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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake


    That's because they (through pre-pre-preparing pre-post forward planning in this space) incentivise the feedback loop cascading management system going forward through a supply based consolidation to standardise the infrastructures (whilst remembering to touch base about that offline) and to drive down operating costs whilst exploiting best-in-class technologies and practices with loop back leveraging group spend to provide robust, scalable and agile services with excellent customer experience through a holistic, cradle-to-grave approach.


    And, of course, actioning an idea shower for 720-degree thinking every thursday as Bizmeth Co-opetition to mindshare the event horizon for a next genreation Knowledge Process Outsourcing paradigm shift.


    Never for once forgetting the granularity of the strategic staircase.


    Finally something i can wholeheartedly agree.

  2. This calls for a Philosoraptor meme. Wait a second... a corporation exists to make money? I can't believe people are discovering this for the first time and actually being hurt about it :eek:


    I will continue to buy games I want to play, and not buy games I don't want to play. I don't care about any politics or what company is on the label. If you're going to do this kind of boycotting, you would have to do it to the other major companies as well, because they are guilty of equally bad things. You'd be left with only Indie and social games.

    Very few companies manage to make money just by making money. Most do have to make some product/service and try to sell that to customers. Customers on the other hand do tend to select the one product/service that gives most value for their money, That is why a company leader who keeps repeating that a companys mission is just to make money is sooner or later out of business. More often sooner than later.

  3. Yeah, I seriously don't seem beating Obi-wan.


    A saber form is not just a skill its a way of life.


    The Form becomes the way of the Form's Master's life.


    Obi-wan Mastered Soresu, which the form requires patience and waiting your opponent out with an unbreakable defense. Soresu is also a non-aggressive form. Its true power is only for defense. Just like Obi-wan is, a non-aggressive jedi who avoids fights and only defends himself if he has to. But Soresu is a unbreakable defense once it is mastered, it tires its opponent out without ever going to the offensive.


    This is like that for every form. If anyone hasn't read Shatterpoint, you really should. Mace Windu, a master of all 7 forms and the greatest master of Vapaad, talks about how every form is a way of life in that book. Meaning that the primary form influences the person's personality and actions.


    Djem So was Anakin's Primary Form before entering the suit. And that form is powered by emotion. Strong Emotion enhances the form, hence his overcoming of Dooku because he was full of revenge. And Anakin Pre-Suit was also full of emotion and his actions were influenced by his own emotions.


    Lightsaber forms are also a skill in the force. Meaning that they weren't just for lightsabers. Meaning allot of Obi-wan's Force Abilities would revolve around Soresu. And if you look at a list of his attacks, its quite true. He has more defensive abilities and passive abilities than offensive attacks and fighting.


    So in my honest Opinion, Obi-wan may not be able to take Revan on with attacks and fighting. But he sure as hell could wait him out until Revan runs dry of energies.



    ^I'm not sure if that contributed to the argument or not. But..whatever.



    He is certainly going to have a long wait since the emperor has been draining Revan for 300 years now and still he has some left :p



  4. It's right, every p2p that goes f2p has an increase dev time on 'fluff' content. Emotes, pets, cosmetics, store usability etc and the actual core content quality usually drops dramatically.


    LotRO for example is now below perfect world in quality content to play but has tons and tons and tons of awesome fun fluff to play with.


    Yep, their next expansion is going to have the instances + raids released months after the actual release of the expansion. I am sure all the fluff for the expansion will be at the store in time :Z

  5. Maybe 40% said something like that. I just hope that they have considered that:

    - Some people selected whatever because when quitting they didnt care.

    - Some people lied, for fun or whatever

    - Some people meant that if everything is free, they might be interested, not the same f2p they are going to offer

    - and so on...

  6. You're going to have one massive rant post when you realise this isn't going to happen either. :(


    Seriously don't build your hopes up.


    I am sure plenty of people have told them that this game needs some larger space kind of area with missions and fights and hopefully exploring than the current rail variation. Plenty of people have reminded them that jump to lightspeed was one of the more popular parts of swg.


    If they still dont want to release something that resembles free flying in space, they must have calculated that making such expansion is too expensive and on the other hand they make enough money even without it.

  7. The earnings announcement is in a few hours for EA. I think at this point it is best to stop laying troll bait in the forums and wait to see what is presented.


    Now, that said, SWTOR is a very small component in EAs overall business portfolio, and with box sales (or digital) already done (which is what EA is really all about), there is really very little for them to comment on from an EA financials and performance standpoint. So don't get your hope up for a detailed drill-down on one MMO property that contributes about 1% of net revenue for the company. They have bigger issues to address (like explaining how they are not going to implode in mobile gaming like Zynga is doing right now).


    Besides there will be lots of room in the forum after the call for the game haters to whip up hyperbole, speculation, rumor mongering, and the ever popular ground breaking predictions of doom for the game.


    Yes, I predict that they will merge with ID-software and one of the future content patches merges Star Wars with Doom 4.

  8. There is some financial and legal thingy about releasing that info too early. It has to be released at the same time to anyone interested. That is why you wont find any early reports of those figures from that webpage. I also remember that last time it was 1.3 million and I doubt it is the same this time :)
  9. I think Lucas(arts) controls what becomes lore and what doesnt. I guess Biowares writers had to negotiate with them about the possible fates of the exile and Revan too. Same goes with mr Karpushyn when he was writing Revan book.


    Anyway I think Obi-wan would win if they used lightsabers, Revan if they used force powers.

  10. Lets guess something: 635 818 active subs currently. Possibly a bit less active players because of summer, other games and whatever.


    They will also announce that they have found a really cheap chinese company to do the player support. They have promised to send them english, french and german dictionaries so that you can get support using your own language.

  11. After playing through the first few areas, there are few silly bugs still. Only one crash though, which is better than I remember from earlier playthroughs. Even this early in the game I am noticing some lines I dont remember hearing in the original version. So far very good.


    ****Minor Spoiler Warning*****





    Example of a silly bug: in telos station, when the Ithorians got attacked, one of the mercs that are supposed to camp in the final room by the Ithorian boss is instead near the doorway to the compound. Since he is neutral at that point, he joins our merry team attacking his own supposed teammates near the doorway and first big room of compound :) only when you speak to him, the script starts and he turns hostile.

  12. yeah what does the escape pod even do? I've always wondered... I heard people could board your ship? I've never seen it happen. Neither has most people I've talked to in-game.


    If you visit a friends ship, and he starts a space combat session, you can use the pod to leave the ship. You cannot use the airlock at that time since the ship is not in any planet during the space combat.

  13. Welcome to internet where 14 year olds pretend to be 40 years old, and apparently 40 year olds pretend to be 14.


    Judging by the text and some things he said the OP is older than 14, or his father writes the text for him.


    I have played mmorpgs since 2004 and I still dont get what the point of these: "I dont like this game any more, I go to other game, you all suck" messages is.

  14. The truth will come out today. July 26th is EA's investor call. Everyone left playing will find out (hopefully) what IS going on. Either way, it's a joke that a company like EA yet again leave their player base in limbo. Typical.


    I suggest to those left working, start looking for another place to work, somewhere they look after you.


    Stockowners meeting is 26 th, the earnings conference call (4 times a year) is 31th. I am not sure which one should show the plans for future, possibly both? Anyway last time (may) it was the earnings call when they gave the player amounts.

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