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Everything posted by Nague

  1. es gibt unendlich viele hell und dunkel punkte, somit kannst immer dein ziel erreichen.
  2. use the mod system OP, you can have any amor in the game with any stats you can get your hands on. This is about the same as an appereance tab, only its not gifted to you but you have to work a bit to look exactly as you want.
  3. ja gut, wenn du damit zufrieden bist dir deine cooldowns für spells am ganzen bildschirm zusammenzusuchen, aber die meisten hier haben das lieber so, wie sie es aus anderen mmos gewohnt sind, zentral unten mitte.
  4. it un-uglies your char that was made ugly by biowares random asignment of dark and lightside points during conversations "oh hey, enslave a continent, here is your 200 lightside points. oh hey, you hit someone in the knee to save a city from a bomb, 500 darkside points."
  5. if you dont need AA, my old HD 6870 runs this on 100 fps on maxed settings. Forced AA drops this heavily depending on the quality of the AA. But its not enough for constant 60.
  6. i think its tied to your char level. i got 2 new missions when i was about 30, but one is just a cloned hut station attack, only that the fighters now have shields.
  7. was hat das denn mit klicken zu tun. Besonders keyboard user sollten doch auf 3 bars bestehen, die zweite fpr ctrl hotkyes, die 3. für alt hotkeys, dann passt alles schön untereinander. Im moment muss ich alles auf eine seitenleiste ziehen, was ich mit ALT ansteuern möchte, das kann ja nicht sinn der sache sein.
  8. it takes some time to load even on my SSD, but the planet is pretty huge and i think its all preloaded.
  9. my problem isnt no neutral, my problem is biowares randomness when it comes to what is dark and what is light. Sometimes dark is the calculated decision that weights lives, sometimes light is the calculated one and dark is just psycho. Sometimes light is irrationally good and dark is slightly bullying someone to save a planet. Only thing more random is my companions approval ratings in the conversations.
  10. lol, no content. i am currently doing green quests on tatooine, then i FINALLY did them all so i can go to the next planet that is more my level and then some guy stops me and asks me to conquer the planet, opening up a huge map area and making me realize i only did half of the planet... also, if you are really behind somehow, do the spacecombat daylies, they give a full level until like lvl 25.
  11. cant always hit the perfect class for you on the first try, better to reroll now than making it ragequit you later. i quit rift simply because i didnt like my warrior gameplay AT ALL, but i was so focused on leveling that i didnt want to reroll. After 2 weeks of endgame i quit with full heroic gear.
  12. tanks are always the rarest thin in mmos, after that comes utility support classes (if the game has them, most new games dont do that anymore), then healers. I think part of the problem is that you need 1 tank for every group, but only 2 for every raid, making half the people rolling a tank cry at night when it comes to endgame. Well, the other part is that people simply dont like tanking or had bad experiences playing a tank. I personally played a tank when i was very young in daoc and my first groups went so horrible that i simply refused to tank for like 4 years in any mmo.
  13. to be fair to the OP, there actually is a huge thread in the help forum. And using stuck button doesnt work since the game simply crashes when their char is corrupted. Cant unstuck that one.
  14. i find this game pretty amazing looking. Combared to other mmos at least. It looks about the same as rift to me, but has double the fps and also it displays a WIDE range of scenarios. Space combat, big wide open areas, huge complexes and megacities... Not every engine can do that. Also i really love Biowares attention to detail that makes the worlds look alive. Well, maybe i am wearing my scifi glasses, but this game is the best visual mmo experience for me since i started playing EQ2 over 6 years ago.
  15. the heropic quests are optional, i am lvl 30 now and constantly 4 lvls above the content, so there really isnt a lack of solo quests. If you choose to play solo, dont complain that there is content in this mmo that is not available to you, why remove something optional just because solo players dont want to do it (4 man heroic quests).
  16. highest guy on my server was a marauder when i looked today, cant be that bad.
  17. they cant lower the xp based on xp gained by grouping these days, because then 80% will cry that they cant level to max by soloquesting.
  18. my vsync doesnt work at all in any display mode, there is no way to limit fps, GPU always runs full power -.- i have 120 fps average and only need 60, i really really want a fps limiting option of any kind so that my PC goes quiet again.
  19. i have 120 fps, only when i enable AA and AF via drivers, i drop to under 60. In Rift i was under 70 all the time, this game is build pretty well. But it needs options like vsync and build-in AA.
  20. in every game that doesnt have 80% xp from quests. In grind games you cn always go a bit faster, thus giving it almost unlimited difficulty provided the skill combinations are complex enough.
  21. OH MAN, i hope its 6 waves. i am dec 5th, which might get into wave 5, but maybe not.
  22. next wave in 5 mins will tell us our fate guys.
  23. second half of nov will have a lot of preorders.
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