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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake

  1. I dont think people actually know what do they want. They think they want stuff that was in their previous/first game, yet when they got it they get bored and they will blame on the features that are still missing from the game. When you look at the games and those people who keep playing them for a long time, its not any particular set of features that keep people playing. Sure, the generic type of the game, say pvp or hc raiding or whatever is important. Also it would be difficult to persuade someone who hates mmorpg:s to keep playing for a long time. But details are not really that important.


    Most important feature to keep people playing is their friends. Problem with this game currently is that loads of people leave. So people will find themselves in a situation where most of their friends have left, and eventually they either find new playing friends or they will leave too. How does Bioware stop this downward spiral then? I have no idea. I just doubt implementing any specific feature from some other game will be enough.



    You might be wanting me to say that, but no, that is not what I am saying. :)


    SWTOR has many strengths, but its flaws are causing the problems with retention.


    Only FIXING THOSE FLAWS IS GOING TO HELP...... ignoring them will simply continue the game down the same path as the last 9 months. :(


    Well, maybe I exaggerated a bit but it is kind of a negative advert considering the way you use it. I only asked since its kind of fitting in this particular thread :)

  3. WoW must have sold a lot of digital copies over the years, becuase their total sales copies comes to about 1/5 of that.


    I guess I am bored enough so lets calculate a bit :)

    First, the question was about people who have tried and left a game, not sold boxes. Wow has trial accounts too currently.


    wow was released 2005 (or end of 2004). at beginning of 2006 it had 6 million subs. Beginning of 2007 8 million subs and beginning of 2008 10 million subs. beginning of 2009 it had 12 million subs and it has now come down to bit over 10 million. (source: mmodata)


    Lets assume that average player plays for 6 months before quitting.

    so first year

    2005-2006 average 3 million subs (0-6 million) * 2 = 6 million

    2006-2007 average 7 mil (6-8 mil) * 2 = 14 million

    2007-2008 average 9 mil (8-10) *2 = 18 million

    2008-2009 average 11 mil (10-12) *2 = 22 mil

    2009-2012 summer: average 10 mil (more really but lets forget that) = 7 half years = 70 million

    that would make total of 130 million people trying and most leaving wow since it has 10 million subs atm.


    If you want to assume that people played for a year then divide my amount by 2. Thats just not counting trial accounts at all. They themselves said that 70% of their trials dont get past level 10 in some article.


    Anyway I probably miscalculated somewhere and its not really important what the number is. Just like its not important how many people have tried and left SWTOR. Mmorpgs have people starting and leaving all the time.

  4. I'm not exactly sure I understand why you feel you can make this assertion. I tend to think it's highly unlikely you could make any case for your statement and give it any shred of validity.


    You are presenting hyperbole as factual information. It is, in fact, your unproven uninformed opinion if anything.


    Depends if you can understand the idea of making up your own mind or just following others with your opinions I guess. I dont see any verified connection between that number and a quality of the game.


    50 million flys cannot be wrong...

  5. The list of things I've suggested to improve SWTOR is long and varied.


    I very much doubt WoW had lost 2,000,000 subs in its first 9 months, WAR had a similar trajectory and look how it ended up.


    But yes if SWTOR had lost 2,000,000 subs in the last 9 months, but currently had 6,000,000 subs then yes the "everything is fine" brigade would have a serious point. But there's at least 4 times as many people have left the game as are still playing the game...... again that is NOT "fine". :(


    What you really want to say by repeating that number is :




    In reality that number has nothing to do with the quality of this game or the amount of "fun" you can have in this game. Loads of people still play this game. Yet you keep repeating that 2 000 000 people have left this game. By now atleast 50 000 000 people have tried and left wow, probably more, yet I dont see you yelling doom and gloom in the wow forums.

  6. Hmh. Playing SWG I always thought its some reskinned DND variation with quite a silly ruleset. Everything was melee. Even when playing rifleman you had no chance whatsoever to kill anything before they were at melee range. You also had that weird division of professions, like melee: swords (1-hand), 2-handers, polearms, unarmed and then the basic brawler. Ranged was just as bad.


    Most of the game experience was to get buffed -> put on green armor (ME HULK SMASH) -> go as fast as you can spinning in the middle of animal lairs and destroying them to make money until the buff wears off. Having some "iconic" characters doing a cameo in various places didnt really help. Specially in the beginning when there was no space component.


    Atleast this game has blasters and rifles and they work as you would expect the ranged fight to work in a star wars universe.


    Uhm, the point (which I forgot to add :p) was that despite all those faults people still seem to like SWG.

  7. That has been the underlying flavours of these forums since December 2011, people saying "well I don't like this" or "this could be better" and a load of people saying "if you don't like it just leave".


    And they DID, nearly 2,000,000 of them. :(


    (not that the forum is at fault for that, but perhaps if they things listed in the forum had been addressed things would be different)


    Seems to be the same problem in any game and any mmorpg forum I have followed. At first the rush and then people leaving + increasing stream of complains. Even wow had this, their saviour was that they could show ever increasing playercount which occasionally they used to shut up the complainers. After passing the million player mark they were immune to complains since clearly anything they do or dont do must be right. They had million players afterall and the next best game had few hundred thousand.


    Dont get me wrong. I dont see anything wrong with complaining if people take some time to think about what they are complaining about and maybe give suggestion how to fix it. Just look at the suggestion box with loads of well written and detailed ideas from people how to make the game better. And some not so well written or detailed but ideas nevertheless.


    I dont really know where this game is going at the moment. I am wondering are they are waiting these big hits to the playerbase to be released (wow in 2 weeks) before they will do something, like adverticing, or have they given up and are just trying to manage with the ever decreasing resources and financing. I can believe in the developers ability to do whatever must be done but there is someone higher up in the corporation controlling the wallet. That person has the ability to make or break this game. To me that person is a total unknown, so I just have to wait and see what happens.

  8. ...so instead of critiqing his comparison you decided to deride him for returning?


    You do realize this game has lost 2/3 of its population, by some accounts as many as 100k in the last week and a half alone (14% of base).


    Here is an off color unfair question in response to your behavior....do you want this game to fail?


    I didnt see much point in commenting his comparison. He basically said that he was playing other games for a few weeks and he came back to say that this game sucks. So I was wondering why would he come back after just a few weeks in GW2 and first thing post in the forums to say that this game sucks. Or why stop playing GW2 in just few weeks. I know plenty of people playing that game and none have quit yet.


    I doubt anything I do or can do can make this game fail or not fail.

  9. This type of sith is what get to me. The "gentleman" assumes he is the only one who knows anything about computers and then rags on anyone else.... sigh where to we get these clow.. err.. "gentlemen"?


    I will ask again of another clow.. err.. "gentleman" have you tried to help the folks on the CS section of the forum? Have you even looked at the CS part of the forums? Do you have ANY idea what we're talking about?


    Like you I will assume your answer is "no". So do your GD homework before you post.


    You do realize that since you know nothing at all about me, you are only describing yourself and your ways of thinking? Anyway why is there a sudden flow of trolls in the forums or did the GW2 fail already for some people?

  10. That's really the best you have after someone shares a recent, direct comparison with 2 other games?


    No, but I wasted about equal amount of my effort to my answer as he did for his comparison. I also have heard a lot better direct comparisons of the 3 games. I could do one with wow myself if I wanted but I am too lazy.

  11. I am a Former IT worker and Retired Programmer.

    I invested 4 days into reinstalls and debugging my computer to locate the problem.

    Paid for Comcast to test everything on my network right back to the main Router 2 blocks away.

    Found and used new tools to do network checking and stress tested my computer.


    4 Days later I informed BioWare of the network problems are mostly at BioWare end Game Routers and the company that they lease them from. I was told by BioWare to check my computer. Idiots plain and simple.


    I was, in a way, trying to explain why the IT-support people do ask these basic questions every time. Their problem is that they have an angry customer on the phone/email/webforum and they need to figure out quickly what is the problem. They dont have time to figure out if the person they are talkin with has a doctorate in computer OS debugging or if he is retired florist who plays for fun few hours a week.


    So they have these problem solving charts they follow. They start with basics like check the drivers, send msinfo, dxdiag and so on as you have seen if you have followed any thread in the technical support forum. They use it because its a method that works most of the time and is relatively simple.


    Ofcourse sometimes it doesnt work either because the customer doesnt want to co-operate or the problem is in such a place the customer cannot do anything about it and the IT-support people dont have access to it, or for some reason cannot do anything about it.


    True story:

    me: my internet has a load of latency between 17-22 every evening. I cannot play fps-games with it.

    cust supp: check your windows network blaa blaa...

    me: I am running linux

    cust supp: ... uhh we can do measurements of cable modem, just a sec...

    cust supp: modem works. nothing else we can do.

    me: fine, cya

    -> next day I stopped ordering cable-net and ordered adsl instead from another company. Been using that ever since.


    Problem was that the cable net segment had too many users, so when everyone was online the latency increased. Another problem was that they did not want to do anything about it.

  12. Why is it a sad reality of this game if its you doing the thing? Is the game somehow responsible of your acts? Does the game have some way to force you to not to do whatever you do? Would you be happier if they disabled the spacebar skipping?


    Just some random thoughts. I think it is nice that people have a choice to listen to the conversations or not, but I guess you guys want to force everyone to your preference.

  13. I see. Those are the circumstances (at least) I am talking about. As soon as there are 16 ppl fighting there is a noticable drop in frames per second right down to choppiness (around and below 25 fps). I was told by a CSR that my CPU (i7 2600) is too slow. I think this CPU should be able to handle 16 fighting players on screen, especially in a MMORPG. Hence I ask for an update about optimization.


    You have a separate graphics card, right? You are using the separate one and not the one integrated in to that processor?

  14. Really how much software have you written?

    I am a retired programmer. Mostly drivers and device access in machine language.


    A bit, and still am.


    You said:

    " That is virtually impossible with a single threaded game. It will only run the game on 1 (ONE) processor.


    I said:

    "So either your testing is wrong or you have a processor that does what no one else's can do. (I doubt this)

    I think you forgot few other possibilities: 1. you are wrong when you claim it is impossible (even virtually). 2. It is not single threaded. "


    I am sure you know what a context switch is. In a multi processor system the os should make sure the context stays in one processor, on the other hand it can switch to another. So it is possible that because of some driver (or whatever) bug the os switches the game between all 4 processors and you will see even load in all of them when you play, even if the game is singlethreaded. Ofcourse you shouldnt see a good performance in that case.

  15. That is virtually impossible with a single threaded game. It will only run the game on 1 (ONE) processor.


    So either your testing is wrong or you have a processor that does what no one else's can do. (I doubt this)


    I think you forgot few other possibilities: 1. you are wrong when you claim it is impossible (even virtually). 2. It is not single threaded.

  16. 2) PADME DYING OF....NOTHING. Really? the galaxy is in a war, the good guys are in hiding and "padme" dies from .....what ?


    Lost the will to live? I am not sure if that is the medical term :) since I am not a doctor, but I have heard stories how some couples who have been together for a long time die very close to each other. Also if you have a will to get better, it helps curing some illnesses.


    She was injured somehow certainly after her love tried to kill her.


    Absolutely worst moments in the SW movies for me are those in parts 2 and 3 involving Padme and Anakin trying to develop a relationship. I literally have to skip atleast those in movie2 or I will rip a few chunks of my hair out.

  17. QFT...


    Ref the SWG EMU - I dipped in to it a couple of weeks ago, it is still an alpha so only has one server atm and there is obviously some stuff missing in terms of content and not all classes are present / viable yet however.......


    During the few days I was playing I took part in and witnessed more constructive, positive and friendly conversations than I have seen or witnessed in 9 months playing SWTOR. The community feeling is already there and as the project develops I would not be surprised to see it become very, very popular. And it's free!!


    Considering its a dead game running on a single emulated alpha server, the player cap of 3,000 is reached every single evening. If SWTOR was canned tomorrow do you think fans would invest the time and donations to re-engineer a fully working emulator of this game? SWG had problems of course but the fact that its still around and being played by 3000 people every day plus the hard work and dedication shown by the EMU team and contributors / donators speaks volumes imo.


    I literally had to remind myself I was actually paying for SWTOR and drag myself back after 3 days....forget GW2 for casual / second MMORPG.....I will be heading straight back to the SWG EMU whenever I need a break from SWTOR. It may lack the polish and graphics of SWTOR however it is light years ahead in scope, depth, complexity and the sheer amount of things to do with your time ingame. :)




    Problem with swgemu and similar projects is that if they ever reach the point of significance, certain big company/companies are going to stomp them so hard with their armies of lawyers the project leaders are going to wish they took flower arranging as a hobby instead. Specially if they start collecting any amount of cash to support the project.

  18. I used to work in a big IT-company doing server and other support and admin work. When ever we wanted to start using some new software, like Oracle or SQL-server or whatever we needed to test both the software versions and the hardware together to make sure they all ran smoothly. Quite often there were some little optimization stuff to do even when we followed the software manufacturers suggestions. Occasionally the brand new hardware was broken. Sometimes it was some driver version or some version of libraries in the operating system.


    Typical home computer is basically a pile of parts assembled and then operating system installed. Sometimes it is installed by a professional company and they might test the parts so that they work well together. They might even optimize the operating system for gaming, or whatever. On the other hand, most of the time you get what you get. Even with readily installed and tested rig some driver update might mess the system. Or some fancy program the user wants to use and installs himself.


    For example, my old comp runs most games I play relatively good. Few months ago I upgraded the graphics driver to see if performance in some game became better. Instead it messed performance in some other game. Rest of the games were as they were before. I ofcourse did not go and complain in that games boards that all the other games work nicely and their game is unoptimized, since the problem was obviously the driver.


    (tldr) So the point is: Even when you buy a new computer you cannot be sure it runs fully optimized in every possible situation (every game is a bit different).

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