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Posts posted by turjake

  1. Strange, witn a sw first I tried to convince broonmark to give up the hate and move on (light side choice), the conversation just ended and I had to restart. Then I convinced the broonmark to join and leave the wookie to live too, so I got yelled by the smuggler-lady that I should have saved the wookie and not broonmark. Seemed like she thought the wookie died or something?
  2. I was doing a solo mode foundry fp yesterday and at some point in the middle I noticed that I can see some agent running around in the same area I was at the moment. (near that terminal halfway through the instance where you get to chat a bit with the main boss) I could see the name and guild tag of the player but not target him.


    Not a very serious bug but still a bug.

  3. You know what an exploit is. So how is that you don't know when to use the term?


    If it said when you open your conquest window "X1000" under the Flashpoint, then that would note that it was not repeatable. If actually WAS repeatable, and everyone repeated it as much as they could, that would be an exploit.


    However, it says "(Infinity symbol)1000". That means it's repeatable! That also means that with the information given to us by the Developers of the game, we are not breaking the rules. There is no way to tell their intent till today. Now, we know. It is impossible to know their intent was the opposite of what they set up for us before this.


    Understand now?

    Wth. are you talking about? It said repeatable in the conquest window when the quest was repeatable. If it was not intended to be repeatable, then it was a bug. The player has no way to know if it was intended or not, so its not exploit..


    The actual exploit on the other hand is in the fp skipping mechanism. Most experienced players can at least guess when something looks like an exploit. Some will still keep doing it until its patched.

  4. Its an exploit. Its using game mechanics in unintended ways to gain way too much advantage compared to the intended way. On the other hand, the ways to skip almost everything in some fp:s have been clear for many years, still they have not fixed them.


    I still wish they would let people do the fp:s as often as people wished. Fix the exploit by tieing together the bonus-boss killing and the finishing reward for example. Lots more work and not that easily soloable.


    In the long run they should tie the reward to killing every boss in the fp for example.

  5. Feels like he is the last name I knew from the early BioWare leaving the studio after the 2 doctors, James Ohlen and a few other people from the original dev team of TOR that were around during the previous games.


    No wonder that most people claim that BW is nothing but a trademark of EA nowadays.


    He was the project leader for Kotor and producer for mass effect games. I dont even want to count how many hours he has "wasted" my life :) I got several hundred hours of ME-3 multiplayer alone (well, not alone, but you know), plus all the single player playthroughs.

    Anyway good work Mr Hudson.

  6. Granted. But you all die the minute you step out of the venue.




    I wish for a real-life, indestructible Gree Cyan sphere. I also wish that I come to no harm while getting in or out of it.


    Granted, but the gree have figured out you got one of their missing advanced vehicles, so if there are some weird monsters on your doorstep some morning asking how you got their vehicle, you probably need a better explanation, than some anonymous person in the internet gave it to you.


    I wish it would snow like in hoth this winter.

  7. I played a few games after a weeks break, and during those matches did several "suicides", not on purpose. Most of the time I was trying to dodge something, a missile or someone flying after me. few times I hit a wall because something exploded in front of me and I could not see where the walls are. Ofcourse few times I managed to fly my smoking and flaming piece of garbage for several minutes before someone shot me down.


    Maybe its just me, but I really would like to have a joystick steering and the look left/right functionality to see where I am going when making tight turns between rocks etc.

  8. Personally I dont care much about the exact player numbers, but it would be nice to get the content release plans for the next year, and maybe the plans for the next expansion if there is any. Some kind of roadmap to see where the game content is going.
  9. Granted, but each turn causes your system to bluescreen.


    I wish the Dallas Cowboys would win the Super Bowl this season.


    Granted. Afterwards, having achieved their dream, the whole team moves to London and starts to play cricket professionally.


    I wish a non-british person (like me) could understand the rules of cricket.

  10. Granted: Baras eats you.


    I wish it was December.


    Granted. After visiting the local shopping mall and listening Jingle Bells and other seasonal music for a few hours you will wish it was january.


    I wish I had really working (all frequencys) anti-noise earplugs.

  11. Granted, but it only appears as the size of a pixel, visible if you tilt your head JUST so when staring out the Fleet window during a graphics error. The REPUBLIC Fleet.


    I wish I had a decent-looking headpiece for my Jedi Knight.


    Granted, unfortunately they used the same fashion designer as the pope does, so it looks decent when pope wears it.


    I wish our sun was blue instead of yellow (as it apparently is yellow).

  12. Granted, a 50lb bag of gold falls on your head and breaks your neck.


    I wish I knew where to find all the HK parts.


    Granted, you will know now where the parts are. They are scattered in various planets. You will need to "scan" several of them which might take hours at a time, some you will need to loot from a flashpoint boss, and one you will need to buy from a vendor located in a free for all pvp zone. Sorry, this one was corrupted already ;)


    I wish I could modify my hk to look and sound like C3-P0 (star wars movies), but with hk phrazes ofcourse.

  13. Granted, Bioware sues you for using a wish-thread that owns to them and all your money - even your previous one! - gets sucked by them.


    I wish I had a wish because I ran out of ideas.


    Granted, you will wish that you had noticed the toilet paper is out before you sat down and did your thing.


    I wish it started snowing already. Autumn is boring.

  14. Granted, but it plays at 1 decibel.


    I wish I had the ability to transport myself and a small group of people (my choice) into any sci-fi or fantasy world at will.


    Granted, but you would be the one wearing red shirt.


    I wish they found the working stargate during the next 2 years.

  15. Granted but it has has been canceled.

    I wish the real world was like star war.


    Granted, you will live next to Jar Jar and his relatives.


    I wish the immovable object would finally meet the unstoppable force.

  16. Granted, it is impossible easy, to the point that a brain-dead level 1 and beat it but only level 1 green gear drops and 100 credits, no mats, no lv 55 gear.


    I wish that the new mass effect game I keep hearing about will come out soon, if there isn't in fact a new mass effect game in development, I wish for a new mass effect game.


    Granted, It will be Mass Effect, the aftermath. You will be playing as a krogan bricklayer and you will spend 120 exciting hours of repairing various structures the reapers demolished.


    I wish I had a computer that can run modern games smoothly with atleast medium graphical setting.

  17. So the expansion is free. Let me guess: ship customization stuff is buyable from the market. Maybe even either me3 multiplayer style where you can spend cash or grind until your brain melts to get the stuff you want. Just guessing anyway. There has to be some way they are making money from this, thinks the little cynic in me.


    Wake me up when they release the pve-part :)

    (Im not saying this is bad...)

  18. granted, but we wish for the nukes to be dropped on Coruscant.


    I wish Garza was a killable NPC.


    Granted, unfortunately you will need a sith-general class character to arrange that, and that class only becomes available after 6 years of /played time as sith soldier class. Which will be implemented in the next expansion.


    I wish we had something like 5 suns so the nights would not be dark.

  19. granted, you wiped on the 1st boss

    I wish that I didn't get any school projects over fall break


    Granted, instead you will spend your fall break cleaning and painting your grandparents house since you have extra time when you have no school projects.


    I wish someone already invented the flying car we have been promised for last 50 years or so.

  20. granted, you have hetrophillia

    I wish I had a google earth for coruscant with 3D imagry and the ability to go into the lower levels of coruscant


    Granted, but since the whole planet is covered with the city and its kilometers high skyscrapers all over the load times are in weeks every time you open one zone or try to move the view a bit.


    I wish the AI that will take over the worlds networked computer systems in near future will have a sense of humor.

  21. Granted, the Empire enslaves Earth. D:

    But we're all Force Sensitives, so we all become sith! :D

    Except you, since you made the Emperor get killed by the Republic. Tough luck. D:


    I wish this was the most active thread in the history of Internet, and that no one ever forgot about it BECAUSE IT'S AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


    Granted, this thread will be so active that there will be 100 000 new wishes and grants every second. They have to rent half of Googles server hardware just to keep this thread going. NSA (no such agency) will need to rent half of greenland to build a server farm in cold environment to keep track of all the messages in this thread only. You, on the other hand, try to open the thread and your cable modem will melt because of overload. You contact your service provider and they will tell you that you will have to buy a 10 gigabit dedicated fiber to your house to keep up with this thread. It will cost about 10 000 € /month. On the other hand, the thread is the awesomest thing in the internet, so surely its worth it.


    I wish I had a 10 gigabit dedicated fiber connection to the game servers.

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