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Everything posted by Leiralei

  1. Oh is that why people have been giving such attitude to healers lately? I usually end up having to heal myself because there's no tank and I'm the one getting attacked. All I can do is hope some dps comes up and kills them during the time I'm stunned and before I'm dead.
  2. Well, if you don't try to teach them they have zero chance of learning and you'll ALWAYS be playing with "baddies" lol. If you do at least try, then maybe one or two per match might listen. One or two per match who listen can add up after a while. Been in matches where people didn't pass. Sent a tell after, asking if it was their first time in. Told them basics of passing (which is NOT taught anywhere in game!) and next match they did great. Sometimes see people not passing and just idly give instructions for the ball ability in ops chat then suddenly people are passing. It's amazing what happens when you give people a chance to get better. Little things like this can vastly improve the quality of pvp for everyone. Level 14 weapon (which now costs too much). Also, it's way more fun to pvp from 10-14 and get sprint that way than to grind boring mobs without sprint! A decent player can still contribute to the team tactically. Plus a lot of the time players will focus the lowbie, so guarding them can give YOU a boost for medals, or give you a chance to score while people were trying for the "easy" kill.
  3. This. Any penalty for leaving matches needs to be social. Guilds need to encourage their people to stick out the game and at least try their best. I mean, yea it sucks to get less comms than you think you deserve, (as a healer I've frequently gotten top heals and no mvp or even thanks) but consider how awful it would be to get kicked then get a debuff on top. That's just weaksauce.
  4. I'm seeing this in lowbie warfronts. One marauder, around the same level can simply kill my healing trooper and still be at full health. None of my attacks seem to even happen - no damage absorbed, just as if attacking into thin air. My latency is around 107ms. It's always the same person. Any idea what abilities can cause that? If I heal myself they kill me, if I damage them and don't try to heal it's like I'm not even attacking them and just die. Not fun pvp to not have any chance to even take an action to help, way too much like Rift pvp.
  5. More Huttball maps would be awesome! Huttball Arena - Two balls starting at the outside, have to make it into the center ring, but it's inside a ship's core so if you fall you FALL.
  6. I still think of Revan as female because I played as female. To say something is a certain way doesn't override my own memory of it, especially since I replayed KOTOR several times.
  7. A reasonable expectation yes. Or export/import at least. I use RDFG.
  8. It's truly a pity that Bioware either chose to not use the fanon in this or ignored evidence from the movies and comics regarding skin colours.
  9. Frequent, honest and open, respectful communication on the part of game devs towards the occasionally irrational players (ok more than occasionally) who are reporting bugs and problems in order to help the game, goes a long way to improving my patience with said devs. If the devs fall into the "us vs them" trap, it's game over. Yes devs are human too and occasionally get irrational as well, but they are the ones who have to take the high ground even when their players aren't well-behaved. Not everyone who has criticisms for this game wants to see it fail. There are a lot of valid criticisms right now. Players can hope that their gamble will pay off in a stable game, but only the devs can make that happen, and the goal should be seeing that happen at launch, not at a later patch. So yes, they failed in some ways and they know it. Being human, we're all a little frustrated right now. TLDR: It's preferable if everyone takes the high ground, but devs aren't paying players to play, players are paying to play something that's very buggy compared to some other recent MMO launches. Sometimes it's a customer's right to complain and report. If nobody complains, will it get better? No, because it won't be a priority to fix. REALLY TLDR: Squeaky wheels get oil because that's how you know which ones need oil.
  10. Oh so purple is considered Lethan? Where is that listed? From what I read on Wookiepedia and some complaints about non-Canon info, only turquoise is Rutian, blue is not named. It would make sense to be for dark blue, blue and turquoise to be related, but then where is the line drawn? I'm fine with Fanon for my RP - especially since so little is truly considered Canon about the Twi'lek - but looking for as-solidly-known-to-be-Canon infos as much as possible. So please if you have a piece of information, annotate it to help me out! Thanks.
  11. So I found out that the colours and religion as listed in the Twi'lek Lexicon are not considered to be canon, and the entire dictionary is merely fanfic with a few correct things listed. However, where do I find out what is canon and what is not? So far found skin colours but not necessarily words for the types, especially not for the common types such as blue, brown, orange, green, and yellow. Yuthura Ban ~ Purple Tott Doneeta ~ Gray Kharis Fenn ~ White Suu ~ Pink Shakka ~ Lethian (Red) Aayla Secura ~ Rutian (Turquoise)
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