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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I don't even PVP that often but no rewards for the losing side at all is just ridiculous. That is 100% the end of PVP in the games current state...



    Who will want to queue for PVP, play 10-15 minutes and get nothing. Why risk it when you can instead do any other content and be guaranteed rewards specifically command XP.

  2. Overall Ioved it best expansion to date - great story I like that choices matter for the first time ever. I didn't mind them killing off a character, things like this make the story more meaningful.


    I will concede it still would make 0 sense as a non force class though and since 4 of the 8 classes are non force Bioware probably should have considered that.


    Also would have been nice for Revan to appear in the final fight and maybe even Meetra as well would be a nice touch for the whole Emperor storyline to have come full circle.


    I'll admit. I'm a bit disappointed by the absence of Scourge... his whole purpose for the last 300 years was to find a way to stop Vitiate and his insane crusade. It's why he became the Wrath in the first place so he could get close to the Emperor.

  3. Yeah I really liked the latest episode, I feel like this is what we come to expect all season.


    Thrawn was awesome as usual but it looks like he's finally putting a plan into motion. Seeing Lothal again was honestly refreshing, I used to hate that it was only Lothal 24/7.

  4. he got mopped in the floor in the flashpoint of Ilum .


    Malgus was charismatic ? the guy couldn't even get Marr to stand by him . And he is ugly like hell .


    I for one , won't stand in the way of his return . As long as I get to kill him once last time . Because , I personally I hate when you kill someone..and they ''Pouf'' No explanation..come back to life ! and I'm supposed to be awed or something .


    Marr would've been good for the Empire , but he was also a warrior who liked the battelfield better . And Acina is a good choice . Unless we can take the chair ourself .


    Malgus lost to a group of the best fighters in the Galaxy, he didn't exactly get moped to the floor.


    1. You don't know what Marr looks like lol and 2. What does looks have to do with anything? Malgus is definitely Charismatic, he inspired tons to stand behind his empire knowing full well that by doing so they would be betraying a galactic superpower and leaving behind everything they once possessed.


    And no, Acina is a terrible choice. She is extremely passive (which is practically how she came to power in the first place) and I think the fact that she appointed that retard Lorman to minister in the first place speaks wonders of her administration, she had not control over the closest things around her. The only reason she is not dethroned is because the rest of the council presumably died in battle or killed each other. She allies herself with us because she knows we can dethrone her too, she is weak.

  5. The main problem I could see would be the stigma towards him. After Ilum, he was known as Malgus the Betrayer. While his actions did save the Empire, he was branded as a HUGE traitor, While the new political climate is more along the lines of what Malgus wanted, it may be hard for him to get past that issue.


    Well I don't think it's too much different then the views against the Outlander in the Eternal Empire. The Imperials respect strength and Malgus can provide.


    I doubt a lot of them are happy with the current peace loving Empire.

  6. You make a very good point. Ever since his uprising, Marr and Acina have adopted his viewpoints to the point that Malgus would not necessarily be unwelcome should he return.


    Yes, a big argument Malgus made was that the infighting among the Dark Council was holding the Empire back from its true potential. Acina has removed this from the equation, Marr was working on it before her.


    Though Acina herself had to work her way through the Sith politics both before the Eternal Empire and after, her ascendancy is still what Malgus fought against. Malgus never entertained those politics and power struggles to the same extent, he earned his respect and power not be underminding fellow allies but instead fighting wars against enemies.


    Overall Malgus is a stronger combatant, brilliant military mind and a charismatic leader. In the Empires current state I do not see how they would ever accept Acina over him.

  7. It will probably be something centered around Darth Malgus


    Could be, he likely will seize the Empire at this point. It's weak enough and the leadership isn't strong enough probably to oppose him.


    However isn't he still in Carbonite?

  8. I romanced Theron at first, but he's a "Mary sue" The guy has no flaws at all, and seems pretty okay with everything you do. And when he's not, he still isn't exactly upset about the poor decisions you made.


    I rerolled as I didn't want such a boring character as a LI.:rak_03:


    But I guess it appeals to females, not much people will have something against someone "perfect"


    Hey still better then Rey from Episode 7.

  9. Hello i have submitted numerous tickets and now that they havent even fixed it in today's part ch it m about to un sub and uninstall this game there is a quest blocker bug going on with vette in chapter 4 of kotet after you kill all the purifier droids on iokath she wont talk to me at all i have been a long time player and have been disappointed with swtor and this is my last straw if its not fixed i am leaving for good oh and the mission is called where dreams die. How ironic my dreams of playing this since early access have definitely died.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


    Use fleet pass... go back into instance, if that doesn't work. Leave and reset mission. Seriously is it that difficult to figure these things out for some?

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