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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake

  1. I'll give mine. I'm not a game designer but I've been a professional journalist for the Dutch Magazine PCGameplay. I've tested games for years and wrote articles about them (preview/review) and a few walkthrouhgs. I see flaws in design, I recognise the fun factor or lack off and I tell you the OP hit the nail on top.


    Problem is, in my opinion, that when you read the OP:s list quickly it sounds about right. But when you start reading his points, some of his analysis is quite shallow or dont hit the nail at all.


    For example:

    4. The Legacy system fails to offer incentives to play, it's just a money sink

    They just started with it, give them time maybe?


    5. Queue times for Battleground PvP content are artificially longer than necessary

    Uhh, what? You are saying that someone at Bioware wants people to stay in queue? well, he explained something about cross server queues but those are coming too as far as I know.


    7. The experiment with a world event in the Rakghoul Plague had no follow up

    Again, that was the first one. They already said that they are going to do more in the future so what is the problem, except that you want it now?


    Other than that, he seems to assume that people who play this game all have similar motives for playing.


    But enough about OP, I agree that the gameplay is important part of mmorpgs, or any computer games. On the other hand those few mmorpg:s I have tried, this one has quite a good immersion. Maybe it is because of the voice quests or relatively good stories but you need the gameplay elements too to keep playing.


    How to make a billion dollar/euro game then? That is the question and in my opinion the answer is not (just) hiring someone who has played 20 years of mmorpgs to design it :)


    Point is that you will need other skills too than experienced raiding/pvp.

  2. Yes, I think this is one of the things that is needed. Some kind of roadmap where this game is approximately going this year and maybe next.

    For example:


    - next patch (1.3) LFG tool and whatever was already announced

    - patches after that (this year) more pvp, pink wookiees, space stuff, new oper, fp:s

    - expansion beginning of next year (or later) with new planet(s), moisturefarming minigame in tatooine...


  3. I guess it depends how do you want to define linearity, and how strictly you want to follow that definition. In this game for example there are 8 different class stories, all different from each other. That for example is a lot more than wow has. There are also 2 different factions with own quests.


    On the other hand class quests are all same and linear to every player who play that class, same goes with the faction specific quests. You can ofcourse skip some non class quests, or the bonus series, or level yourself with pvp or space combat (slowly :) )


    Since the prewritten main story is one of the main aspects of this game, I am not sure how else to do it than giving players a relatively linear series of quests to do. You could ofcourse give players some kind of fake choice like in kotor/me/da but even there some additional attacks happened at certain points of the main story, like after 2nd main planet some (every time same) group attacks etc.

  4. It is linear, and it's meant to be. Was designed to be. We were even told it was going to be long before the game even launched. Two things about that: 1) People should have known before buying the game, so stop complaining about it, and 2) people should have know before buying the game, so stop saying it isn't.


    This is non-linear questing.


    That game isnt out yet, so you have no idea if any of their ideas actually mean what you think they mean.

  5. I was kind of expecting to read what SWTOR developers are planning this year and maybe next. This is what we need more than a list of minor adjustments to what we have at the moment. I dont necessarily disagree with the points the original poster made (or agree with some of them either :) )


    Anyway it is nice to see people still thinking.

  6. I heard they are using the Hero Engine. TOR uses an unfinished modified Alpha version of the Hero Engine. What they are using will be better than what we have.


    Bioware has also been modifying/rebuilding the engine for 3+ years now, so can you really call it hero engine or their own engine that is based on some early version of hero engine? I am sure Bethesda doesnt use the basic version of hero engine either without loads of modifications.

  7. "At the launch of this feature (Game Update 1.3), we will not be doing cross-server flashpoints. There are a couple of reasons – first off, it’s a significant technical achievement, and we felt that pursuing it would not allow us to get the feature to you guys as quickly as it needs to happen. Secondly, most of the design team thinks that it’s not necessarily good for the community. When the odds are very low that you will never group with another player again, there is very little social pressure to not be a complete jerk to that person, which is not a particularly positive game experience. We may revisit this decision in the future if our metrics show that flashpoint queues are not firing enough, but in general, queue firing should be more about distribution of key roles (tank, healer, DPS) than about overall population."-------Damion Schubert, Lead Systems Designer


    Argh, so first they will gather some data for 3 months, then they will notice that the empty servers are too empty for this to work and they will start planning the cross server version. So maybe in a 6 months you may see that stupid tool, and by then the empty servers will be at the point of no resurrection.


    If they want to protect people from other players, they should have developed a single player game instead. It is impossible to totally protect players from badly behaving idiots and this so called community doesnt have the tools to effectively deal with them anyway.

  8. I remember a computer game show on tv, quite a long time ago, where the hostess blinked about 20 times a second during the whole 30 minutes of the show. And I am not exaggerating (much :) ). So maybe it all balances somehow and mr Erickson is at he other side of the scale...
  9. Clearly they must restrict any pvp actions for only between members of the same guild because it destroys communities if they allow it unrestricted. And here is the reasoning:

    1. Guild has been the basic community unit since the early mmorpg times.

    2. In a guild you can effectively enforce the members good behaviour.

    3. If they allowed any pvp actions outside the guild, people in a guild would spend less times within their guild, thus lessening the significance of their guild,

    4. Typically people find new friends while socializing with their guild members.


    So the conclusion is, do not ever allow pvp-actions, unless they are between the members of the same guilḍ or you will destroy communities.


    Anyway what does this have to do with cross server LFG??

  10. Haha, seen this before. The British government bought some Chinook helicopters, Boeing wanted $10million or so for the software to run it. The Brit procurement guy goes "hey, lets save a few pounds and have our software nerds write the software needed to fly them, one told me in the pub they could do it easy and its just a big con". $600million down the toilet later they had to spend $40million at Boeing to put their mess right.


    I always thought that no-one wants to use the software of any military equipment you buy from other countries, since you dont know what kind of kill-switch algorithms there are embedded. Anyway, bit off topic, sorry :)

  11. All I am seeing is that the game (engine) isnt quite as optimized as it could have been. There are also bugs. I am not sure what some other engine would have helped, they still need to optimize and possibly modify it to make sure their critical game components do run smoothly and reliably. Also writing own engine might work for the companies who happen to have a game-engine-genious or few in their payroll, rest might consider lisensing an engine.
  12. Why do we not want one? STAR WARS GALAXIES, that's why. Look at what happened with Star Wars Galaxies when they implemented things to for the ease of players. DESTROYED IT. Star Wars Galaxies is the biggest and most realistic example of why us people against a LFG tool are against it. Use to have to actually work for things in Star Wars Galaxies, then BOOM, simplicity. Oh, and by the way. STAR WARS GALAXIES. Have I mentioned how simplicity ruined Star Wars Galaxies yet? Oh, I have? Well I will say it again, "SIMPLICITY RUINED STAR WARS GALAXIES!!"


    All this game needs is server transfers and server merges.


    Few other things you didnt mention regarding SWG::

    - They changed the whole combat mechanics without telling the players about it until it was in the testing phase.

    - They took away the jedi alpha class status and gave anyone ability to roll a jedi ->loads of angered veteran jedis who werent suddenly special any more

    - The whole thing was so filled with bugs that when my old hd broke, I didnt bother to buy another to play swg, I took a break of 6 months instead. Afterwards it was kind of playable atleast.

    - Wow came around the same time -> people had something new to play

    - Neither swg, nor wow had LFG tool at the time :)


    If I remember something wrong, then I do, I am now too lazy to check the times when these things happened actually :p

  13. I would have guessed that the biggest reason for leaving WoW is that it is about 7 years old and people who have been playing 3+ years or more have most likely seen everything they are going to see in that game. In other words they are bored and need a real change.


    Most of the new content is in a way like the old content, with different textures and modified game mechanics and new dungeons.


    I guess that guy looks the game too close atm, so he cannot distinquish the scenery from the facts. Those dungeon fights in vanilla WoW were exciting for him because he was doing them for the first time. Now he has 7 years of experience, like his raider friends, so everything is a lot easier for them. Example: there is a reason why experienced workers get paid more than beginner workers while they work in the same factory.


    Uhm, not much to do with SWTOR suggestions, sorry :)

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