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Posts posted by Umpire

  1. I'm the first one to say "pvp gear is for pvp and pve gear is for pve" but honestly at this stage in the game, champion gear isn't terrible if you're doing entry mode ops. 4 man heroics will give you medium grade gear, the same stuff that drops in 8 man normal ops.


    You want the Rakata/Columi/Tionese (top, middle, lowest quality respectively) Supercommando set. Your defensive stats will usually be absorb > shield > defense. I started tanking 4 man heroics/normal mode ops in quest oranges. You'll be fine.

  2. Although people seem to epeen the amount of keybinds they use....I think your heading that way in this post....you need to look at most user friendly design. The honest answer is that less is better. Every key bound just isnt needed and doesnt actually make you better over anyone else. Well done though 32 is AWESOME! :)


    fact of the matter is some classes can do amazingly well with just 3 keys bound. why bind 30? It makes u feel pro? I think someone has some serious inferiority issues if they are competing with the internet over keybinds. try save the Whales or something :)


    Not epeen at all, just tryin to help people out. 32 keybinds is kinda how it works. I have some silly things keybounded just for convenience (stims/mounts) but I didn't count those when I said 32. The thing with these games (mmos) is that your abilities are all very situational. Thats what makes these games interesting; there are tons of abilities and tons of counters. I don't mean to come off arrogant in any sense of the word but if you're looking for less abilities this might not be the genre for you :\

  3. I've seen the limited information Bioware has put out about the legacy system but I have yet to see this: will the legacy system add character creation options? I want to start an alt but I don't want to be screwed after the patch...anyone got an idea?
  4. Any game that requires 30 key binds has way too many abilities. Any player that requires 30 key binds needs to learn their class better.



    How the hell does using every single ability at your disposal make you a worse player? That makes absolutely zero sense.


    edit: I should say that I use a solid 32 combat keybinds including stims/relics/hutball/sprint. Here's a pic: http://i.imgur.com/ZD57D.jpg

  5. Keybinds are really, really, personal. Take a look at what other people use for some inspiration, but if I have rachmaninoff hands and you don't, my shift-y or shift-6 might seem crazy to you.


    My keybinds are 1-6FGRTCV. Then I have a row of Shift and a row of CTRL. Gives me 30 keys to play with, but most of the CTRL is left empty. I have QE/shifts and B/shift (use I for inventory). I got two side mouse buttons (most mouses do, no crazy super gamer mouse) and use shift/CTRL for those two. It felt weird once upon a time but i've been using pretty much the same scheme for years now (that's weird to say). Over time you'll find you like certain abilities in certain spots, regardless of game/character (interupt is always a side mouse for me, CC break is shift side mouse, hard hitting instants are 4 and F, R is charge, etc.


    You'll find your own zone but really that's all there is to it.

  6. It's been verified by multiple people that you can't Defend or Shield Force or Tech attacks, and therefore the benefit provided by Defense and Shield against those attack types is 0%. That's the only number you need to know.


    Defense and Shield do work against Melee and Ranged attacks, so you will see benefit against classes such as GS/Sniper, JK/SW, etc from those stats. But not to the point where you should consider stacking them.


    Thanks for the info but you're really not answering my question. If placed with a choice Defense or Absorb rating, which route do you go down? In PVE you pick absorb so unless there is some huge mechanic i'm not familiar with I'm going to assume it's the same in PVP.

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I thought you were saying you didn't have a full set though. I know the bonuses are additive. I run the supercommando set so I lose 15% crit.


    And yeah I get that the whole keystone of the build is RP, but that doesn't mean that it's the most optimal ;]. I'm pretty satisfied that Flame Surge > Serrated Blades for now, but I won't turn down if someone wants to go run parses :p

  8. Even with a non-full set of Champion gear, I have a 72% Crit Chance with Rocket Punch.


    So the Surge talent is leveraged for 72 out of every 100 RP uses, or even higher when you factor in the buff from IA/Smug and other buffs such as our 25% Crit Chance buff and relics.


    damn you have 100% crit on RP with the set bonus then? The unmitigatable part of the RB dot really is what made me think harder than normal but if your RP crit is that high it's GG no contest. Even if I'm reading wrong and it's still at 72% it's still no contest I think, but I haven't run numbers.


    I'll give you the "CC" (if you want to call what we have even CC...although you run a gear set that breaks one of our best CC's that helps with planting, disarming, stopping team from whaling on you while capping the ball. )


    But Durability....disagree on that one.




    Definitely better and more durable than the 2% melee/ranged defense you get from Infrared sensors.

  9. If you believe investing 3 points to buff one part of the damage for 1 ability that you will be using once every 15 seconds for a single target, then by all means spec into i. I wouldn't, the ROI just isn't there.


    You might be using RB once every 15 seconds but that's because it does it's damage over 15 seconds. Flame Surge is 2 points to have a CHANCE to buff the damage of an ability you use every 5ish seconds. So you could say that too.


    By the way I'm not suggesting taking points out of ANYTHING except for Flame Surge for it. A lot of the points in this spec are concrete. Serrated blades is an awful talent compared to hot iron etc. Speccing into Flame Surge leaves you with 1 floater point. I'm suggesting taking the 2 out of Flame surge and moving them into SB and using the floater to finish it out. Both of them seem to have a low ROI, that's what i'm talking about. Which is slightly higher?

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