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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by turjake

  1. Synopsis: Bunch of angry old men looking at the past through rose tinted glasses. I bet that hasn't with every generation in the history of mankind.


    I hear a lot of PvE'ers whine about, and blame nearly everything on the PvP crowd. You come off as just as whiny and entitled as you claim that people who enjoy PvP are. God forbid that some people enjoy both...*the sounds of minds exploding*. Newsflash: Most of the hardcore PvE'ers left this game 3 months ago or more because the content was about as challenging as kindergarten coloring book. Continue with the circle jerk though, it's entertaining in the same way a train wreck is.


    Forum pvp, of which you just gave a mild example, is ofcourse part of the problem the op posted.

  2. I think they should try to advertise this game a lot more. People leave mmorpgs all the time. To replace them they need new players. Star Wars is a big IP sure, but currently they dont bother to tell anyone about this game. All those podcasts, twitters, facebook things work only for the people who already know about the game. Interviews in game blogs and magazines will reach people who already play a lot and most likely have already heard about the game. Where are they getting new players?


    Other problem with not advertising is that there are currently a group of ex-players in various forums ready to repeat their rant about how this game is a total failure every time someone mentions swtor. When they actually start advertising, their potential audience has already been warmed by these parrots. Just think about a stand up comedian who's jokes are all about the silly things his wife does and who tries to do his act in some aggressive feminist convention...


    Other than that, more various different content to different playstyles. Just dont try to please everyone with a single content or you end up pleasing no-one.

  3. Did that HK-droid disappear somewhere, or is it waiting for the cash shop? Kind of funny that they were implying in the beginning of summer that it is coming quite soon, and after the f2p announcement it went to total silence while some other content has atleast approximate dates.
  4. You have atleast learned something new, which is always good.


    Speaking of Doom, how about a planet with constant stream of zombies/husks/whatevers where you wont go out of combat for 20-30 minutes at a time when you move through tunnels/corridors towards your objects. Relatively easily killed but loads of them. Fun when designed properly?

  5. My educated opinion? Well, I am educated and I have an opinion. Close enough, I guess.


    Anyway. I dont see them gaining more players unless they do something actively about it. Instead they have "released" plenty of developers that could have helped them to create more content and new game systems to lure some new or old subscribers.


    They stopped adverticing at some point in the spring. Wow, for exaple seems to have regular adverticing campaigns still. I dont think stopping adverticing helps either with gaining more subscribers.


    They seem to trust that this f2p will suddenly gain them paying customers, somehow I expect most of those free players to play the free part and then go back to their subscribed mmo:s when they run out of free content here.


    So, what could they do to gain the momentum again? Expansion. Not just some "whocares" planet with "insertgenericmob" and "insertgenericboss". Something like JTL was in swg, atleast the space part.


    Pvp needs to work too. I know they cannot easily change the current planets so that people would do similar open world pvp as they do (well, did) in wow (I dont think they should change either), but some other planetary pvp area, maybe like ilum tried to be. Also competitive pvp would be one thing that attracts certain type of people.


    They say that you cannot turn the momentum around once your subscriber amounts have started to decline. I dont believe in that kind of truths. You just need someone who figures out how to do it, and then do it. Firing all your developers and then wishing that Fred the intern and Arthur the junior designer can output enough content so that your paying customers wont figure it out in a few years wont really do it. It just shows that the company doesnt believe in their own product and tries to milk as much money out of it as possible before they turn the servers off.


    Ah well, looks more like a rant than educated opinion but its what you get this time :)

  6. Unfortunately 32bits is something industry don't want to rid off. Even Windows 8 has a 32bits version. It's crazy but it's the world we're all in.


    Wow has a 64 bit client in the beta stages, so even game industry is moving on.

  7. if you haven't heard the news already!!! Guild wars 2 is coming out soon!!! At least they gave a date!!! Oh and if you haven't heard already, you're losing a chunk of customers!!! Good job on free to play! Because you will not make any profit from existent customers who are actually wanting to pay your gosh darn asses to make up something for the future.


    First I did not want to believe your post, but since you wrote it in bold and big font, I totally agree with you now.

  8. Well, I was GOING to add a complaint that the BW staff never comments on the suggestion box, but since that's no longer valid...:p


    The safe zone in Voidstar takes too long to let the defenders out. I know that it's there to keep the defenders from repeatedly interrupting the attackers, but it keeps us in there so long I often get a Deserter Detection warning!


    Long term requests:

    1: DirectX 11 please?

    2: A 64 bit version would be great, I'd like to be able to actually take advantage of my 8GB RAM.


    Linux and 64bit? Please? :)


    Ok, its not a small request but one can wish.

  9. I guess people can't read in what forum (STAR WARS DISCUSSION) they are, or are they trolling? Can't really tell the difference these days.

    Like that best rpg thread really meant best Star Wars rpg, even though not the subject or the actual text mentioned that? Plenty of threads in these forums dont actually talk about the game or Star Wars, since these forums lack off topic area. You on the other hand are making an assumption you shouldnt be making with the facts you have.

  10. Hi there guys,


    I was not playing the game for three months because I was away and even had a hard time finding my security key. Today I finally found it and logged in... I couldnt belive my eyes...the server I am on : Dxun battle circle...almost empty. I was the ONLY person on the republic fleet even on sith fleet. No one was there. I am shaking even as I write this message. What happened? I mean I heard rumors that its bad...but this bad? No one was there...horrible feeling.


    Then I went to server section and only a few servers in Europe were online others were locked. Does it mean they are completely empty?


    I am thinking of character server transfer but is this even possible? Sorry I was out of the loop for a long time. Does server transfer affect my characters somehow?


    Thank you and I am really sorry this happened.


    Check the character transfer FAQ. And then log into your account (where you pay for example) and move your characters.

  11. Who is the WE you speak of? How can they not have any new information at all when they have been working on it for over 6-9 months?


    Have they made any progress at all on it? or is it at the same stage as it was in April?


    I am sorry but saying there is nothing new that you can give us on it when its been months and nothing at all has been said about it is wrong.


    Are they still on pace with their development schedule of it?

    What is that schedule? Do they hope its ready this month?this year? this decade?this lifetime?


    Either they dont know the situation of the project, or someone hasnt allowed them to tell the situation of the project to the public. That might be because its not ready enough so they cannot give any promises since they dont know what features it will have. Or it is good but some marketing department wants to control when and how to release the info. You know, the marketers need to do that kind of stuff so they can feel like they are doing something.


    Ofcourse the worst situation would be that they are not working with it atm, since someone has decided that their coders are needed elsewhere at the moment. And they dont want to tell that kind of thing just at the moment.

  12. Maybe it will be like world of tanks, but in space. Enormous amount of grinding, shortcuts to buy your way to the competitive edge with real money. If well done, like WoT, it might be still fun like WoT. But in the end expensive for normal people (who dont have 10 hours a day to grind).
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