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Posts posted by turjake

  1. The op is a 64 year old librarian with a 14 year old grandson who introduced him to the game. Is he the target audience here? (I'm not hating, but noting facts)


    I realize that these are likely the people who made the CM such a big hit, but, is this really the future of swtor?


    Does it matter? The op plays the game and obviously can observe the phenomenons in the playerbase. What loads of people seem to forget is that the first player generation started playing with 8-bit computers and consoles quite a long ago. Loads of them are still playing games and wont stop as long as they can hold the keyboard or controller. They are over 40 now. Playing is not the hobby for just kids or teenagers.

  2. After doing it twice, in empire and in republic ** I think the republic one is a lot easier. First the area where the bot stands is more open in republic, then there are no chargerbots to destroy. Ofcourse doing it with relatively well geared tank vs. lesser geared sniper adds more challenge to the empire version.


    ** yes, I know its a different hutt, different bot and different story in empire and republic. The fights are quite similar still.

  3. I'll be one of the 25 standing proud. I wish them well in their "new, successful business model."


    I honestly have more fun going back and replaying GTA4 or even reading the forums for a new game that won't even LAUNCH for another year or two than I do being in this game at the moment.


    It had such promise... such potential. I remember how awesome it felt to be playing it back during the Thanksgiving beta days, and when I finally got access during Early Access in December 2011.


    Now it just feels like a twisted joke.


    I'm almost shocked that I didn't have to pay Cartel Coins to access the subscription cancellation page.


    Are you guys using some kind of template when you complain about this game?


    Anyway if I were that bitter, I would have left long ago.

  4. Full with F2P. My server - Red Eclipse - is the only English language PvE server for whole Europe. Every European PvE people who not speaks German or French plays on one server.


    Last night there were atleast 33 instances in makeb, republic side. Anyway this is a several times necroed post, just let it die already.

  5. Stay ranged if you can, keep your distance. When he starts "loading" the one shot abilyty move somewhere else than directly in front of him. Also stay away from the "gravity balls" and red target thingys. After all these it was quite easy.


    Not sure how I am going to finish this with sentinel :)

  6. I am not sure which bug he is referring but a few come in to my mind:


    - friends list does only show character name when friends are offline, when they are online it shows more stats

    - When you open the "who" tab, at first it shows some random selection of 100 people around the worlds, not the first 100 people in the world you are in

    - character inspect bug

    - you should be able to resize the "who" list, for example long guild names get cut (not a bug, just feature suggestion)

  7. If Bioware ever does an expansion pack with continuations of the eight seperate class stories the only way i can see it being done is if it's released as a expansion on hard-copy aka discs because the size would be considerable and it would be an absolute nightmare for any one trying to download it if it was digital only because every player and his dog would be trying to download it at the same time and there would be a 99% chance of the server from which the expansion is being downloaded crashing and being down for an undetermined length of time.


    They have invented technology like peer to peer transfer (torrents, for example) to solve this particular problem. Wow, among other companies, is using torrent to distribute the patches/expansions.

  8. I'm sorry... but... what a bunch of ingrates we have here.


    I mean seriously. Do you think in these Q&A sessions they are going to give you the product roadmap and the intimate details therein? Or that your pet cause, whatever it may be, is going to be front and center? LOL!


    Err... no. That is not what these events are for. They are meant to be an interaction or dialogue. A dialogue. Not you making demands and them acquiescing to your every whim.


    Are the Q&As just PR stunts? Maybe, I don't know tbh. Nevertheless, it is your chance to be heard. It is a perfect opportunity to emphasize to the devs what you think is important. And yes, you get vauge answers an some sense of what might be in the works. But that's it. That is all these sessions are and are supposed to be. I am more concerned with what the devs take away from these sessions as opposed to what we think we should be getting.


    As usual... some of you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to these things. Ask yourself, what would be gained if they said yes to everything? What would be gained by agreeing to a mythical schedule that could never be met? Absolutely nothing. And what would they gain by telling you exactly what is going to be coming and when? Well, given the various opinions on the priories and what they should be, nothing! LOL!


    I am not asking "big, difficult" questions because I want to be mean to the developers. I am asking because I want to know. As a player I would really like to know where this game is going storywise, or (big) featurewise, like adding totally new space combat. They have been very open explaining their changes to the business model, adding cartel market, f2p and so-on, yet we still dont know much about their future plans for the game world past makeb and some pvp additions. Mmorpg is an investment to a player also, so I am sure loads of players would like to know these things, when they are choosing their game for the next year.


    I have noticed, and probably said, earlier, that when you read the mmorpg forums, most suggestions from players seem to be something old with minor tuning. Take this feature and make this and this corner rounder, and this part must be painted darker red, for example. All those questions in the first post are just details, something old with tuning. I was wondering why no-one asked the bigger questions. Asking a question is not a demand. They can answer it or not. I doubt they will give "shuddup noob!" answer as some seem to be afraid :)

  9. So some community guys disappeared without announcement. What I am wondering is: how many developers got to "spend more time with their families", as they say, this time? How many unannounced but rumored projects will just disappear? What happened to the Super-Secret-Space-Project ?
  10. It might work if they also examined every ban case and if necessary banned everyone abusing the system. It should be easy to verify if the banned player had actually done some "spam" or not. On the other hand this system is clearly designed to give their GM:s time to do something more useful than check chatlogs so I doubt they will check anything.
  11. Hype is EAs biggest thing and the biggest flaw. They LOVE to hype everything, then they always underdeliver compared to the hype they generate. Luckily I did not pay attention to anything related to this game until like 3 months before launch when friends wanted to play beta for SWTOR.


    On the other hand I have not seen them advertizing this game anywhere for a long time. Wow does still get tv commersials, gw2 is on magazines, SWTOR? I guess they are relying the people to spread the good word... lol

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