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Everything posted by lucasomega

  1. Why is biased blogging accepted by so many as "news"? This is "local news" for San Francisco, CA... really MSNBC?
  2. Do you have plans to expand minigame content (such as pazaak, pod racing, more space missions)?
  3. I have to agree. It should just be alphabetical and static.
  4. Oh god you are one of those people who didn't understand BioWare added players to EGA in order, starting with the earliest players that entered their pre-order code on the site. I do not feel sorry for you... nor could I read the read of the doom post.
  5. Did you miss all the fixes plus the content that's been added? Have you logged on at all? Read any patch notes/dev posts?
  6. "Hey some people are having a horrendous experience and we have a hotfix ready for that, should we go ahead and take an hour or two to fix it? Nah, AjStylZ is running the game fine so let all those other people down. He needs to play more than them." Seriously guys, read the blog. It was an issue severely degrading the experience of a group of players (apparently significant enough to warrant an emergency fix). The servers are up anyway. Go play!
  7. Or you remain ignorant to the numerous responses on the subject of mods. And no I'm not going to link them for you. You're perfectly capable of doing that, you just choose not to I guess because it makes it easier to troll.
  8. Most entertaining post I've read lately, and not in a "laughing with you" way.
  9. OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING! Seriously dude it's expected to be no more than two hours to fix issues that made the game unplayable for some users. Selfish much?
  10. I think I'll check out GW2 from day one but stay away from the forums for the first 3 months.
  11. Where are you getting your "numbers" and why would it matter whether or not "7 million" other people were playing?
  12. So you frequent the server status graphs with no actually statistics on population (current or total when taking unique users into account) or subscriptions... good for you.
  13. You honestly believe Skyrim would have sold the same amount of units if it wasn't multi-platform (say PC only)? That's crazyness.
  14. I think you'll get over it. It's my prime time to play too, but I'd rather they keep servers stable and pump out bug fixes.
  15. They also have no account of unique users. If 1,000 different people log on each day vs. the same 1,000 people each day, it is all the same to those graphs. It's often ignored by the players, but unique users on a server is something BioWare has to take into account.
  16. Sorry, I was referring to your post history with things like "Cool story, bro." and "Someone spiked your kool-aid."
  17. Not a troll, eh? It's cool that you don't like most of this game. I have plenty of gripes with it myself. There is a suggestion forum and I'd suggest checking it out if you haven't. However, there's a difference between being constructively critical and just posting for the sake of stirring up forum arguments (which it appears the vast majority of your posts are intended to do).
  18. That's only one faction, and not even counting unique users. If 1,400 people isn't enough for you... How many people do you personally need to get stuff done? 10,000? Last I checked flashpoints were 4-man, operations were 8-16 man, and pvp was 8 vs 8... Seriously, stop worrying about every other server in the game. Find the one you want to be on with a population suited for you, get into a guild and do all the content you want. There are only 7 light US servers at the moment! There are more heavy and far more standard than light, and between 8-10 CST even more servers fill up...
  19. Maybe someday you will realize that other people have different likes/dislikes from your own. You don't have to be mad at people for enjoying this game. There are much better ways to spend your time. Hate it all you want and call everyone fanboys, sheep, or kool-aid drinkers, but it's not going to matter to them or change their views. "Oh man, that guy called me a fanboy for liking SWTOR. I better quit. I didn't realize how much I hate it until he told me."
  20. Well looking at my server list right this instant, I see a bunch of heavy servers... maybe you don't play during prime time hours?
  21. I think he is talking about quest progress. While he was burning down one single target, the other guy pretty much finished the quest. That right?
  22. Love to see the irrefutable numbers you have and the source you got them from. I don't think the majority of the game's players are hanging out on the forums complaining, but I can't prove it either way... PS: No one said your opinion was insignificant. I think you misread. EDIT: Very nicely stated OP. Although those are nitpicks for me and having made me want to quit. I do hope they work on adding more life and customization to the game. It feels dull and uninspired at times.
  23. Holding down just S allows me to reach over to N, H, Y, and 6 with ease using my pointer finger and I can still hit shift, ctl, or alt no problem. There's not even enough room on the hotbars for that many keybindings... You have no excuses for getting beat. You lack of practice with this game. Stop complaining that other people are so bad and start figuring out how to beat them. This whole thread just makes you look lazy. If PvP really takes zero skill at all, I think you should be doing better.
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