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Everything posted by Leiralei

  1. Seconded, thirded and fourthed. What do you mean I only get one vote?
  2. Uhh newsflash: pt/van just took a major nerf. Well, two medium nerfs. Why they think marauder needs a buff is beyond me, I suspect bribery by marauder player employees.
  3. These contests always end up with popular people's designs, no matter how crappy, getting the winning votes. Seen it too much in "best screenshot" contests to ever enter one of these again. My stuff would only get lost on page 21 of 62 because I don't have a thousand online friends to vote for my design. No I don't have a formal education in art but I did have two parents who did, and I picked up a lot from them when I was still a kid.
  4. Party Jawa is at least fun looking. Carbonite thingy? Bleh. Holorancor? I didn't want the holodancer why would I want a holorancor. Now, a cute male holodancer maybe.
  5. There is a green armor (Gamorrean Riveted Breastplate and other names) that is this model http://www.torhead.com/item/dhEbzhf/valorous-peacekeepers-chestguard but is pale pale pale, almost white, with beige undershirt. I love it and I know other Guardians would love it to be available for crafters at a low level also. It's simple, humble, and feels very Light side. (Edit: Same robe as above would be amazing in a beautiful shade of not-too-vivid green or greyish blue.) Aside from that I'd love more options for the Elegant Dress. There is an NPC in the spaceport on Nar Shadaa who has a variant of it without the tail and with pretty colours!
  6. I just want a relic that's unaligned. Can only have one Matrix cube but can have two light or dark. We were promised gear for greys (or purples, as I prefer to think of it as a blend of red and blue), where is it!
  7. When my tank's flame sweep crits for the same as jugg smash then I'll call the class OP. Flame burst was slightly OP but reduced in real power by heat buildup. You could maybe kill one person but be full on heat and need to hide. Meanwhile, the marauder next to the pyro can kill 3 people and keep on going... The real reason for the nerf is that bad marauders couldn't kill good pyrotechs. I play a powertech and tried pyro for a week, I do think flame burst may have been a bit high as I didn't even have eliminator gear but was still putting up decent numbers. This is a nerf to survivability on a class that was already squishy if you got close enough. IE, it was balanced as it was except for flame burst, but even that is nowhere near the problem of marauder damage output and survivability.
  8. This. Every time someone says east or west I have to check the map. Right and left are easier than east and west since it's from spawn direction, so if you're dead you just take the speeder of that direction, if alive just look at your spawn dropdown and go the correct way, but grass and snow are the easiest, I only have to remember that once per match somehow! Yes I have lysdexia. Yes I have very good spelling for someone with lysdexia. Shush.
  9. My concern is that PT/van will be too weak against sniper/slinger now, and it was already weak against those. Oh and against mara/sent. Mara/sent > everything else > pt/van > merc/commando dps. Sigh.
  10. With the introduction of the weapons you no longer need BM -> WH and can go straight to WH -> EWH (for the weapons at least). I'll assume it's the same for the armor once that comes out. 2000 rwz for WH weapons and WH weapon + 3475 rwz for the EWH They're phasing out BM and will be replacing it with Recruit II probably. Grab the schems now if you craft.
  11. If the medals and rewards were more teambased then mvp votes would have a chance to mean something more than they do now. I play for objectives and usually do awful at damage. Well, I play a tank, but still. Most of the time 0 mvp unless I'm running with people I know who know that it was me holding off 5 at the other door in voidstar so my team could cap (no medal and awful damage trying to just survive long enough), me protecting the ball carrier with well timed stuns, grapples, leap-rootings (no medals or objective points because I never carried it), me not capping while my teammate is capping but standing guard with stuns and stealthscan ready (no objective points or medals or damage). On a fast game it's rare I'll even make 75k, because I'm the one being attacked for peeling off the healer. The 2-3 medals I can maybe get from guarding teammates does help, but there's no recognition for what I do every single game to try to ensure the win for the team. Not just me, but everyone else who does play objectives and don't all try to cap just to get the medal.
  12. **** just got real. I want to watch this fight!
  13. I've been hit for half of my 19+k in partial bm/wh. Don't even want to think what that would do to recruit geared.
  14. Leiralei

    General PVP

    I've repeatedly sent in reports stating the cost of the starter pvp gear is too high. Particularly the level 14 weapon is absolutely absurd at the same 900 comms as every other level. The first time I saw the price increase I actually sent in a bug report because I was so sure it must have been a typo. Not only that but you can't sort the list either by price, level, or by main stat (in the case of the weapons). There's no way to get those items unless you do nothing but pvp, avoiding your class story and not getting your ship or doing any flashpoints, even then it now takes me to level 23 instead of level 17 to get the whole set and a couple of pieces for one companion. I used to have the weapon by level 12, the full 20 set by 16, and then go to the Capital planet and zip through my class story by 18, come back and pvp for my companion's 20 set, and then go ahead and mix in more pve. Now I feel like I'm grinding as soon as I hit level 10.
  15. Wonderful toggle to add back quality of life! For those worrying about being banned for something like this, feel free to write in to CS and ask, make it very clear you are asking if it's ok to use a thirdparty program solely to toggle mouselook. I wrote in a while ago about using AHK to make "roleplay" chat macros for pvp use, and did get a statement that is an allowed use. Unfortunately my script didn't always work. It would paste half the sentence then a bit from the middle would be left out, then it would paste the end. Then sometimes it would paste the whole thing. Think the dual process was messing something up. Anyway, I had to abandon the idea. Imagine typing "inc3e" and having AHK replace that with "A small group incoming to east! Aid me!" or "moreinc" becoming "We are being overwhelmed! Send reinforcements ASAP." that would be too cool. Not so much leetspeak but still fast to type. Ah well.
  16. No, because then I get no defender medals for pulling 3-5 people away from the ball to attack me while my team scores. There is NO way to adequately give people medals for doing the right things in warzones. As it stands now this is the best approximation. I'd like silly titles like "Most Hated" for the most deaths, etc. Would be fun.
  17. Wish I could, unfortunately only my commando is over there. Dear Bioware - if we're going to be paying to test your betas, at least give us the option to actually test.
  18. The other ideas I've seen are to have recruit gear nights, especially good for weekend evenings, that way it evens the playing field down to skill vs skill on those nights. Go for 2-3 hours. Gotta get everyone on the same page about it but could be fun.
  19. 4-6 games daily on how many alts is... not even possible. I'm happy for the change.
  20. It changes something. It makes snipers/slingers a better counter for pyro/assault, while leaving mara/sent still top of the heap.
  21. Leiralei

    New Warzone?

    New warzone not on PTS? I just downloaded all that... grrr.
  22. Don't go with the pvp bonus if you want max comms at 50. Get flashpoint and space mission bonuses, maybe class quest also. That way after 40 you can phase out leveling from things other than pvp and max your rwz comms. I made the mistake of getting pvp bonus and am regretting it on several characters even though it was awesome at low level.
  23. Leiralei

    WZ Leavers

    Then I'm not a quitter even though I have quit and will quit matches. ...DOES NOT COMPUTE! O.O
  24. A healer should be able to keep up 4 people vs 4 dps and make it a match of skill and attrition. Otherwise you need 1 healer for every 2 players in a warzone. Now, if 1 player can heal 4, then they should live for a very long time 1v1, not simply be blown up. This is why the game will never be balanced, whiners like you who call to nerf healers then complain that they're not being healed.
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