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Everything posted by mBass

  1. Classes that are good in 1 on 1 aren't any worse in 8 on 8. I've seen a team with six shadows shred a balanced team even faster than one shadow shreds a sniper.
  2. Suppressive fire is surprisingly good at doing exactly what its name suggests. In mass Ilum pvp (RIP) it's amazing at breaking up groups. As soon as people see that they're taking damage they flee in every direction because normally damage precedes a quick death in those fights. Even in warzones you can use it to hold players back quite often.
  3. And when is a WZ team ever full of good players? There are plenty of valid reasons not to be getting top damage in warzones, huttball especially. Half of the time in huttball, kills actually hurt your chances of winning. On top of that, there are more useful things you could be doing. In voidstar, the only way you're going to compete with people who spam aoe is if you do it yourself.... and again, there are more useful things you could be doing.
  4. In return for you having to press one extra button it has a short cooldown, it knocks back further than any other aoe knockback and because it actually pushes enemies, you can send them great distances if done from a lower elevation. Maybe you should take your own advice and play other classes because dropping into cover and hitting cover pulse happens faster than waiting for the jump animation on overload. Given a choice between the two I'd go with cover pulse. Would it be better if it didn't require cover? Sure. Would cover be better if it could be used everywhere instead of nearly everywhere? Yup. Those are both issues that can be worked around by anyone with an IQ greater than a coffee mug though. ...with good range and an extremely short cooldown. It's a utility that any good sniper uses constantly. If it was worthless then that wouldn't be the case. The few classes that do enough damage to "snipe" a ball carrier in an escort have to do it from up close which means they a. have to BE up close and b. have to be up close without getting cc'd and destroyed by the other team. We could maybe include tracer spam mercs but they're dealing with immobility for each shot as well as the crippling mental deficiency required to be a tracer spam merc. Flashbang, Legshot, Entrench, Debilitate, Cover pulse. They're all great skills... ok maybe not debilitate.. learn to use em. My original reply wasn't to try and convince anyone that snipers are or aren't underpowered though. It was a gripe that even when you play a sniper well and do good things for your team, it will go largely unnoticed. Right now it seems that the only ones who recognize the utility of snipers are other snipers.
  5. Snipers actuall have quite a lot of utility in huttball. The frustrating part for me is that most of it goes largely unnoticed. Nobody notices when you send half the enemy team flying across the map because half of them aren't aware of cover pulse. Nobody sees you leg shot a ball carrier or solo kill one that's being healed. Nobody cares that you flashbanged 3 guys to give a ball carrier safe passage because they're too busy cheering the sorc who just charged towards them thinking magic was going to protect him. They will totally notice if you pass to some idiot who runs out of the circle though. On top of that, you sacrifice your damage to be useful so at the end of a match you just look like a sniper who can't do the one thing snipers are supposed to be good at.
  6. Basically, everyone's defense gets much more effective than your offense at 50. You go from being a glass cannon to a glass free kill. You *can* regain much of that ground with gear, but other classes with the same level of gear will be doing just as much damage and be harder to kill. That said, at least it never gets boring. I often wonder what kind of person could find satisfaction in spamming tracer missile for 60+ valor levels.
  7. How do you reconcile having a 30% win rate against tank assassins with your statement that you routinely beat all classes one on one?
  8. In BM gear with lots of champ enhancements and I agree that MM is far from useless with only pvp mods. I was a pretty staunch lethality advocate for a while but with my current gear I have enough burst that MM works better for me. Even DPS Jugs and bounty hunters go down at a reasonable speed. Cull was nice against the occasional tank but not as nice as having the ability to use my own CC effectively.
  9. Waaaah my set bonus is only useful at least once per fight. :~(
  10. Force shroud. That plus resilience make it incredibly hard to hurt an assassin while they beat on you with insane dps
  11. If they had half a brain they'd just cleanse off your dots and obliterate you while you plink away at them. My list would be: Assassins - rarely even a close fight. Tankassins seem to be tougher than juggernauts but still hit harder than hell. Operatives - I have a fighting chance if I get crits and I have some cool downs up.... Even in full bm I'm usually starting the fight at 50% after they open up on me. Much more fragile than an assassin though. Healing merc - unless everything crits, they just heal through my burst and outlast me until someone's team shows up... Usually theirs Marauders with cooldowns Good snipers Powertechs/juggernauts Marauders without cooldowns Mercs Sorcerers Bad snipers
  12. Remember.. his problem isn't with snipers that are attacking him. He's having trouble with the ones that don't know he's there... ..... .... ...
  13. You're complaining that a class is too powerful when its back is turned to you. ..... if only there was another way to move towards a stationary target that's oblivious to your position. It's too bad you can't just like... walk to them or something.
  14. That's because his list of classes was flawed. Shadows and assassins are extremely strong. They're arguably the best ball runner in huttball as well.
  15. All of the scariest people on my server are assassins... Followed by marauders.... So shut up
  16. I don't really see why an abundance of certain classes would deter you from playing something else. It should have the opposite effect if anything. Why would you want to go into a fight with the exact same tools as your opponent when you could bring weapons that they're weak against and unfamiliar with? Snipers certainly aren't one on one gods but sorcerers and mercs are two of their best matchups.
  17. So what you're saying is that a 6 ft tall person would feel getting their head cut off less than a 5 ft tall person.
  18. Yeah we rule at finishing off people that are getting beat on. :\
  19. MM will keep you feeling like you're good until you hit level 50
  20. No class lost more surge than others. The people who lost more surge than others are those who had higher surge to begin with. I went from 90% to 75% myself. Not fun.
  21. It's definitely a fun class to play... Which is why many of us stay with it. The frustration comes in having to fly to reach heights that some 12 year old can stumble to as an inquisitor. In addition to that, we don't have any specific role that isn't better filled by another class in huttball. At the same time, we aren't as versatile as most classes. So while a good sniper isn't necessarily a liability, he isn't adding anything that an equally skilled player of another class would add more of. That said... For me, the pros (uniqueness, not looking like a mutant chicken, etc) outweigh the cons.
  22. It's a bit blurry but that sure looks like a 1-49 screenshot.
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