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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I did all tiers except legendary and opened all packs at once.


    Items of note:


    Sith Recluse Set

    Reaver Set

    Xoxxans Upper and Bottom

    Remulus Set

    Ceremonial Jedi Supplementary and Upper

    Darth Sion Bottom and Supplementary

    Freedom Nadd Set (already owned this one though)


    Black/ White Hawkeye Crystal

    Light Weapon Tuning



    All things considered it was quite a good hull. Getting the entire Sith Recluse set was such a nice surprise and that alone made it worth it to me :p but I like the Reaver set as well and I'll finish the Xoxxans one sometime

  2. I liked it in KOTOR, does that count?



    In this game, idk it's alright I guess. I like Imperial Taris more though mainly just for it taking place at night which is kind of cool. Hope someday they have day/ night cycles on a lot of planets.

  3. I have one clear cut main character and that is my male Gunslinger. He's quite ruthless, nearly full dark side. But he isn't corrupted, he doesn't do things only for himself. I like to think he's the darker side of the Republic, Jedi have a code, soldiers have guidelines but he doesn't, the Republic calls him in to do I guess off the books type of jobs, things a Jedi or Soldier wouldn't be able to do and if they did they would likely get punished.


    He meant to romance Lana (but the game glitched and didn't save that he did in chapter 9) and he already married Risha earlier, so I guess he's going to stick with Risha (Bug decided that lol).

  4. I'm almost certain it will be Nautolan or Rodian.



    There isn't many species in game outside of the playable species that have female models. Outside of the vanilla playable species Cathar, Togruta, Nautolan and Rodian are the only species I believe to have both male and female models in game.



    Other aliens in game that could be playable are all males as far as I know. Kel Dor, Kaleesh, Devaronion, etc. Which would require a bit more work to make female models for them as well I guess. And it doesn't make sense to put in the extra work when Nautolans and Rodians are pretty heavily requested as well

  5. Um, you know you can play the game without being a sub, right? But SWTOR revenue partly relies on sub money. It's in their best interest for us to very much want to sub. With KOTFE, the sub benefits were the monthly rewards, persistent access (and early access) to chapters, and the stuff that's already there which are less 'benefits' and more just normal stuff that you'd expect to have for subbing to a game (such as the lack of a super low credit cap).


    Bringing a "you should probably leave" attitude into it is ridiculous. There is plenty you can do in this game without being a sub. And again, you're making things into black and white nonsense, trying to take words like "little else" or "largely" and turn them into stuff like "nothing but." The difference is pretty important.


    Face it, you were looking for an excuse to go on the offensive and you ended up picking a target that required reaching. There are far better targets out there for the kind of argument you're trying to make.


    Really not sure what you're trying to accomplish tbh with the last 2 parts....




    And honestly this game sucks if you're not a subscriber, yeah you can play it... But it's quite the struggle for pure free to play. With all the account unlocks though it's playable since all you have limiting you is credit cap really however in order to get a lot of those unlocks now days you would have to pay quite a bit so it would honestly just be better to subscribe.

  6. So not free at all then.


    I suggest you refer to a dictionary regarding the definition of free.


    The ability to play KotFE IS one of the Subscriber Rewards - because it is ONLY available to Subscribers.


    And it is was this Subscriber Reward content that I was referring to as barely being worth it.


    All The Best


    In practically every other gaming related thing an expansion is additional content that is paid for.... SoR and ROTHC fall under this category. KOTFE does not require additional payment outside of subscription like the other 2 did. I don't play this game if I'm not subbed so it's free to me.



    But either way I don't see why anyone would subscribe monthly if they only ever logged on just to play the new KOTFE chapter, why subscribe for an hour of content a month when you could subscribe after its all released and get all of the content? I imagine most subscribers are around to play more then KOTFE but there are still some who only care about KOTFE then complain about the "total cost"....

  7. He said "precious little else," not "nothing else." Way to distort his words.


    If you look at some of the semi-recent threads on subscription and whether it's worth it, you'd find there's a fair few people saying that beyond stuff like credit cap, they really feel no reason to sub.


    I'd say it's not an uncommon position for somebody to take that subbing is largely not worth it.


    And you also completely misinterpreted what he was saying about the reason to sub. He indicated that subbing is largely only worth it for him because of the sub rewards, in the process of quoting Ben Irving, who was talking about future sub rewards, i.e. the special monthly rewards that come with being a sub, that they've done this year.


    Talk about knocking down a strawman. Yeesh.



    If your only subbing for the monthly rewards... Probably indication you should find a different game to play and move on from this one. $15 for HK poster? Sub rewards are just extra bonuses... Nothing that special. Especially with all the CM stuff these days, most sub rewards are just copy cat items



    "Little else" in his case and nothing else have minimal difference

  8. Getting subscriber rewards nailed down, and published for all to see should now be your priority - because there's precious little else worthy of a subscription.



    Nothing else worthy of subscription? Just saying majority of the player base is subscribed for more then just KOTFE and Subscriber rewards...



    I don't understand the people who say they paid X amount of money to be subscribed every month for KOTFE... The expansion was FREE with subscription, where these people never subscribed at all in the past before KOTFE? Or only logged on to play KOTFE chapters and never any other content?


    If they where however only interested in KOTFE then why wait to sub at the end and get all 16 chapters for one months worth of subscription?

  9. But he left me and i told him back, then when he steal my Ship he told "You do not deserve this ship". After this i want find him and make a choice (To kill or not to kill). So i think this choice we can make in some mission ? Am i right ? :)


    Nah doubt it, they won't have two different missions I don't think... Depending on what happened, they got to fit it all together for everyone

  10. Not sure about that but in the Clone Wars tv series that is legend canon and canon canon there was a episode about a former clone trooper who had twi'lek wife and 2 twi'lek, human children. There where not his but their real father was a human. Well the twi'lek wife said that but no human features there. Maybe their like Assari from Mass Effect no matter who the father is they are still Assari.

    All the other races in the game besides the Togruta and Cathars can breed with humans without any issues because mostly their humans who suffered some mutations because of their environment but still humans.


    I'm a huge fan of TCW and I'm 90% sure it was never mentioned that the children's real father was a human.

  11. They did say specifically they were working on ops after kotfe, which many of us took as after it launched, but I guess they meant after it was over. Given they wont specify ops, and rather "group content" a year later after kotfe, I'm betting the ops got canned and we can look forward to morestar fortress quality group content at best.


    Guess some people took that comment differently because I always thought they meant after KOTFE was finished they would be working on more group content, not after the first 9 chapters.

  12. Well lore wise I think human is the only one that actually works since in the Annihilation novel there's a Sith Lord who becomes the first alien on the dark council and it takes place after the class stories.




    Gameplay wise anything other then Twilek or Togruta I guess works due to your ancestor. But given your ancestor lived in a timeline that Sith where even less tolerant to aliens I guess Human or Pureblood makes the most sense.

  13. Ahahahahaha! And then you woke up and realized you were dreaming. Look forward to a rerun of KOTFE and ONE "group" content activity towards the end of the run equivalent to Eternal Championship, though probably just a variant of the Star Fortresses.


    Zero new operations.


    Zero GSF update.


    One PVP map. Maybe.


    Never ending CM updates.


    Minimal to no bug fixes.


    Possible 5 level increase where we lose a key ability and have to reaquire it at 70, because BW likes to take things away and make you work for them again and again.


    As for story, Arcann will get a government enforced redemption. The Outlander will be forced to team up with him to stop Vaylin, who will kill Senya. Both Vaylin and SCORPIO will be defeated by end of the season (though unlikely they will actually die) and then Valkorian will finally step up and do something to reveal he had a master plan all along at the season 2 cliffhanger, setting him up as the Big Bad for Season 3.


    Oh, and Koth will do something super important at a key juncture with the Gravestone, whether he stole the ship or not.


    And the Outlander will continue to be a supporting character in Bioware's Legends fanfic, portrayed as an incompetant leader, failure as a strategist, and cutscene punching bag.


    Nah Bioware has said they been working on group content for a few months now and I think they realize they kind of messed up with not having any in KOTFE.... I expect at least a couple group content related stuff (ops or fps) in the initial release but likely nothing else month by month.

  14. On the one hand I see the level increase to 70 as inevitable. On the other unless it comes in with a lot of end game content I'm not sure there is any point.


    We saw the ops and flashpoints releveled for 65, fair play that is done. I just don't think they could relevel them for 70 and expect people to play them to regrind gear that isn't necessary for the new chapters cause any boss fight will be about hiding behind a shield over a dps check.


    I think you have to have an expansion to raise the level you can't just do it when you release a couple of 30 minute single player chapters.


    Yeah if there's no new group content then raising the level cap isn't all that needed, however I guess we can just pretend like level 65 cap never existed as you can easily be level 70 by the end of KOTFE before even starting the new content...

  15. Yeah my main romances Lana as well but doesn't have the official thing under the follower tab. It's a bug for sure.




    My dark vs light female consular is romancing Theron and just finished chapter 9 where I got the message she is in a romance with him.

  16. He left me as well but I'm pretty certain if he didn't leave you earlier then he doesn't steal the gravestone from what I heard....





    Since stealing the ship and not stealing the ship is a pretty big difference I'd say Koth will just come back on his own accord after he's done playing hero and apologize/ justify himself. The Gravestone likely won't be needed in the first few chapters of season 2.

  17. It was such a long time ago I had my first JK there, but if I remember currectly the fight you might not have glitched or anything. He made clones of himself that were easy to aoe down, but ofcourse the thing is for you to gather enough focus fast for such attacks....

    ...and on top of that I didn't have the droid equipped (as I didn't use him) and this battle was nightmare....lucky for me this wasn't my first char, so I played a little better and it was lots of DCDs/ companion DCD (at that time companions had more skills than now)/ sending companion to aggro and fight only the boss while I take care of the adds etc:)

    ....safe to say I died few times until I did everything correctly:D


    The clones are a part of the the fight that happens when you get him down to a certain HP, this was literally right after the conversation and T7 insta killed him before I did anything. He got glitched out lol

  18. All my hours spent in ranked pvp for a color crystal and a mount. A couple decos, and a title, which maybe 0.01% of the playerbase might see.


    Good to know so I can stop taking ranked seriously.


    Well the only people who will take notice of the ranked PVP rewards and care about them are other ranked PVP players. So not sure what the problem is?

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