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Everything posted by Nague

  1. i disagree with bioware that thinks mmo players are bothered by other players, thus one needs to instance the zones. Everything else i really liked so far, but i am worried that they screw up endgame content in some way, mainly itemization. Time will tell.
  2. das sollten die sich wirklich ganz schnell abgewöhnen. Eu und Us haben halt unterschiedliche zeitzonen, da kann man das nicht einfach gleichzeitig machen
  3. jaja immer das gleiche. ich wusste garnicht, dass das xbox spiel skyrim jetzt benchmark-standard ist. Es beschwert sich niemand, dass man in baldurs gate dauern nur irgendwo hinrennen muss, was holen muss oder wen töten muss, aber in mmos soll man jetzt irgendeine andere mythische sache machen, die aber keiner definieren kann. geht halt weg, wenn ihr das spiel nicht mögt, ich beschwere mich ja auch nicht im battlefield 3 forum, dass man in dem Spiel viel zu viel schiesst und garkeine Häuser bauen kann. Und dass es nichts zu entdecken gibt ist ja wohl lächerlich, gestern bin ich auf dem Gefängiss Planeten 20-30 minuten in eine Richtung gefahren, bis da endlich mal ende war, 2 bereichsquests entdeckt und einen weiteren gefangenen des unendlichen reiches, wie es einen in der megacity gab.
  4. wenn man nur alle 30 min ein geschenk findet, können sie auch gleich die 1 min sperre für das schenken rausnehmen, oder?
  5. 2 händler der flotte und die missionen an sich geben auch mal ab und zu gear, ich habe schon nen lilanen strahlendingens mit 10 schuss pro sekunde und bonus auf schilde bekommen nach einer mission, bei der ich die 2 bonus ziele erfüllt hatte. cybertech habe ich auf 350 oder so und bis jetzt kann ich in der richtung noch nichts.
  6. so when i want to be a raid healer or tank i am no longer allowed to really solo play and have to have a buddy with me at all times? because thats how it was before dual spec and i have no intentions to be a halpless holy priest ever again.
  7. ?? 40k is poket change my friend.
  8. they are exact mirrors, stop looking for excuses.
  9. 3% is enough to make it good in pve fights.
  10. about that fight, you just need to interrupt his spells. Its really not hard, 1 ability is like 10 second cast time and the other 2 or 3. You have to do this in instances as a dps, its good that you learn it the hard way. i admit i had to vanish and retry the encounter as well when i underestimated the 2nd encounter after the first one was different and easier. I did not expect my pet to get CCed ALSO, that guy is a ******, any fight less difficult would have made me MAD.
  11. sometimes, sometimes not. Just like i do in any modern rpg. But that doesnt mean i find the VO useless, i like them. Just sometimes stuff is explained to the more slow people that i dont need to listen to.
  12. it means you can switch from 1 spec to another without paying 300k each time. This is a feature many games introduced to combat the lack of tanks and healing, because solo, you cant heal or tank the mobs to death.
  13. this is a theme park mmo, the only active successfull freeform mmo i know of is eve at ~~250k subs. basically, this is what bioware does best anyways, they dont make games like skyrim and fallout, they make games like BG, ME, DA where you follow a more or less defined path and a premade story is being told.
  14. i dont get it, just because bioware provided you with an ability to play 2 classes for 10 levels and then decide on a class in contrast to the usual "decide on lvl 0", suddenly everyone demands a class respec. this is annoying, might as well make a single class that can do everything and be as generic as possible.
  15. ok i have to test this now, ill come back with results later ^^
  16. if agro is any indicator, my concealment operatives damage is up there with the best in instances. But i am a very experienced mmo player, maybe its just the other players doing it wrong.
  17. i dont think my "give 1 TA when you hit a target with collateral damage that is poisoned" ever worked on dart.
  18. concealment tree is full of poison based abilities. the dart doesnt actually count as poison, is it only acid blade that counts? does it count for the 6 DoT seconds or the 15 armor reduced seconds?
  19. melee attacks are tech attacks, boosted by cunning.
  20. that ability is just useless, cant even use it on elites. if it would be like one of EQ2s deathtouch that instantly kills the mob, i would understand, but it only does slightly more dmg than the normal spammable abilities.
  21. i think the only stat that organe items have build-in is armor type! i used one of my first blasters for over 30 levels.
  22. ok now. GPU overheating is NOT a software issue, dont bother checking drivers and all that. The fact that you can play other games fine doesnt matter, skyrim never used my GPU the way Rift or swtor does. swtor is not frame capped, it always requests maximum power from your gpu unless you force vsync and your fps are in the 100s without it. Starcraft 2 had the same on the game menu and there too many people complained. The issue is that the heat doesnt leave your PC case quickly enough, it might be build poorly, doesnt have enough fans, has poor airflow, is full of dust....its one of those things. The fact that your idle temp is 70° proofs that, too. easiest solution is to try playing with an open case after you dusted off everything. its not ideal, but there isnt much you can do if your pc is build poorly.
  23. the seconds there is an exportable log i can use EQ2s parser on it and have my damage meter. worked in rift too. or aion.
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