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Everything posted by PaniMauser

  1. ??? Some kind of crazy purist talk against using smuggler implants on trooper or something?
  2. You could always get it for free, just take your first cyborg to lvl 50 and all new cyborgs after will have all the options available to them. You only had to pay for it, if you wanted it all at on your first toon.
  3. Been playing with customization options of my toons and kept thinking that it would be awesome to adjust companion appearance as well(at least for companions whose races are available in character creator). I know, there are companion customizations, but 1) some characters have just one or two, 2) they change the look completely, which is not always what you want. For example, I like default Risha's face, but just hate the hairdo. So in order to avoid seeing this horrible hairdo, I have to change Risha's face completely, and now she looks like Kira's clone. I would pay for the ability to change just her hair and leave everything else as it is. Of course, race should be locked, since it is canon (well, aside from changing humans to cyborgs, since I've seen customizations of cyborg Corso, cyborg Elara, cyborg Torian and cyborg Pierce), but simple options of adjusting skintones, hair, eye color, make up, lekku patterns and so on would be really nice. As for existing cuztomizations, if you want to keep them unique and exclusive, just lock those combinations, for example, hair1+skin tone5+haircolor3+details72+accesories17 will give you error message (and maybe a hint 'visit such-and-such vendor' for this combo), but hair1+skin tone5+haircolor3+details72+accesories43 will be ok.
  4. Corruption at darkvV is white skin with veins. So on light skin shades it is not very noticeable, but as soon as you get something other than light skin, you get wonders like pink purebloods and so on. It is not just veins and red eyes, unfortunately, white skin is package deal.
  5. Don't you worry, most likely, in future updates you will get the same pack of hair, just applied to other species. And each time they will charge you 240 ccs to unlock it, even if human, cyborgs (which apparenlty are not human, huh), pureblood, miraluka, mirilian and chiss have the same default hairstyles. It's a goldmine. Why charge 240 coins for general bundle, if you can charge for every single species and people will still pay , because it has one of the most desirable hairstyles and not everyone is willing to replace their toon with human just to get it. And EA do not give a damn about all the fuzz on forums. Sad, but true.
  6. Kitty! http://static.diary.ru/userdir/4/1/4/0/41409/78452160.jpg Haven't played much with dyes yet. Was too busy playing my BH catgirl instead of going through dyes on my artificer. Also, waiting for CM colors to get unbound and appear on the GTN.
  7. Totally support. From some sets I like only chestpieces, or pants, and most bracesr are invisible anyways, so no real point in changing your current ones, so everything I did not want to have went to GTN. I was pretty excited to get handmaiden chest and leggings for my companions(could not care less for the rest), or interstellar privateer chestpiece and of course Revan mask. How it should have worked - as soon as you get a single item from the set, you get the ability to purchase unlock for the set, but all other pieces of the set which are not in your collection yet would be grayed out and you could only claim the pieces that you owned. So, owner of Revan mask, Revan chest and Revan skirt would be able to unlock the set, but could only claim mask, chest and skirt for alts, but not gloves or belt, and so on.
  8. I really want this option. And maybe even not to replay, since it would involve too much work scaling up every encounter to lvl 55, but just rewatch cutscenes. Some 'reminiscence mode in which player is able to see and choose only those options they took before, thus if you wanted to see other choices you still had to reroll and so on. I doubt BW want you to be able to see other options without replaying, they are all about time sinks. They could add placeable objects on the ship. Memento of some kind in your bedroom to see cutscenes (and maybe some items near companions to see their stories? Most of them are also locked to chapters anyways). So when you click on it, you get selection 'prologue-ch1-ch2-ch3-ch4', chapter branches would have planet selections to them, and each planet had quest names, which you would press to get related cutscenes. Especially I want to do this on my main character who started at early access, long before Legacy, cartel market ourfits, reputation outfits. match to chest option and so on. My poor main character was wearing ugly mismatched gear for stats since there was no high-lvl helper to buy nice stuff (also no nice-looking gear existed yet, at least for my tastes, the best was not-too-ugly). And now she's not only wearing nice outfit, she also has new hairstyle, and the only way to see it in cutscene, is run some flashpoints or ops, which have some generic angles most of the time and no unique dialogs.
  9. If you want light/dark points, get diplo, sell mats to return money you spent on missions and you can get any alignment you want, at any level. And you can do it while questing or even while logged off (pets can run missions while you are gone). As for time restrictions, if you have them, do not go in flashpoints, simple. Even if no one watching cutscenes, someone might need to go afk due to some real life distraction and you'll still have to wait on them. Someone can DC. And so on. You are not special snowflake despite your class story telling you otherwise, no one is obliged to rush just because you are in a hurry, it is entirely your problem. Also, if you just want points and adamant about getting them from esseles, maybe it is you who should get a high-lvl friend who will take you through this FP with skipping cutscene and chosing options you want them to choose? Or you do not have any, despite not being new player who sees Esseles for the first time? I would not be surprised. And even then, at lvl 20 Esseles is soloable, and amount fo LS/DS points does not depend on size of the group, only social points do. So go and gring it as much as you like without anyone doing something 'wrong'.
  10. My white-black indestructible crystal is not showing in my collection, even though I have played this character after the 2.1 release, and the crystal was in her saber. So it is bound, equipped and used. still not showing:( Same with my derelict purple ones. I actually have zero crystals unlocked, despite having several of them inside sabers of my characters.
  11. No changes noticed. Also, I use Aric with cuztomization, and it was not changed too. Even the clipping issues with some helmets are still there. So i guess, another example of something they put on patchnotes, but forgot to put in the game. Won't be the first time.
  12. Yeah, I could understand zabrak, cathar , twi'lek or rattataki not getting "human" hair since they have their own unique hair or no hair at all,but the logic behind restriction of hairstyles to species that use the same default hair as human species escapes me. Especially cyborgs who as species are regarded as humans in game (there's a difference in dialog with human and aliens, and cyborg get human version). No other species but human can be cybors anyways, and IMO, the person who is willing to sticks metal and wires into their body will more likely have crazy haircolor/eyecolor. So why cyborgs are limited? Though, who am i kidding, even hedgehog realizes that next CM update will have cyborg hair, mirilian hair etc, exactly the same as human ones, only applied to other species. Multiple profits, zero effort;
  13. Maybe she meant it figuratively? Sometimes I say 'its' been ages since I did something', when in fact it could be just several weeks ago:) Also, I do not remember, was it stated that meeting of Satele and Knight on Tython was the first one? Maybe she meant that she knew knight since s/he was a teen/child? Knight has been in training for years, it's just his/her last trials that took place on Tython. So maybe she indeed was watching Knight's progress for years, but it meant events from before the game? But that's just me theorizing, since I do not remember facts here:)
  14. Actually, the story happens in span of several months.So called 'Cold War' (period from Sacking of Coruscant till third chapter of class stories) lasted 11 years, and at the start of the game it is known that Sacking of Coruscant happened ten years ago. Which gives the events of first two chapters about a year to unfold. I understand about roleplay(which is important part of mmos)/canon division, but we are talking about game story here, not personal headcanons.
  15. Sorry to break your bubble, but do not state your personal perception of the characters' ages as facts. There are official sources, aka SWTOR Encyclopedia, and Mako is 19, Kira is 20, Jaesa and Vette are 21. Elara is 26, Risha is 21 (surprise-surprise!) Nadya is 22 Ashara is 20, you guessed right, but still she's not the youngest. So, check your facts before posting (it is easily to find even on this forums, take a second on google) hope I didn't ruin any characters for you. But on the topic, yes, most of romancible girls are pretty young. But the game from the beginning directly says that your character is young too. Some NPCs even refer to you as 'young' directly. Thus young romances are only natural (not that I would mind romancible Lokin *_*, dem greyfoxes). The only 'creepiness' might come from character creator that does not limit the age and allows you to make really old character (though, I have to admit, it is hilarious to watch Zash commenting on youth of the character who looks waaay older than her). Some grandpa banging 20y.o. might look creepy to some people (though tastes differ, some just like much older partners). But game story says that characters have just finished their studies and started their career, which is usually happens around early 20s (people may RP whatever they want, but that does not change NPCs calling you 'young padawan'). So romances are actually age-appropriate. Inappropriate working relationships are entirely different story.
  16. Entirely up to your tastes. You may want to try using him and see whether tank companion is more convenient for you. If not, go on with Kira. Before 2.0 I would recommend trying Scourge since he would be easier to gear up in endgame due to gear token being tied tied to your class and him being the only comp who could benefit from spares, but in 2.0 it does not matter anymore, so go with comp that feels more convenient. P.S. I would vote Scourge, though, I really like him and think he's awesome. But I'm biased.
  17. Since they add new outfits to cartel shop frequently, I often end up with stuff I do not want to wear anymore, but cannot vendor like other bound non-cartel outfits. Just destroying them feels like a waste. And the vendor price on those items is not that high to make selling cartel items a reasonable source of ingame profit. So why not allow to vendor it? I also like the idea of selling it back for cartel coins, but I doubt it will happen.
  18. Breaking news, implants and earpieces that come from Basic Comms Recipes are better than Underworld and can be equipped at lvl 53, when lvl 55hms are not yet available, And they are BoE, so you can send it to alts, friend, guildies or sell it. Isotope-5 that is needed for those recipes also is sold for basic comms, which is 35 per vial. The only other source of this material I've seen is killing Toborro's Golden Fury (once a week, or twice if you manage to find a group that can kill it on hardmode, and getting lucky with roll on top of that) or getting lucky with seeker droid. Thus, lvl 55 crafters will always run lvl 50 flashpoints, even after they got relics and recipes, just to grind comms for materials. Also, as someone mentioned, Arkanium relics are sold for basic comms, not elite or ultimate ones. And those relics do not drop from lvl 55 fps, they drop in ops, and even if you do ops, you still need to rely on RNG, because if dps/heal relic drops and you are a tank, it is useless for you. And as many people said before, getting 15 basic comms (group finder reward +Galactic Conflicts daily) from a single flashpoint is faster and more fun than doing 15 dailies. Though I wish xp penalty was that harsh on 50s. it is not like lvl 50 mobs are grey for lvl 55s. Other leveling flashpoints(and since 2.0 lvl 50 hms are leveling flashpoints too!) do not punish players with five lvl difference.
  19. I have four 55s, run lvl 50s HMs daily for basic commendations. Recipes cost 150 basic comms, after all, and doing one lvl 50 hm is faster than bunch of dailies. Also, remember, with 55s the flashpoint with bonus boss will be over under 30 minutes, and under 15 minutes if without. So even if you get less xp with 55s your general time-to-xp-gain ratio is still much better.
  20. As a trooper, you have Hold the Line ability, exactly for situations when you are slowed and need to run fast.
  21. I also found that using tank companion helps a lot, since boss is never facing you. Just sit behind the droid and hit it without worrying about mechanics. Aside from aoe, the droid does little damage, so even not geared companion should survive just fine. If you are dps, you'll kill droid before he kills your tank comp. If you are a healer, you can help your companion survive long enough. The giant laser that one-shots the players does no damage to companion.
  22. that's music therapy something (droid, maybe? Do not remember) from new cartel packs:)
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