. Neither of those take the 5 points into increased shield chance.

  10. I have a stream but it's unbearably laggy so I rarely run it. I run a Core 2 Quad at 2.8GHz, a Radeon HD 6790, and a crappy motherboard. Is it my hardware? If I can get some help optimizing either software settings (I use xsplit and I am NOT familiar with it at all) or my hardware (I never really thought mobo would really effect my performance that much but I'm not computer engineer) I would totally rock the stream as much as possible.


    That said i'm putting together a video that i'll post some day of some parakeet/iron fist stuff.

  11. Powertech is a very, very simple class. Probably involves less skill than any other class I played so far. Merc has to deal with interrupts, a PT doesn't. Sorc is squishier and mostly stationary, a PT is mobile.

    Why are you comparing a ranged healer caster to a melee tank dps again? I really just don't understand.



    You do get Grapple, which is a pull attack, but it's a cheese move for getting people into fire/acid or interrupting their casts or yanking the ball carrier, not much use elsewhere.


    You clearly don't understand how valuable a peel/interrupt/immobilize(talented) grapple is. I like how knocking people into the pit is super pro, but pulling people into the pit/hazards is a cheese move.


    Having said that, in terms of ease of play vs effectiveness, it is by far the BEST char I have. It is SO EASY to play that it is virtually impossible to screw up. You run around and you shoot people. You are wearing heavy armor, and all your best attacks can be done while moving, which is something no other class has.


    Assassin is infinitely more complex to play to its full potential.


    I'll give you a quick example. You are standing on the ramp in Huttball. Enemy group is passing by you with the ball. As a PT, you really have one option here - Carbonize and AoE them. You'll do some damage, you won't kill anyone, and they will butcher you in a few seconds as they go by. As a Sin, you stealth to them and do an AoE knockback. At least half the group will end up knocked over the edge, possibly even into the pit. That's a loooong walk. That's one example where Sin has a huge impact where PT has none.


    Wat. You said that assassin was super complex, then you come over here and tell me your cool story about pressing one button for knock off. Wat?


    Also, you're doing it wrong. Carbonize, trinkets, DFA. You aren't done now, and I've never seen a powertech get killed in seconds. The entire group is down to half health if you get the whole thing off, except for maybe the ball carrier due to guard/extra heals. Stun one healer (full resolve now since carb doesn't fill up the resolve bar), run out of range and grip the tank out of guard range (stuck there for 3 seconds), charge back in to interrupt the heal the healer is casting. At least one or two people are dead now thanks to you or you are doing it wrong. Also, you should be tossing out taunts (since they're off the GCD) most of the time on cooldown to save your healers some grief.


    Carrying the ball is another example. Suppose you are in front of the last burner, fire just went out. But you see 3 people standing there watching you. As soon as you start to cross, they will CC you. Fire will turn back on, and you will die. As a PT, you're dead. Unless you are specced into Jet Jump and they give you a target to jump to. But that's really no different from what any warrior can do, nothing special. As a Sin, you can pop Sprint and hope to cross before the CC catches you, and you'll probably make it. Or you can pop Force Shroud, which is 100% resist to tech and force. It won't stop all of the CC, but it'll stop most. If you get charged by a warrior while crossing even with Shroud on, you'll still get rooted, but not many people know it and not many warriors will sacrifice themselves like that.


    With the parakeet spec and the Iron Fist spec, there's little reason not to spec into jet charge. I know TD does fantastic damage and that's playstyle playstyle playstyle, but I always have rocket charge in my spec. Also, why the hell would you carry the ball without having charge? That's just being stupid and hurting your team. As a DPS your job isn't to tank a lot of damage, it's to DPS.


    I tried really hard not to be butthurt when I read this but it was tough. I don't think I succeeded, so my bad. You are pretty condescending in this post but I think it's really that you just don't understand the trade off. Powertech trades a little utility for better survivability and mobility. It's really just that simple.

  12. You can't plan on what to do if they nerf the parakeet because the nerfs will change the trees.


    That said, unfortunately yes, I think the nerf is coming. When I go into a warzone with one healer, we can tank (and kill! important) an entire voidstar team and I can get 10 medals no problem (12 with a clever use of game mechanics). I'm not trying to be "omg i'm so good", I'm trying to say that there are times when I definitely feel overpowered.

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