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Everything posted by PaniMauser

  1. *joining in* Please let people who got Treek and HK51 kill(dark option)/kick out of the team (neutral/light option) Quinn, Guss Tuno, Scadge and Kalyo(or other companions that were killable in beta). f2p and prefs can have no-killing comps policy, but please let players with those additional companions to finally get rid of some trash.
  2. No, even cyborgs, who ARE technically humans cannot have them:(
  3. Her skin is usual pinkish human skin. If you read her codex entry, you would know that her people just use white facepaint with different patterns, that's why her face looks white.
  4. 100 ccs every month, no need to bother with one-time password, fleet passes from vendor on 1 hour CD, some neat companion customizations, not available otherwise - those are reasons for me:)
  5. Are you sure tank was really a tank? Usually, giant damage on tank is indicator that the person is either in dps spec or in dps gear. As for general tactics, you always stay together with the tank. Ranged dds can stay out of harm's way and need zero healing unless tank loses agro (healers, unfortunately, cannot, if you can reach the tank, you will get the stun), melee dds must stick as close to you as possible. Even PTs. They have some 10meter attacks, but ask them to stay right on top of the tank. Rampage is a channel, so enable target of the target (if you have not done it already) and keep an eye out for this channel. You will have tank in your target all the time anyways, since between rampages only tanks takes damage, and tank will be on boss, you'll see the cast. If damagers take too much damage and you have to heal them individually, use focus target to watch the boss. As soon as you see the cast, pop your aoe. This way you all will be healed through the stun and will lose less health, so second aoe should take care of any remaining damage.
  6. It worked like that back when hardmodes were just introduced. But for some reason people did not get social points and DS/LS points at all and complained a lot. So it was changed back to SM mechanics with all the additional convos and pressing that stupid console.
  7. Pretty much, what title says. It is really annoying to be questing/scanning for vehicle parts somewhere in the middle of nowhere, get GF pop and see it is BT/Esseles, after which you must either go to Fleet or to Coruscant/Dromund Kaas (and some trolls do press this option!) and then leg all the way back to where you were questing. If you are a tank, you can quit the queue and get another FP almost instantly, but damagers often cannot afford such luxury. Not without another hour-long wait. If it is, say, Makeb or Section X, it is not a big deal, but sometimes you get GF pops in that volcanic lvl 55 area on Hoth, that does not have any flypoints near it, and getting back there is annoying. So, maybe it is time to rectify this little problem? I can see several options for a fix. 1. End FP after the last convo with droid/ship captain, then people can hit 'exit area' button and choose 'previous location' like with any other FPs. Yes, you lose out on 2-8 social points, but comparing to the potential loss of time on getting back to where you were, it seems to me as acceptable tradeoff. Also, it may eliminate the crashing problem, since most people crash on that traveling conversation. So, no convo = no crashing. 2. If you are adamant about using this stupid panel, just make people to press the panel to finish FP, without any travel, similar to Athiss, Mandalorian Raiders etc. 3. If you want to keep the entire scene badly, just replace Coruscant/Dromund Kaas and Fleet options with Exit Area and Previous Location, at least for hardmode. And instead of applying winning roll to all four people, apply the choice individually.
  8. There's a vendor on Makeb space station with legacy armor that require certain lvl of reputation.
  9. Unless you are pulling some crazy hours and/or live far away from job so it takes you hours to get there and back home, you will have plenty of time to play. Maybe first couple of weeks you will be too tired to play, but after new lifestyle settles in (assuming it's regular 9-17), you'll see how much free time you actually have. To be honest, when I was a student, I had far less time to play, since you have to study even when you are home - to get ready to tests, exams, to write essays etc. When you are working, you get back home from work, do some chores and have the rest of the evening to yourself. Also, weekends. I do not have children though, they could complicate things. But my guildies who have children, usually play after children are in bed. And older children do not really need that much attention from paretns as they most likely have their own interests to attend to. Another route, you just sacrifice some sleep if you really want to grind some event, or zerg through another storyline. But this, of course, is occasional. Neglecting sleep too often is unhealthy.
  10. Tastes differ, OP. I, for example, never use healing companions, because their healing is plain bad, even if they are geared. They cannot overheal *oh ***** situations, and any other situations you can survive without a healer if you know what you are doing. You'll just have a little less health in the end if you are not using heal comp, that's all. Their AI is stupid. They will spam ALL of their healing abilities on the slightest scratch you get, so by the time you could actually use a heal, they have all their abilities on cooldown and will pew-pew at mobs, not really doing any significant damage in the process too. Their cc requires manual management, just like dps/tank companions aoe,since they cannot understand boss immunity and if you forget to turn it off, you all alone in your fight since those turd for brains will try to cc what cannot be ccs and their cc is channeled, so they are out of the fight for a good minute. So I do not really understand why you can deal with that on heals. but cannot deal with exactly the same mechanic on dps/tank comps. If only you could program your companions' behaviour similar to, say, Dragon Age games, making them plainly not heal you until you drop below 75%, being able recognize boss immunity etc, they could be useful companions. But even then, why would you want to slow down your progress by using their weaker dps? Two-three seconds recuperating after the fight is still faster than killing a big pack with this sore excuse for companion pew-pewing at them. l always use dps companions since when they are well-geared, they kill mobs so fast, you do not need any healing, beyond maybe Heroic Moment on some bosses in Heroics. And you can share incoming damage with them by sending them in first and taking off aggro from them later. Sometimes I put up with tank comps because I like the character too much (Forex and Scourge, and sometimes Pierce, but I'm really torn here, since I love Vette's personality as well), but other than that, give me a dps comp at any time. So grateful you can unlock HK-51 at lvl 1 and never deal with tanks or Mako again. Mako is a sweet girl, but too low dps, and heals are just not good enough to cover for it. Now if only gearing HK up was as easy as non-droid comps....
  11. Working as intended, unfortunately. You have to wait till special xp buff(flasgpoint, warzone, class, exploration) runs out before using a general one. While annoying, I can understand why those buffs are not removable or overwritten by another one - it would be waaaay too frustrating to remove xp buff you need just by accident, whether it will be occasional right-clicking above your buff section, or clicking on other buff in your inventory.
  12. I guess by 'special' they meant not what we think would make them special but that appearance kiosk, sadly:( Which does not even provide any new options for cathar.
  13. Asked the same question in story and lore serction, got the answer that no, romance dialog is still the same as with any other species:(
  14. Thanks for replies! Kind of dissappoited, since cathar was the race you must buy and which you cannnot unlock by ingame means like Legacy races(I know, GTN, but still, someone had to buy it first to put it there). Especially how devs said they kept postponing release of cathar because they wanted to make it 'special', so I was hoping they wold change some dialogs. Oh well:(
  15. When I played trooper for first time about a year ago and romanced Aric (my trooper is a cyborg), in the end he told her about Cathar traditions of having a mate for life and also said that since they cannot have children naturally, they could adopt some. Was this dialog changed for cathar female troopers? Or is it the same way as with, say, chiss smuggler - some stupid dialogs occurring because this particular race was not meant to be playable for this class? Just wondering if I should roll another femtrooper to have proper cathar+cathar romance and potential kittens in the future, or better not, so I avoid some facepalming? Had enough of it on my chiss smuggler. I know, RP and fanfics exist, but for them I do not need to play the class againXD
  16. And this does not clog UI how? Yellow text says separate items would clog UI to the point of not loading. What does it have to do with the ways the items can be obtained? Or cheap items you cannot give away for free magically stop clogging UI?
  17. So, you have all those problems with valuable sets, but trash like covert energy gloves or covert energy boots get their own category, so you can unlock them separately? Where's the logic in that? Why covert energy armor boots was easy to make as separate piece, but Revan mask is not an option for it?
  18. Th event is repeatable, it happens every 2-3 months, you'll get more than enough rep eventually. Everyone been through it. Also, 12k is possible in one week if you do world bosses. They drop reputation items, so join every wb group you see (except Xeno for who you need Newcomer) and you'll be capped in no time.
  19. You mean, remove the main thing why I play TOR? No, thanks. I'd rather stick to general one-story-for-all-classes expansions ala Makeb than playing voiceless main character. I really hate silent protagonists. It's VO+cutscenes or **** for me, Quests on terminals are good for dailies, but reduce the main story to it? Why would you even want such continuation?
  20. Powertech do laugh in the middle of the fight (railshot proc) and operatives do giggle too on upper hand. So why exactly smugglers (scoundrels, really, gunslingers do not laugh) are guilty in your book? Some pvper sneaks up on you a lot and you know this giggle means you are about to get owned? That, actually what was the reason for removal of the laugh - pvp-crowd got pissy at operatives, and laugh was just one of many nerfs to the class. Also, even if the giggle will be made optional, what will stop people who love it from using it? Will you go around telling people to turn it off or something?
  21. Since CM started to bring in SWTOR NPC outfits, how about Satele Shan outfit? I know many people (myself included) who would pay a lot for dem boots alone! If the outfit is made dyeable, it will be just priceless, charge whatever you want for it ^^
  22. As if we need yet another whore outfit :-/ We have like seven already. Just dye slave girl stuff black, buy boots from outlaw set and you'll get pretty much the same look - black bra, loincloth and thigh boots. Full-body tattoo is a great idea though, would get that for sure.
  23. So, you have a problem with smuggler giggle, but maradeur roar, vanguard shouting and bounty-hunter laugh are completely ok? A little biased, aren't we? I'm in the camp of people who love the giggle. I hated how they removed the laugh, but still let other classes to do their noises. Returning it was only a fair play.
  24. I'm definitely up for togruta, love them to bits. Basically two races I wanted most were cathar and togruta. And since cathar were made, there's hoping, togruta will follow!
  25. That's sad:( And here I was hoping they would change his face geometry, so I can put that cartel reputation eyepatch on him, like I can on my cathar toon. Alas, still falls right though his face.
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