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Everything posted by Samcuu

  1. Okay I understand why u might be upset considering the treatment of apac platers in the past. However my question to you is, after being ignored all those years why take the time and effort of setting up a brand new server (which is a monetary investment as well)? what is the logic behind it? Again you view it as a "token effort" but what exactly are they gaining from all of this then? If you think they don't care about the apac players, and they've completely disregarded you for a long period of time then why make an investment at all? I think at this point all the apac players that want to play the game remain and enjoy their time on whatever server they are on.
  2. This is a made up thing in ur mind. It has good reviews on steam and every single month there's a couple of youTube channels reviewing the game that almost always giving it rave reviews. Reality is that as a base game with the 8 stories it's a fantastic rpg, and you can easily sink 100 hours into the game while having a blast, if not more. The idea that there are no new players is also incorrect btw. It's really only on the forums where u see the veteran players complain about the game. Ppl play through the vanilla stories and then leave after they get to the expansions or end game because it does fall off a pretty steep cliff at that point.
  3. Ahh okay that's good to know. The devs in the past few years have been pretty good about promptly releasing patches shortly after taking the test server down. I'd expect 7.4 very soon then.
  4. If the test server is still up don't expect the release any time soon. Iirc after they take the test server offline its only a week or so until the patches drop.
  5. Samcuu

    Fixing PVP 8x8

    Before pruning the biggest complaint was "stun wars" too many stuns in game. Of course it's not just about stuns it's how the resolve bar is broken as well, however they removed a lot of stuns or just made them useless due to other choices in the row that are more necessary to take. You hardly see anyone take the 8 second cc for operative or sorc anymore.
  6. Cmon brother this isn't remotely true. I've seen more than a couple of the "is swtor worth playing in 2023" videos by somewhat prominent YouTubers/gamer channels, who have been very fair pointing out both the flaws and the positives of the game, and they give it good reviews in the end. Yes its mainly down to how good the stories are, but that doesnt really matter considering ur saying that nobody reviews the game well. Reviews are really positive on steam as well. There are long time players who want end game content which doesn't really exist, so I understand their frustration, and can see the negatives of that. In reality when someone new tries a game they stick around after the first story or two thanks to a more engaging end game. I agree with you that the majority of ppl playing are vets because swtor at the end of the day gives ppl very little to stick around for.
  7. Ya know u can turn conquest coms into fp-1 stabilizers. If you do the heroic mission weeklies on all the planets you'll be able to get 336 blues pretty quickly it's like one day of grinding.
  8. It's always imps, on every single server at launch, bar maybe a few, imps outnumbered pubs like 5 to 1. Ilum world pvp was where you could really see the discrepancy. Needed a 3rd faction ages ago. (Mandalorians with 4 mirror classes for 3rd faction anyone?).
  9. That's the beauty of mmos imo. They have steep learning curves but when u do learn you feel more accomplished. What I would recommend to anyone who's looking for a bit of guidance... join a good guild, most ppl want to help players like you who are looking for assistance in stuff like this. In fact my guild was running ops specifically to help ppl get the 336 purple gear and showing them how to use the vendors. After all its an mmo and the foundation of an mmo is the community.
  10. I'd disagree. Just needs to be reverted back to 4 I'd like to be able to make a full trinity comp. I like the idea but it can't be implemented this way at least for warzones because you have ppl guarding nodes who might not do anything all match, or very little besides keeping their eye on a captured node. This would work great for Arenas but would also hurt ppl who DC for example and then log back into a 1 hour deserter debuff. The afk trolls for sure need to be dealt with somehow tho.
  11. It's not strictly a pvp survey from what I've read. Maybe the op can elaborate on the questions they are asking in the survey.
  12. Im going to tackle each of these at a time and see if I can't help out with some advice. first off 40 minutes in queue is abnormal. Which server do u play on? Are u playing mid brackets or lvl 80? My recommendation is to send a lvl 80 toon to Starforge as it's the most populated server and I've never had to wait 40 minutes for a match to pop, maybe 15 minutes at most. Lowbies pop on a regular basis there as well, but maybe less at off peak server times. As mentioned before something sounds wrong here. Btw both "east coast" and "west coast" servers are in the same location, so if you decided to swap at least for the pvp season to the east coast server (SF with a bigger population) it wouldn't make a difference on ur ping. Maybe ur playing on a European server? Finishing the weeklies is the best way to advance in the track and get the most points. Idk seems like the progress bar moves at a pretty good rate for me... I'll be maxed out at the 1k points u can get in a week, in one night of pvping for the most part. Also, as the season progresses you can buy ur way up to lvl 15. That will get u some tokens and the 1st set (or most of it) of the base cosmetic pvp gear rewards. If it's not fun to you, just simply don't do it. I was recently faced with a grind I similarly didnt look forward to. The long grind of opening command crates to try and unlock all the different sets of armor you can get from the odessen vendors. I started to realize how much of a waste of time it was and how it was bringing zero joy. So I deleted about 500 + command crates so I wouldn't be tempted to waste my time in that manner. Felt like a load lifted off my shoulders lol 😂😂 Lastly, one of the best things u can do for ur enjoyment of pvp, is make some friends who enjoy pvp, hop in voice comms and turn it into a social thing. It's much more enjoyable in my experience to pass the time chatting with friends and experiencing wzs/arenas in a group setting.
  13. Disappointed I didn't receive a survey email. Glad to see they've taken the time to draft a survey. Clearly they wouldn't waste time if they weren't looking to improve the game.
  14. They def need to fix some things. We'd all like them asap but I think we'll all be waiting awhile.
  15. There was a dood in ranked days doing the same exact thing for years and wasn't banned for a very long time. So I wouldn't necessarily say things have changed much.
  16. Leth ops playing with those tacticals do hardly any sustained dmg bro and their burst isn't op at all. Ops are the squishiest class in game rt now, hardly need any more nerfs especially considering they can't get close to ranged classes in this meta anyways lol.
  17. Leth's biggest burst ability was nerfed by 50% btw. It hits like a wet noodle now.
  18. So they are doing some class balancing changes after all...just like they said they would in the live stream 😂😂
  19. Been playing all week after a long break due to RL and I can confirm. Swtor pvp is still really fun and it's still the best out there for mmos. Which is kind of annoying because the base of an excellent mode is there it just really needs more love. I had fun the last week because I hadn't been playing every day for weeks on end, and I promise all the haters out there that if u took a break you'd miss it too. Very minor issues need to be tweaked. They've been discussed here repeatedly so no need to rehash. And if there were tweaks and by some miracle even shown a little bit of love, even just minor additions, it could be amazing.
  20. Holiday time release is the term used iirc. So Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas is considered holiday time in the states.
  21. Yeah this is what I was getting at. So u deviate for a few particular fights but there aren't a bunch of different builds that can perform on the same level.
  22. Hasn't this been the case for pve consistently? Most of the time ur just parsing on a boss or whatever so aren't u just going with the abilities that are going to max out ur heals/dps?
  23. They are done with matchmaking, and I agree with their decision. If I want to play with a couple friends I dont want to sit in a queue all night. It's already too long and from experience I can tell you that it works because when I queue with my guild we almost always face another premade and it ends up being like a 3 v 6 and we are always outnumbered lol. Premade size I agree but that seems like an extremely easy fix if they want to revert it back to 4 man. Maybe they will, maybe it's an oversight that they've not done it yet. I don't understand why they wouldn't, I don't think there would be anyone that would complain about it.
  24. There should, at the minimum, be class balancing changes. Nobody disagrees with that. My point is at least wait for the patch notes, where they stated they'd reveal those types of changes, to complain if it doesn't happen.
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