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Everything posted by Aelaias

  1. They have suggested they'll be nerfing the spec in some vague manner to some unknown degree.
  2. Kolto overload mentioned in the op was buffed mosy for pyro. It is much weaker in other specs.
  3. They would make much more money on people resubbing because of reinvigorated pvp. They are keeping this one "in their thoughts" but highly unlikely.
  4. The ability is a little more useful for tactics and tank but for assault and in the grand scheme of things this is arguably the crappiest lvl 51 ability of all.
  5. You get it at the moment of leap which makes you immune to cc during transition. Unremittant needs to increase by 1 second imo, either via a set bonus or a straight up buff but the function does not need to change from what it is currently.
  6. The vast majority of the individuals the OP is referring to are either too dumb or could not be bothered to inform themselves on these here forums.
  7. The vast majority of the individuals the OP is referring to are either too dumb or could not be bothered to inform themselves on these here forums.
  8. Aelaias

    Best arena tank?

    I have seen all 3 tanks do extremely well. Player skill is the gretest factor, it seems.
  9. Full pyro, to crit proc relic or not to crit proc relic. My eternal belief is that in pvp the only thing that counts is burst and crit is burst.
  10. Don't know about dps but I have seen seers do very well with 35k.
  11. I figured out the correct rotation, tried it with and without sticky after fire pulse, the dps flow is just not there. And that's on top of the dps not really being there. Maybe my assault suit with with ~250 crit rating is problematic. I don't know what it is but assault feels smoother and for me at least much more effective.
  12. All we need for our dps is the old crit chance bonus to dispatch. Master strike is crap as the main source of dps but combined 80% crit chance bonus to dispatch and BS would make that ok.
  13. The reward is fine; it is balanced againat obroan's cost. What's not fine is being able to convert ranked into regular comms disincentivising playing in reg warzones. The ability to convert ranked comms --> regular should be eliminated.
  14. You can earn coms much faster by doing arenas and converting ranked to regular. This loophole should be closed.... now that I am finished with my conqueror.
  15. So you went with crit relic? Wondering if I should lose the matrix cube.
  16. I had about 240-250 crit rating in my suit using matrix cube, the suit which I wore whether I played vigilance or smash. Just got the crit relic and wonder whether I should drop my crits to 1 or 2 enhancements if any. Thoughts?
  17. I think the queue is fine. People complain that reg arenas and wzs are lumped together but if they weren't people would preferentially do arenas since they are MUCH faster. And as far as composition balance, I think it makes things interesting. Just don't bring a sage without a good tank, you won't be healing to full before you die. That I think is the biggest issue.
  18. Learn to stack for burst. Pyro is excellent; I am tearing solo ranked to bits often getting the most deathblows.
  19. The obroan SA relic is quite a bit more powerful than conqueror so that was a no-brainer. I wonder as to what to choose for my second relic, crit, damage proc, main stat, or just stick with my current matrix cube. The damage of main assault abilities now is where it needs to be, at least for arenas.
  20. A better question is crit proc relic vs. damage proc.
  21. Aelaias

    Powertech sucks

    Psst. PVP forum here. The burst was always subject to the RNG, it's just that the RNG was more benign pre-2.0 as well as the abilities doing greater proportional damage. To do meaningful dps now assault/pyro needs to use everything they got unless they are serving as support dps for shadows or combat sents, both excellent pairings. The question remains open whether shadows are better companions for sents than assault for single target takedowns.
  22. Aelaias

    Powertech sucks

    And they were wrong even before 2.4. Unless of course they were on an assist train in which case they were speccing and playing the same way the spec was played pre 2.0 and were annoyed they couldn't get anywhere on their own.
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