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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake

  1. Yes, George has a new idea. Every film viewer is given a spacebar so he can skip the boring parts of conversations. For example a certain part of empire strikes back will become: (quotes from wikiquote)


    [Vader has just cut off Luke's right hand, which has his lightsaber]

    Darth Vader: There is no... *spacebar*

    Luke Skywalker: [angrily] I'll nev...*spacebar*

    Vader: If only you... *spacebar*

    Skywalker: He to... *spacebar*

    Vader: No, I... *spacebar*

    Skywalker: [shocked] No. N... *spacebar*

    Vader: Search you... *spacebar*

    Skywalker: NOOO... *spacebar*

    Vader: Luke, yo... *spacebar*


    *waiting for groupmembers*

    [Luke lets go of the projection and falls into the shaft]

  2. I was doing an alt in one of the origin worlds the other day. After doing everything else I decided to do the one heroic quests that was left and got some random to help me. I was a bit surpriced when this random started about halfway through this quest to ask that I spacebar through those few discussions. Just how impatient the people in this game have become.


    Personally I have seen that quest before so I dont mind. On the other hand any newcomer gets in to his first group and immediately get: spacebar spacebar hurry hurry skip skip... Why would they play this game if they learn before level 10 that you are not supposed to watch the stories. Same thing will happen when they get into their first flashpoint. skipskipskiphurryhurryhurryspacebarspacebar and done.


    I would ask that the spacebar functionality is disabled in groups by default so people can atleast follow the story in this game. It could be enabled only in groupfinder and only before the group is formed, and only in heroic mode fp:s or planet heroics (dailies).

  3. No....It was Dallas. Here is his quote from Nov 8 2005 talking about the NGE....


    "The community has responded even more positively than I hoped," Dickinson stated. "We have been very confident that the enhancements (to the combat system especially) were both more fun and the right thing to do for the game. Those who have gotten into the game and tried it out are, for the most part, really happy and excited about what this means for the future of SWG."


    Yeah so why exactly would any company making a Star Wars game want him within 100 feet of their product is beyond me.


    Because the problem was not (just) changing combat style to atleast a bit more star-wars-ish. The problem was the (insert some word I cannot type in these forums) load of bugs the nge had. The problem was taking away the speciality and alpha status of jedi, and bounty hunter. The problem was doing all this and much more without bothering to tell the community anything about it before it was almost "ready". Another problem was WoW, which was ready to provide something new to play for everyone who left SWG.

  4. I used to play sw in one of the betas. I complained that the game is too dark. Now I realize that it was just Baras eclipsing all light like any massive enough object. I should have complemented Bioware instead that their engine can simulate the physical effects of black holes distorting light so well...
  5. Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


    I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


    -Hood down option

    -Day/Night cycles

    -Weather Effects

    -Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

    -Non-Static mobs

    -Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

    -Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

    -More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

    -Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


    1. maybe, I dont care much tbh. I am happy with hood up :)

    2. no. I never understood the idea of making the game area so dark you cannot see much without turning the gamma up for 30% of the time (lotro).

    3. Dont we already get rain atleast in some places.

    4. sure, why not

    5. There already are some wandering, rest are in groups. how much wandering do you want?

    6. yes please for space improvements

    7. well, swoops might be nice. I dont really care about pazaak

    8. sure, more planets. Dantooine might be nice, or not if its rubble + farmlands :)

    9. Maybe, some class quests already do this a bit, but only a bit.

  6. Best moment?


    Either the start of the 4th film (New Hope). I was watching it around 1977 with a friend of mine and his mother. We were technically a bit too young for the film so we needed the mother with us :) I did not know what to expect and then the film started and those huge starships scrolled on the big screen shooting at each other...


    Another very good one was Anakin vs Obivan in the 3rd, if you forget the final part (lots of talking and jump to shore and Obivan wins for some mystical reason I have never understood).

  7. It would seem clear that as "many" as a million other TOR players have had issues with at least some aspects of the game, otherwise we would have as many as 1.7 million or more playing the game currently. As far as standing up and owning a situation, this is exactly what I would ask the leadership of TOR to do as there are still a great many who still play this game and want to see it thrive.


    Do those people have issues with SWTOR who are jumping from game to next game. For example plenty of people played rift before SWTOR. Atter tor went to diablo 3, then possibly to secret world, then started GW 2 and the next big thing will be pandas in WoW.


    Other big group would be those that wanted to test tor but decided to go back to their old game.

  8. Massive sub losses and massive server shutdowns are not opinion, going F2P because TOR is failing is not opinion, lol, they are fact. And no , I do not like the game nor will I ever so you can take your "hope" and spend it on world peace or some crazy thing :p


    The rest of your post on the other hand is mainly opinions mixed with grains of truths. Your main point (tor is horrible...) was pure opinion and even your reasons why people left are just guesswork.


    Anyway you can like or not like the game, I dont care since I dont know you. Personally I am wondering why are you here and not playing something else you both like with your friend, but that is your business.

  9. I don't think the most common requests from the players are all that unreasonable, actually. I don't see a lot of high demands from the average player who is on the fence about whether ToR is worth playing. Mostly it's about bug fixes, and adding more content. Neither of those are unreasonable. Bug fixes go without saying, and as to the requests for more content, BioWare chose to give us a strictly theme park MMO; They need to fill it with rides. That, or give us a sand box to play in, but BioWare seems reluctant to do that.


    For an example of a "real company" that can meet player demands for content, look no further than the dedicated staff at Trion (Rift) for inspiration. Those guys not only have random server events (rifts) to attempt to keep players busy, but also pump out larger, planned server events more frequently than any other MMO on the market. And they do that while chugging along developing new end-game content and expansions at the same time.


    Other common requests, like appearance tabs/armor customization and dual specs, aren't that unreasonable, either. Every AAA MMO on the market has these types of features... except ToR. People have a right to expect that an MMO claiming to be a competitor with other major brands have the same level of functionality as those other brands.




    You said yourself in your last post that you were tired of WoW. Yet you seem to ask that this game implements all that fancy stuff that WoW has. Do you think your burnout for WoW-kind of games will somehow go away if they do all that?


    Sure this game needs bug fixes, additional systems and more content. My favourite would be JTL-kind of space flying. I just assume making that properly will take loads of time so I dont expect it this year.

  10. I said moving in the right direction and as long as they continue to improve the game and fix the mess that is a fact.


    I don't want to get into the reasons behind the firing/layoff/leavings because I don't work at EA/Bio and am not privy to the reasons behind it. Unless you work there you'd just be speculating.


    Honestly...I don't care either.

    As long as those moves were made in order to make this game playable and enjoyable.

    Sometimes letting go of certain team members is a must for a project to grow unhindered by old ideas.


    Sometimes people SHOULD be fired.


    They've obviously made blunders and they are obviously working to correct them.

    Albeit a bit slower than I'd imagine the company would.


    They did make some much needed additions to the game, as well as implemented a lot of the things that should have been there at launch.


    As much as I think the game was a big failure all around, I'd be a fool to not acknowledge that they are TRYING to make it workable. I don't want to be some blind raging hater here. The game has problems, but I didn't want it to fail.


    - DH


    I guess the difference is that I dont think they started fixing problems/optimizing the engine and so on just because players started complaining about those. What I know about software developing I cannot believe the engine developers did not know exactly what was missing and what needed optimizing. I have to guess they ran out of time or they would have fixed those problems before the game was released. Same with additional game features and content. Someone higher up decided the deadline and what was needed on the release date.


    Reducing the development staff can only slow the process of fixing bugs and adding stuff. it doesnt matter why they did it.

  11. Bio/EA took the wrong stance to the issues, but guess what?


    All those 'complaints' from paying customers eventually had them letting go of that massive ego, and moving in the right direction.


    - DH


    Like booting most of the veteran developers and community people out and not hiring anyone to replace them? If you are EA stock owner, that might be the right direction, I just cannot see as a player how it could be.

  12. The issue here is that those players with a passing interest in the game, like the OP, are just fine with the game as-is. Those with a more invested interest, such as those players with max level characters who are now looking for challenging end-game content, or those players who are looking for complex game mechanics, see the flaws in ToR stick out like a sore thumb.


    The game is great on the surface, the story can blow you away, and it's also very polished, and always was very polished, for an MMO. But that's all on the surface. The game lacks depth, which isn't noticed by newcomers. This leaves new players wondering what the deal is with the old hats who are already jaded by a game that's only a few months old.


    A lack of depth, innovation, and complexity is the problem with ToR. It's fine while you're just playing through the stories and can be largely overlooked on your path to level 50, but once you try to get into the meat and potatoes of end-game (PvE and PvP alike) the problems start to become more apparent. You realize how tired these dated game mechanics are. It also helps if you haven't been exposed to older MMOs, and specifically WoW. We're tired of WoW, and ToR is definitely stuck in 2004 in terms of much of their PvE design (class talent trees, tank and spank bosses, etc.)




    So all the whiners are just real pro:s who have such a high demands no real company can meet them?

  13. Look, when you have a major patch announcement: Game Update 1.4 and,


    The second entry is not even new textures for gear but re-colorized ones



    The third entry is a teleport back:



    Then you know there's something wrong, seriously wrong and guess people are allowed to be pessimistic.


    Why dont you fill in the blanks, because I dont follow your logic at all. I am not saying that people are not allowed to be pessimistic but that was just stupid.

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