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10 Good
  1. I think that what you bring up is more of an issue of the 10-29 bracket, not so much the 30-54 bracket. I level primarily in Warzones and rarely encounter situations where everyone on my team are total idiots. Also--if you believe it to be a common misconception, perhaps it's not a misconception at all.
  2. I just thought of another positive--if people don't like your idea because they wouldn't get to roflstomp other players, well, they still could. This would inevitably increase the amount of potential world PVP that as of late seems to be missing from a lot of MMO's in general. If the only place high-geared players could PVP against low geared players is in the world, then there would be more of a presence of world PVP in general. That to me sounds fun.
  3. Another plus would be that there would be significantly more people playing nr55 warzones if you added 55's to the 30-54 bracket, and thus you are less likely to be fighting the same players every warzone. Queues would pop faster too, not that that seems to be a major issue now.
  4. I like this idea. Or perhaps not adding 55's to the 30-54 bracket, but rather have the nr55 bracket with preset base stats only. I think it creates more entertaining play overall when all players are able to fight each other and not just get totally stomped by 1 player with the best gear or vice-verse. It's not really fun for me in either case as the best geared player or when I just hit 55.
  5. As of 2.0, does anyone have any insight as to what crew skills make the most money, or would be most appropriate for a Sith Warrior? I was thinking Biochem, but I also figured that a lot of people do Biochem and therefore the market is probably already flooded with stims and whatnot on the cheap. Other than that, I heard that Treasure Hunting and Slicing made the most money, but what would I pair those two up with for a third crew skill? Thanks for any insights and sorry if there is already a thread about this. I couldn't find a thread with updated info for 2.0 but I'll try again just in case.
  6. I suppose it's single player if you don't group with other human beings. Sounds like you need to make friends. I suspect that making friends is hard for you though...
  7. Same. I thought concealment was boringly simple. If I'm yawning in PVP, there's a problem.
  8. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BALANCE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm glad they nerfed it. It may actually be a fun spec now.
  9. Yeah! Bioware should just mail the datacrons to your inbox! That'd be WAY more fun.
  10. Oh, you thought I was serious. ...yeah. Sorry about that.
  11. I'm sure that someone will post a video of them getting the datacron on youtube. Then you won't be missing out on lore.
  12. I'm glad that they made a reason for people to return to areas they wouldn't normally go back to.
  13. I wish it was 6:50am in California. That means I'd be going home from work in 10 minutes. Alas, it's 5:50am...
  14. The Crucible Pits is alive and kicking. Apparently by "servers" you meant your server.
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