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Everything posted by Shonuff

  1. Dude we live in a instant gratification kind of world where people are spoiled and want things now, now, NOW!!! They don't care how they get it, they just do. We live in a world with fast cars, fast delivery, fast food, fast internet (depending on who you are), fast video games, fast movies, fast cell phones, fast everything. Everytbody does'nt know the meaning of patience so when people actually have no choice but to wait for something, they get mad and upset. This is the natural instinct of Humans who have an average lifespan of 100-90 years naturally. Every minute we can never get back, our life is relitivily short, so we demand to want things now. We live in the now because we are not young forever, Logic is thrown out the door as well as common sense, and critical thinking. It does'nt matter. Overall, peoiple are spoiled and have no sense or appreciation of waiting for something good. On a personal note, this is why I think MMO's should move away from WoW's formula because everytime you try to be a direct copy with a new coat of paint, peoples expectations are too high. Your never gonna beat WoW, even if they stop developing content for the game and just keep the servers up, the game is gonna be popular forever. My suggestion actually is for companies to stop copying WoW.
  2. It's a combination of people merging to other servers and leaving as well as the time your logging in. But as the guy above said. Some of us are older, have jobs, wife/husband, kids, school. We have to eat, sleep, pray, whatever. Your best bet is to find a server whos peak hours are that early but that would mean merging with a server over seas.
  3. The word "Soon" and all other meanings of it are trademark of Bioware. All rights reserved.
  4. You mean like the Desktop crash bug they were suppose to fix? Wait, it's not in the patch notes. Awwww, I guess thats our fault too. Stop kissing their arse.
  5. The problem is you don't have 1.whatever million testers on the in house test server in various situations, states, and conditions testing the game. All their gear is probably earned via a debugger. Allowing them to focus test specifics without the grind. Problem is when they do this, they bypass odd, new bugs like this Matrix Cube bug which could have been detected if they had Test Server Copy up. This would have been caught early by accident and would not have been an issue. The only obvious reason this got passed up is that their few hundred testers all did not have their Matrix Cube attatched which is realistic if the team is focus testing certain things because they dont' play the game like us. (Hence why they THINK you have to equip the darn cube to lose it).
  6. Now you know why they need to have Server Copy asap. The truth is a lot of people actually LOVE to play test server but they don't want to regrind new 50's on a game designed to play alts to improve quality of life for your main. Once they do this, the test will get the "simulated live" treatment it needs to avoid this stuff. It won't be full proof but i'd rather lose my Matrix Cube on the test server than on my main server. At least I can just recopy the guy on the test server. You don't get the luxury on a live server. You feel me?
  7. This mess is getting ridiculous. First the crashing to desktop issue andnow I can't log in cuz i'll lose my Matrix Cube, also I seen nothing in the patch fixing this problem. Im NOT gonna log in now. And if they take a whole week to fix this problem too, im quitting. im just wasting time and money with each issue and my patience is wearing thin. Sad too. I JUST got a Beta invite for "Mist of Pandora" (Or whatever) and I haven't played WoW like forever. I'll give them two days to fix this. Then i'll quit. I really had hope for this game, maybe they need to lose some subs before they get on the ball. When the game is functioning at least fiuidly, I might come back but right now im not feeling it now with this game. No offense to Bioware but you got a loooooooong way to go with this MMO but I wish them the best of luck. I still love you guys though. It's funny, I just wrote in a recent post that I don't post "I unsub post," now here I am. Well my 15 bucks can be used elsewhere for something important now I guess. Peace, and good luck with this my friends.
  8. Reguarding your argument about people complaining. Everyone has their reason to dislike the game at whatever state it is in. The real question is, does it effect you? The only thing that should matter to you is what YOU want, not everyone else. Now im not saying the company should cater to all your wants and needs but you should consider a few things; like is the community on the same page as you? Do you like the same features and content they do? And if the game your currently discussing have those things you want? My point is, instead of complaining about what other people complain or defend about this game, just do what you want? If you want to leave, just leave? Hell i'm anxious for The Secret World. That game looks awsome and seems like its my style. But you don't see me on the forums 'writing books' about what SWTOR does'nt do for me (though I have my opinons like everyone else)? When a game I like comes along that I feel deserves my money, im gone. No questions, no "I unsub'd" post, no problem, and I don't care if the entire population don't follow me. Bugs, lack of content, all these things are apart of gaming. Some companies just deal with it better than others. Thats the easiest thing to find. The hardest thing to do is come to the realization that the game you thought to have fell in love with and enjoyed all this time may just not be the game for you. When people come to this realization, they will find themselves more happier with themselves no matter what they play.
  9. A lot of people are rushing to BW defense. Perhaps they are blessed with playing on a much popular server so take yourself out of the equation and try to understand what the OP and the rest of us are saying. Time is money. It is as simple as that. Every month we put in 15 dollars a month for access to the game. When we have server populations dropping, it hurts everything. The Economy, Warzones, even leveling up. All these things contribute to lower server population. For those still on the server they are stuck. They have to waste the 15 dollars waiting for the server transfer options. So I can understand why a lot of people are upset. And BW needs to take this seriously, the REAL competition is coming soon and with the announcment of an Elder Scrolls MMO (Though we don't know how it will work). IT will definantly get people thinking about leaving and paying to play other games. Including me. Some of these games are actually interesting. And contrary to popular belief the technology IS there for server transfers. IF you want to play on the Asia Pecific servers only. One of our old guildies just did so recently from our server. BW focus should be on the transfers and 1.3 later. No exceptions.
  10. I believe....I THINK.....thats a bug my friend. I had a similar problem months ago where my dark side choices was not going up or down. I ignored it for awhile since I did'nt care about it too much. One day I started grinding dark side points and now im gaining. Just report it,. You should be able to get to Dark V. Light side points just offset the amount you need to get the next Dark Side level. It is possible I think to get Full Dark or light because of your Legacy reward for doing it. Getting points for both sides just keeps you from grinding to Dark then Light easier. They want you to commit to a side.
  11. Orly? I could say the same thing about those who expect this to be a mulitplayer game. To further emphesise, why not play games like Left4Dead, Call of Duty, or even Diablo 3 ect? Because right now the game functions just as well as those games. Straight to the point. No realistic transition from one event to another. Just jump in, load, play. 90% of people time is on the fleet. Everything about this game is made for the convenience. Even the Legacy System makes things easier. It's like those who sit in the basement and play games all day can now sit in the fleet all day and play warzones and flashpoints. It's like a living breathing menu. There is absolutly no reason to go back to the older planets. There is no player cities, their is no realistic space travel and combat? There is not enough social entertainment from planet to planet. Everything is very light on the MMO side and more heavy on the single/multiplayer side of things. Most of you never played SWG or Everquest, ect. You guys will never know what it feels like to be in a true MMO world. Biowares focus was just to take the Star Wars name to attact more people from oustide the MMO fanbase and make their own WoW game and kiddie it up as much as possible to let anyone even their mama play the game. Why? Because more accessibility = more customers = more money. Thats how game companys roll now and im very disappointed about it.
  12. OP! Your not gonna get anywhere with crying about your load time problem. If you havent already, why not put your system specs on here so we can have an idea of whats going on? It's a good possiblility it's your computer, not the game.
  13. If I unsub it's not gonna be because they don't release 1.3. We don't even know what 1.3 will entail and I still havent done EVERYTHING. I would at least want to play every class once and mayb experience playing all Flashpoints and OPS on hard and nightmare, once conqured then i'll consider my future with SWTOR but im not gonna base my subscription on content I have yet to know about. We just got a ton of content already.
  14. Whats funny is how everyone is protesting againts the OP and others asking for the vendor to reappear like they need to be punished. For what? They pay for the game just like you do. Bringing back the vendor is'nt gonna hurt anyone so stop trolling. Besides, they said he is gonna probably come back in the near future but only him so everyones protest againts the idea is meaningless, it's gonna happen, It's just a matter of when. The request is fair and hurts nobody.
  15. LOL so basically we are so OP that the names of our powers give an unfair advantage?!? This is awsome!!!!!
  16. A lot of people will pass off Champions Online as not worth comparing but dispite some of its' flaws it had some really good server ideas. In CO there is only 1 actual server in your area and as the server fills up it adds an instance for you to merge in although you can still communicate with them in that instance or even join their instance for grouping. You have an accont name that goes before your heroes name. In the general chat they know you by account name next to your hero name (This can be hidden) It basically solved the problem with low poipulated servers. Dispite it's F2P lable now, a lot of people still play the game. You will always find huge groups of people playing so you will never enter an area where no one is grinding because someone somewhere was always available for grouping. If they adopt a similar server idea like this, the problem with low populated servers and faction imbalances would be a thing of the past. Of course you would still have to have the East/West/Asia as well as RP and PVP areas since CO has no factions but thats still better than the gazillion servers we have now.
  17. Play what makes you happy, if you don't like it, don't play it. I don't mean this in a rude snobby way. I just feel a lot of people try to create these excuses to play or not to play weather they are having fun or not. It's not like Bioware is begging you to stay. If the game does'nt do well then it's just one more game that well....does'nt do well. Everyone drops the project and moves on to the next thing. Tryign to make people feel bad for staying with a game others are having fun with while they are not is also a silly argument. Why hang around the forums trolling players who enjoy the game because you did'nt.. Just leave and play the game you claim is better. It's no skin off of anyones back. When players start acting like they have a free will and play what they want not what they think they want will be the day gamers start to feel better about their choices.
  18. My problem was not the length, the week time frame is fair, my problem was how they did the daily's. Opening the dailys based on a day by day basis upon completion is epic fail (No trolling) it is unfair to those who work or go to school and don't log on enough to participate in the event. This leaves the inevitable option to sit on the fleet contaminating people to die multiple times to get dna samples so you can buy your prizes. So things like killing the world bosses for the codex entries ect is difficult to assemble because half the people are on the fleet grinding. So yes I would also be up for a few days extention but next time just plan the event a bit better for less active people, other wise I thought it was a good event. PS. The RNG for the Companion customization Kit is epic fail I thought RNG for boxes was done for? C'mon Bioware lets get with it ok?
  19. There are some voice actors/actresses that are very talanted and are able to visualize their setting in order to capture the mood while others are not as visual and are probably not familiar with voice acting as they are with live acting. Keep in mind a lot of these scenes were not finished and don't have the visual outcome we now seewhen they were in the studio. So the context of the events were probably vauge due to the scene being unfinished. Lastly unlike most games they are not conversing with the fellow actor/actress in real time but with several possible characters, meaning the voice work was probably done alone in a room full of tecnicians so the peson did'nt have a feel of how the person may sound. Another thing is that some scripts are not spoken in order, they may do the middle converstaion the first day and then the beguinning conversation the next causing becoming inconsistant.
  20. Well to be fair, the items are transferable between your legacy characters but I do see your point. Getting 5 Quinns for example would be annoying.
  21. I know, thats whY i think it should be tokens, not actual gear, even if it's for roleplay. I actually like the way some of the gear looks. I just like as many customization options as possible. I don't see any reason why not. Either way, you earn the gear, you get what you want.
  22. Love this event. My only grief is that the armor is all light. Would like it if they where some kind of kit so you can trade for either light, medium, or heavy versions in case I may want to play the actual game in this gear. Great for Inquisitors but sucks for Marauders and Bounty Hunters ect.
  23. Do yourself a favor man and TALK TO PEOPLE!!!!! Why are you playing an MMO to solo PvP? If thats the case go play COD?
  24. Well guys, they gave you a free respec for a reason. They knew everyone was not gonna like the change. You just have to adapt to the changes.
  25. Really? What games have you played that don't. It's common practice to comphensate for lost time due to errors on their part and time lost by thier customers. I've played quite a few MMO's where they give you time back based for their problems, going all the way back to SWG. I really wish people would stop trying to demonize Bioware like they are callous or something. **** happens, even the best programmers are not gonna be prepared for every problem. I don't like losing a day either and im glad for the extra day and sometimes I do try to figure out *** ar they doing, but I never thought they were so naive that they would never give back to the community. Remember they are giving us a free 30 days for just being loyal and trying to bring back older subscriptions by offering free trials so we are already getting a free month. Now we have 30+1 day. Everybody should give Bioware some credit for doing the best they can.
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