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Everything posted by lucasomega

  1. Already in for the next six months. My girlfriend just bought a copy tonight too.
  2. I skipped two planets (minus the class quests of course) on my alt just doing the space missions when I was bored questing on my main. The allure wears off quick, but listening to tunes and blowing the crap outta stuff is alright from time to time. What's it take to finish the dailies? 15 mins or so? Not really a big time sink either. Plus, they will expand on it. Whether or not we'll get free space or just more missions remains to be seen. EDIT: I read a post back there about selling ship parts (from Cybertech)... YES! I was buying them until I could make them on my alt. Now I'm makin' bank.
  3. I don't doubt that SOME people do lol. I'm sure we'll see swimming with the addition of Gungans and Naboo in about seven years, unless that's coming at the end of this year to coincide with the Pandas of Pandaria.
  4. They can get away with it because the majority of people don't care. Why is this an issue? Really?!
  5. For my sanity's sake, please give us the option to have UI windows that stack, or at the very least the option to have mission reward / quest reward screens moved to the pending area. It is incredibly frustrating for a crew member to return from a mission and destroy everything you are doing. Trying to modify equipiment, sell stuff on the GTN, or even submit a bug report gets less priority than a returning crew member... Again: -UI windows that stack -Option to move mission rewards to pending Thanks! EDIT: This would be great. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. I only use my laptop when I'm not at my desktop, and even then I only use it for crew skills. It's actually pretty powerful for a laptop, but I'd never seriously game on it. My buddy games on his laptop and it pains me. He was over one night when he first picked up SWTOR. I said I'd roll a new toon to level with him and it'd be great. It wasn't. He was running 5-10 fps with everything low, plus I'd have to wait at least a minute for his loading every time we had a group conversation. I immediately booted up my 4 year old desktop and installed SWTOR for him. I couldn't watch him attempt to play with such terrible FPS. It was too sad. With SWTOR on my old desktop, he was rocking 60 FPS on low and was a happy camper. As was I. Anyway, I'd be surprised if this game ran above average on a high end laptop. Low to mid range, definite no. Oh, and my buddy comes over every Sat & Mon night to use my old desktop for SWTOR. He said he can't go back to his laptop LOL.
  7. Not mad. Just annoyed that you keep claiming I'm lying. Compare that trend to the other servers, even The Harbinger. When I logged in last night at prime time... oh... about 8pm when my buddy got off work, it was heavy. I can't speak for today since I logged in before prime time hours, and have remained online the whole time. Torstatus and all the other 3rd party sites get their data from the official server status page. Unless you sat on the swtor server status page and refreshed it every 5 minutes for the last three days, it sounds like you're lying.
  8. Heavy during peak hours. I'm fine with that. It's an opinion. I never said it was a fact. I even stated it's population trend during peak hours in my OP. Fixed that post for you. I don't mind if you disagree, but don't act like you are the only one with a valid opinion. On torstatus.net, sort by US servers - total population. Space Slug is 15th. The Shadowlands is 17th. Not the best but they are up there, above more than one hundred other servers... and their trends are not that different than the other top 20 servers (excluding the top two of course). The Harbinger and The Swiftsure are the only two servers to hit very heavy or full, period. Even the #3 server, Ajunta Pall doesn't hit above heavy population. I was just saying I'm enjoying the servers I'm on. Never had any issues due to a lack of other players.
  9. I'm playing on it currently, as in this very moment. Plenty of people around. /shrug I was just posting from my experience. I have no need to lie about it, nor could I really. It's my perspective.
  10. They are packed. There are some others that hit good populations at peak times too. I'd recommend checking the server list during your peak play hours. Note the one's that are heavy/full consistently and roll there. Otherwise, you might have to wait a while before they start consolidating the lower populations. At least if you rolled on a new server, you could move your old characters there if/when they open server transfers. Though I have no idea when that is coming either. EDIT: I'm on the Shadowlands (Empire) and Space Slug (Republic). They launched the first day of EGA and filled up fast. Peak hours hit heavy population for hours. I picked Shadowlands because it's a CST server, while Space Slug is PST. When the population on Shadowlands dies down, Space Slug is still rockin' for a couple more hours.
  11. Whoa, no way dude. That was incredibly rude. There's a difference between enjoying the story (which the OP admits he does) and steamrolling through it. Judging from the post, I'd say he's the opposite of a rush to the level cap player. There was really no reason for you to be such a jerk.
  12. I miss the days of MMOs giving you a direction and a map. That's it. You'd check the map and say alright I gotta head over in this are to find what this quest wants. Now it's a freaking dot on every quest related item! Open the map and it's just there. Coordinates and everything. I miss being worried about death. Now, I actually use it as an advantage over groups of mobs, or to quickly navigate to the next area. Why run across the map? You can just jump off this cliff and spawn at the med center you wanted to go to! I've found little reason to ever group up before endgame. I massacre everything solo, and when I quest with my buddies it's just a crazy sprint to see who can tag the next group first. Half the time we're all fighting separate groups because it's faster to finish quests that way. Why go group to group when half the group can't get a shot off before the targets are all dead? I pulled four groups of mobs on a pug once (like 18 mobs in all) and scared the **** out of the group. Not one of us came close to dying. They just laughed after and said do it again! Don't mistake me, I'm enjoying the hell out of this game. Stories, environments, animations, music (when it decides to come around for a visit), voice acting... it's all really good, but man is there a serious lack of challenge overall. They really put the focus on the individual (not surprising, heroic personal stories) and have the group/social features as a second thought which is weird for an MMO. I'm not talking about endgame, just the days of gameplay leading up to it.
  13. I have both a powertech and mercenary. Powertech is my main for sure because I love tanking. I rolled a mercenary right along side because I never expect my powertech to heal... EVER. Talent respec is one thing, changing classes is another thing entirely. And yes I do believe "AC respec" is changing classes. I've played both bounty hunter classes (call them ACs if you want) and they're significantly different. The content is the same, but it will be almost entirely the same regardless of what second class you roll. The skills/talents are vastly different. I can't wait to see all the "W T F!? My jugg/mara can't heal? All other class do!" threads IF this class switching is allowed.
  14. A better idea than flying mounts in my opinion.
  15. Never heard of anyone doing that. Friend of yours? No one's forcing you to roll the same class if you want more role options either. Have a powertech but want to heal? Roll a sorcerer or operative. Live a little.
  16. He's been offering me a foot massage for too long! Knock it off you creepy droid! If the galaxy trembles at my approach, so should you! Shut your yap already!
  17. You can turn it off completely if you want, so there are no repercussions.
  18. Yes. The thumbnail is not enough to judge the look. Hope to see this soon.
  19. No. I agree totally with that. My server doesn't have that issue. I'm sure others do. Those servers should be merged and hopefully BioWare will look into that.
  20. I thought I had already summed them up pretty well. Do a search of your thread history. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?do=finduser&u=2339989&starteronly=1 Enlightening. Anyway, my crafting is done. Back to my empty game.
  21. I see I struck a nerve for calling you on your bull.
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