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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake

  1. Wow had an LFG channel.

    Back in 2005 wow had similar LFG channels, limited to areas as plenty of other games had/have. It took them years to actually implement a global LFG system.

    It had wolves running after rabbits and eating them.

    Not that I care that much, but SWTOR has various scenery things happening here and there if you bother to look around.

    It had a freaking auction house search that worked.

    It had music that played in areas for more than a few brief bursts every few minutes.

    After a while I just turned the music off, since there were not that much of it than you seem to think there was and in a mmorpg it becomes repetitive eventually. In SWTOR I havent done that yet, although I havent played as long I have played wow for example.

    It had world design that didn't require minutes-long loading screens very often at all, as opposed to several in a row to move between planets,

    Instead it had long flights with birds or travels with boats. It seems that hiding the long loading times into traveltimes with boats and whatever has worked better than just showing a loading screen.


    and mountains you could actually freaking CLIMB rather than just be forced to hike around.

    There are not too many technical differences between the early wow landscapes and current SWTOR landscapes. Both have places you can climb, and places you cannot. I am sure they changed the wow landscapes in cataclysm since they enabled flying in azeroth but you were talking about early wow.

  2. I don't think my expectations were unrealistic - as I said, I wanted an open world with npc activity, ambient music and sounds, some basic polish features like useable auction house and a way to find people to group with that wasn't limited by PLANET for heaven's sake.. and gameplay that, if similar to wow, at least didn't end with me doing dailies and grinding badges again.


    What'd I get? Stone dead silence in the senate tower, the beating heart of a galaxy spanning civilization. Worlds that were frustrating to navigate, full of cliffs and one-way passages. The most slack first-pass auction house and LFG system I've ever yet seen. Gameplay that wasn't only similar to wow but identical, right to dailies and badge grinds.


    I'm not lying; they talked about having open immersive worlds, sand box elements, bustling npc activity, superb interface, etc. As it was, I played for six months being 'loyal', and now the game is basically in a releasable state after my patience has worn out. Still no sound of wind on Tattooine, though. Still no cure for Corellia's baffling architecture and unscripted NPCs. Still no cure for load times that are pathetic in comparison to GW2's - load times for areas that are smaller and less bustling, but far far longer.


    Are those unrealistic expectations? No. WoW would've met them, day one of release. TSW, GW2, yep. Hell, LOTRO too. DDO, sure. I don't ask for much. My LFG woes could've been solved, day 2 of release, by the implementation of a server-wide lfg channel for heaven's sake.


    Which wow are you talking about? The one that started around the beginning on 2005 did not have most of the stuff you seem to assume it had. Lotro only recently got some kind of beta version of LFG tool. During the spring, when I tested it last time most people didnt bother with it.

  3. And while we are on the subject...




    If you want people to "politely ask" for you to hit spacebar, then you should also remember that you also did not "politely ask" from them first if it is ok with them that you slow the fp run by making it more than an hour longer than it needs to be.


    Not spacebaring would be the normal, expected mode of operation. When they give a mode where you need to press spacebar to see the whole conversation, then we can start talking about asking permission to do that.

  4. Being lied to, cheated seems to be the fashionable complaint these days. Sometimes it feels like I am watching Dr Phil instead of reading forums of a game when every second poster complains how traumatized they are when all their imagined expectations of the game were not fully fulfulled and they think they were being lied to or cheated.
  5. ANd you believe them because? They rely on SWTOR to help make them money?


    We know its losing ton of players and they are firing lots of people and people are quitting and thats most likely going to make content take longer to be released but the game will survive and its goingto be a great game at the end of the year.


    They think the game is great now so for them to say that their standards of a game isnt that high.


    All the videos they had in the background were of leveling characters and not once did I see them grouped with anyone.


    It makes them money with current amount of subscribers. It still has potential to grab some people back assuming EA doesnt kill it themselves.


    Anyway watching a 50 minute video of few people talking is a bit boring, if they wrote it somewhere to the web, people could have red the main points in few minutes.

  6. then your "example" has nothing to do with your post nor your point of defending BioWare by saying they're still the same company.


    how about DA2? that's not only an example of a rushed (cash grab) game, but so many shortcuts were taken it was sickening..and it WAS BIOWARE.....and if you followed the criticisms...BioWare, esp Gaider, kept defending DA2 and saying us fans "just don't get it" (not that it was a crap game or bad choices were made to cash-in on DA:O's success..but we "didn't get it")


    and DA2 is the PERFECT example of MY point that BioWare is NOT the same company anymore...that game was an abortion.


    if you're going to make a counterpoint at least have it make sense and have to do with the company you're defending. but again, thanks for playing.


    Maybe you should reread my post and try to understand it too before you rant some more. Ill help, first 2 sentences is enough.

  7. no. KotOR 2 was made by Obsidian..BioWare had NOTHING to do with it...nor the time-frame of it.


    and no they're not the same company. the "real" BioWare would NEVER have done what they did to DA2...as just ONE example.


    wrong wrong and wrong.


    but thanks for playing.


    I know its made by Obsidian, not Bioware.

  8. because..quite frankly..despite those that won't admit it. BioWare is NOT the same company it used to be. Now whether that's due to BioWare themselves, EA, or a combination of both doesn't matter.


    they cut way too many corners now-a-days..look at DA2 as the "best" example (prob worst game they've EVER produced with the most corners cut)


    I used to swear by BioWare. Favorite company EVER....now they're just another Activision/Ubi Soft/etc...


    I could go on for pages with reasons why this is.


    but there ya go. That's the reason...because they seem to think it's "ok" to cut these corners and yet they're still so "high and mighty" about themselves because of past games that they feel they can do no wrong.


    it's honestly sad. And I wish they'd bounce back. Sadly, under EA, it won't happen.


    I think they are, and always have been very good at producing something that still works even when they run out of time. Take KOTOR 2 for example of a game where the company ran out of time and it shows.


    Unfortunately the EA model seems to be 2 years per game. While it works with sports games and COD kind of games with a lot less story writing, rpg:s might need more time to keep the quality up.

  9. Let me make clear. I am not out to bash Bioware. I actually played their product's from Dragon Age Orgins and bought ever DLC afterwards. I have bought all the mass effect title and I am a active poster on their personal forums. Yet I find something very disturbing.


    It seems in the span of seven months, at least seven separate threads with countless replys have been asking the question "Why pick this engine" with no direct answer from Bioware. It only leaves me to find answer's else where. On the main topic of this thread I have updated a statement directly from Hero Engine website provided to me by other posters.


    Since the very lack or non information from the people themselves. I had to go this route. Clearly this engine wasn't even ready when they picked it out. It was most likely not even prepared to go fast which explain the long loading screens. It just never got done.


    I only wish the company itself would have clearly and honestly told the players about this. Since we are posting on their forum's there is no reason for them not to see it and more over ignore it. Nearly almost every flaw in the game ..leads back to the engine. Loading screens, the down times.


    You are just spamming the same claim over and over. In other words you are trolling.

  10. If you search the forums a bit, you will find the same thread with more answers. Also if you search the internet a bit you will see that the engine they are using in swtor is not necessarily similar at all with current hero engine.


    Edit: someones link-fu is faster...

  11. Communicate? BW? Really? Let's get them to moderate the forums first.


    The fact that this thread exists and these:


    Did they just...stop caring or something?


    SINGLE PLAYER, OFFLINE mode, please.


    thanks 4 ignoring your players bioware


    shows that there is nolonger anyone at the helm. The ship has no rudder. We are FUBAR.


    GJ BW .... GJ ...:rolleyes:


    Ah well, atleast earlier they were very fast closing extras and leaving just one thread for discussion. Maybe they... umm... released all those people that were supposed to work this part of summer while the rest are on vacation.

  12. This.

    We already have Wow(and hundreds of clones) and they have ALL failed to topple WoW in terms of numbers. Before Bioware did anything, the first question they should have asked themselves was -


    "Why would I want to leave a game that I have invested 4-5 years of my life playing?"


    Because you get eventually bored? Ofcourse you wont after that pick another game which offers just the same.

  13. Strange interview of anonymous person who failed to say anything a ranting fan couldnt have said. Why did they not try to ask him(?) something that atleast tries to prove that he actually has some inside info. Now its up to the reader to decide if he wants to trust some neverheard journalist in some neverheard blog.
  14. People dont know what they do want until someone gives it to them (Steve Jobs, I think). That doesnt stop people wanting all kinds of things. Sometimes you need people with a vision to get anything sensible done. If you try to design by a committee, you will get something with lowest common denominator, something like wow where most of the stuff is copied from somewhere. It is kind of pointless to start to compete with wow trying to create what they already have, most likely you will lose since they have been doing it a lot longer.
  15. One of the problems with all the mmorpg:s is that the companies (financers) dont really want to commit to any new things they promiced to the players. If they for example announced that next patch in 2 months will implement new tools x, and y which have certain functionalities and instance z which has n amount of bosses and some new mechanics then they would need to hire enough developers to make sure that they can implement all the things they promiced, even if they have some unforeseen problems.


    Instead they have some (a lot) smaller amount of developers who wont talk much about that they will do in the future since any surprising problem will delay those plans, or even cancel them. Surely that is cheaper for the company since players have been taught that they cannot expect anything but vague promices and approximate timetables.


    Dont get me wrong. I like SWTOR and other Bioware games. It is just kind of worrying to hear about all the layoffs, dropping player rates and so on, concidering that they really havent told us much what they are planning to release in the future. Do they even believe in the future of this game? Or does EA believe enough that they are willing to finance new stuff?


    Expansions? Space? PVP? Bugfixes? New Operations? Guild stuff? Vanity stuff? Clothes? Hobbies? Exploring? Mini games? Achievements? etc...

  16. It would be nice, since we are at the second half of this year, if they told us some generic plan what they are going to do during the rest of the year. And some generic idea what we might see during next year.


    For example, 2 big patches, one has makeb and operation and whatever they already promiced in X months, and other is for fixing things, pvp. Next year, epic space expansion, wookiees, operation(s), planet-X, more wookiees, pvp stuff. Did I mention wookiees?


    Well, one can wish...

  17. Neither actually. I dont like much some elements of a typical mmorpg, like grinding, other people sometimes ;) The original starwars was a good movie, it just doesnt feel like a world I would like to spend my time. I am a KOTOR fan instead. KOTOR is ofcourse part of star wars but still different world than the original one.


    Bioware has done a good work creating a game where I can actually actually feel good after following the story and levelling to max level. In some other mmorpg it would be something like: I just killed 230149 lizards to achieve max level, do I feel legendary? I just wish they got more content soon, although I have not finished all the old ones yet.

  18. Just wanted to rant about the music on the space stations. So here I go,


    First off the original John Williams music is what people want in a star wars game.


    Maybe you should search a song called Lapti Nek in the interweb (the original version) before you wish any more of John Williams music in the game. Also the original ewok song in the end of Return of the Jedi was Williamses too. Both of these masterpieces have been replaced with other songs for some reason in the remastered versions of the original Star Wars films :)


    Anyway he is a good composer, he just has bad days like anyone occasionally.

  19. What is the point? Even in wow most group leaders (atleast when doing raids) are doing their own gearcheck because players can cheat the automatic systems, or the system isnt strict enough, or they are doing speedrun and dont want noobs, or whatever reasons. Implementing gearcheck at this point would be a waste of resources they can use to fix those irritating bugs the current version in the test center has, or adding x-server functionality.


    They can add it later if they wish, but the LFG tool is needed now more than some additional feature that just adds a bit of convenience.

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