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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. how though?


    If your on Drummond Kaas & on level 35 how?


    The Intro to WZ and daily WZ mission is purposely ridiculously boosted. At level 10 they're rewarding 100k XP, takes you to level 20 in no time.


    Do the intro to Strongholds and crafting and that's another good chunk of XP. Finally Flashpoint intro and you will be level 30 with little effort.

  2. Pretty much went over this in the last producer stream and they said it won't be coming back any time soon.



    Level sync + complimentary XP boosts + New armor set (when they fix it) is apparently faster leveling then 12x according to them.

  3. That would certainly be kind of cool tbh... More incentive to go either light or dark rather then these two generic companions. The Chiss looks kind of cool, Darth Maul with ***** looks boring...


    And the promise that the story would be affected by the event.... But they don't tell us to what extent. My guess is not too much.

  4. It's just a coincidence that TH appears to be the EZ-Mode for these botters to exploit, because it is just that, too friggin easy to exploit and sit there for weeks on end, only needing to attend to each "player" every downtime to get them back online and move the money elsewhere for the credit sellers to sell.


    Yeah it used to be the huge security chests on Rishi as a major farming source, now they just drop crafting items from the chests which sucks.




    Heroic nerfs though being reverted soon may still end up being a thing in a few months... I wish they would stop killing the credit making ways for all the real players and just go after bots. Nerfs to TH is not the answer.


    Runescape is another game I used to play a lot but not often anymore... Back in 2010-2012 the game was infested with bots everywhere. They ended up cracking down hard and the game is still doing better now overall it seems.

  5. Why do you think it will never happen? We've gotten new other cosmetics why couldn't we get new body types?


    I wish we could just get sliders for height weight and distribution for body types. 1-4+ is so limiting and so far from actual potential body shapes.


    It's been 5 years it's not going to happen at this point.


    Bringing in a new body type and making it fit into everything is a lot more work then a new hair style or eye color

  6. How does it matter that he was established in the game? I had no option for a female companion. It's about having options isn't it? They could've offered a female established companion as well. Stop twisting around and just acknowledge the simple fact that this game has more male than female companions. So really the game has been leaning towards you for 5 years and now ONCE you don't get a choice of a male companion, suddenly the game is leaning towards male players? Honestly, you just can't make a credible case for that.


    But like I said half the males are weird aliens that can not be romanced. Qyzen, Blizz, Broonmark, Khem Val, Xalek to name a few. Where as all the females are humans/ close to humans that can be romanced.



    Even the quest givers for flirt options. For Males lots of them are the weird aliens and the ones that are human are usually Jedi Masters/ Sith Lords/ High ranking officers. People who wouldn't make sense to flirt with (inappropriate) or just wouldn't have interest. Where as a lot of the females you can interact with for starters will never be odd unromanceable aliens since they have no models for them and usually are of lower rank.


    Why the flirt options are not equal in the game, I don't think it really matters but some people complain about it...

  7. Simply put, because there is a HUGE straight male leaning bias in this game. They shouldn't have to be reminded women are here and we shouldn't have to BEG to have choices put into the game for us. Sometimes it can be VERY unwelcoming to female players. Get a stronghold in Yavin to avoid fleet cesspool and just accept Bug Boy is as good as it gets.


    Pretty sure the main reason they didn't get around to be expanded romance options was production time. They wanted to delay the release again but EA made them push it out in 2011.


    It's a massive effort to voice act every line in the vanilla game and they didn't prioritize or have time for the same sex options or more flirts overall.

  8. I played a male Warrior and Jedi and both were flirting before they even left their starter planets, my females had none.


    There are a couple of female classes that do have flirts but they are all in their class stories and maybe one flirt with a random guy in the galaxy. The male characters I played were flirting with and sometimes more with npc's outside their class stories.


    They didn't have gay flirts before ROTHC otherwise it wouldn't be an issue I think.



    But there's a lot of alien quest givers that are all male, all the weird aliens are male. So it limits female interactions with a lot of them.

  9. You're right, people wanting same sex romance do have more of a right to complain, doesn't mean I don't have any, and no you can't win them all and they can't please everyone all of the time but if (and I hate comparing games but I am going to) Dragon Age can effectively and fairly include gender and sexual differences in their games despite a majority and minority divide then why can't swtor?

    Maybe I am not being completely ignored but when I have a male character flirting with half of the galaxy and my female character lucky to get one or two, or my male character having a choice of two companions to romance and marry while my female character is given one and on occasion a fling, there is a definite difference there.


    That all depends on the class, some male classes don't have many flirts either.



    The companions, every female companion is human or humanoid. While half the male companions are aliens. Why the romance options are very different and not equal.



    Easier to represent all those aliens as males since they use those same models again in the game. For most of those alien species we never see female versions anyways not just in this game but the EU as well.

  10. Don't suspect anything, I would feel just as bad for male players if the situation were reversed. But, looking back over the game from the beginning you can see anything beyond the main story is definitely geared for male play. More flirts for males, advertising to appeal to males and now female only comps as event rewards.

    It's true BW has done good in general towards breaking the gender barrier..Dragon Age in particular have done extremely well but I definitely feel when playing this game I am not as important as a paying customer as my male counterpart...it's not enough for me to not want to play anymore, I love this game and this is the only gripe I have with it.

    There is a difference in keeping the majority happy and outright ignoring the minority.


    Meh I'd say that's more the Star Wars influence rather than Bioware... The prequels and original movies have a grand total of 2 female characters that matter.

  11. It's not hard to tell the difference between someone who self destructs by mistake and someone who does it on purpose. The people who do it on purpose will finish the game with a bunch of deaths, 0 shots, 0 objective points, 0 stats. You will also see their name repeatedly in red (or green, depending on your team) appearing: "'x' self destructed".


    When that happens every 15 seconds, you can tell it's on purpose...


    They could all be attempting to RP as iconic Star Wars character, Jek Porkins.


    Not everyone wants to be Han Solo.

  12. Well I got to say I always did enjoy Xalek more then the 4 Jedi girls... Shame he comes so late into the story. You only have one planet left with him in the main class stories where stuff actually matters and companions actually interact.


    Playing the warrior again as a female this time and well Jaesa sucks IMO... The voice acting is bad and overall her interactions are way better when playing a male. They're just awkward on a female.


    I liked Scourge a lot too though because he was already trained and experienced... The 4 Jedi girls are all the same, young and sometimes often annoying...



    So I got to say as a male player I think I'd rather another male force user. I'd take Scourge and Xalek over Kira/ Nadia/ Jaesa/ Ashara any day. Plus there's Senya and Lana now....

  13. All the force sensitive males are strong and independent and dont need no man/woman to guide them (see even Scourge is gone atm). All women are insecure and need a Master ;) *grabs popcorn*


    Well I got to say I always did enjoy Xalek more then the 4 Jedi girls... Shame he comes so late into the story. You only have one planet left with him in the main class stories where stuff actually matters and companions actually interact.


    Playing the warrior again as a female this time and well Jaesa sucks IMO... The voice acting is bad and overall her interactions are way better when playing a male. They're just awkward on a female.

  14. Does someone have a link to a post from the Devs that clearly states the new companion will be female? I have been assuming female because of the pictures, so lost interest in getting the companion, however if they have not decided and there is a chance of having the choice of a male LS or DS force user companion that would be great. Like many of the other women who have mentioned it I'd love a male force user / force capable companion that's not Xalek or Guss (and a romanceable one would be even better! :D)


    They're both females, I think they made it quite clear in the explanations of each of them in the producer streams

  15. No this gamemode isn't for everyone. It's widely considered the hardest content in the game, in fact I would consider it harder than Ranked and Progression Ops combined.


    But intentionally throwing the match because you don't like it, because it's hard, because you want to get it over with hurts the other players. Flying around and not contributing, although still not that great, is a much more sportsmanlike alternative by comparison.


    ~ Eudoxia


    Well I can never seem to hit anything lol :p usually I find myself trying for like 4 minutes then I just fly around the map and try and do fancy stuff without self destructing... A few times I led the enemy on some wild chase, that's always kind of fun

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