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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I repeat, I don't buy this anymore!! I didn't play KotET so far (for the aforementioned :mad: reasons :( ) but IMO He'll be back sooner or later...




    Thank you!


    I think he's really gone at this point, he didn't actually have a physical body at the time, he was fighting over yours in chapter 9. But his spirit or mind or whatever is dead now too... so he has nothing. Can't seem him coming back

  2. Chapter 1-3 where probably the best IMO, I really enjoyed seeing Voss and Dromund Kaas again. Chapter 2 leaves me hopeful for the future content as it looks like we may be going back more to the Republic vs Empire stuff.


    I didn't mind Iokath but it definintly could have been better and have a bit more of an impact.


    Chapters 6-9 where it kinda fell off. The party stuff was fun for like 10 minutes, but you move around so slow and didn't have access to abilities, got boring. Nathema was kind of underwhelming and the ending while alright, could have been better.


    At least Valkorian is gone.

  3. I really liked Chapter 2... was refreshing to go back to Imperial and Republic kind of stuff. Dromund was nice to see again.


    Chapter 2 is why I'm hopeful for where the story may go next, looks like it might go back to Imperials and Republic, Sith and Jedi, with the Eternal Empire/ Alliance being the neutral ground.

  4. Did on my 2nd try with my Gunslinger. 1st time I died cause I got knocked off the map.


    Anyways whenever she uses her long channel ability just run under the stairs out of her sight or what not and it's prettt easy...



    I mean if I can do it on a Gunslinger which relies on cover, should be easier on other, more mobile classes

  5. 15:00 GMT???? COME ON EA!!! Its been 9 hours of dec 2 where I am from... since we have no maintenance why do we Europeans have to wait another 8 hours... 17 hours passed dec 2? :o not fair for Europe!!!! Make it sooner please!!!


    Still had to wait the same amount of time as everyone else, regardless of the time it launches on the 2nd.

  6. Seriously.


    You do know that in Europe we are already december 2nd already for 7 hours and 24 minuts.


    Yet Im not able to access the new expansion and Im a subscriber.


    So, let me get this straight. You say people get access on the decemeber 2nd ( I get it ) but what You didnt say is that when it hits clock in USA from first to second december.


    This is manipulative and missleading to all subscribers from Europe. Beacuse now You actually already stole #1 my money for subscription and then misslead me to belive that I will be able to play at midnight but ofcourse that wasnt the case.


    I really really hope that someone with alot of cash and influence would sue You down to Your bones.


    Beacuse incompentence and manipulation ( everything for money ) went over all limits of good taste by EA.


    Lol and when does anything happen at midnight? No it was not misleading... not for anyone who's been playing for longer then 3 months

  7. Yes they said on the producer streams that they would be releasing the story content in packages for now on rather then monthly like last year


    So we get the first half now and then the second half will be presumably in the summer, since the last chapter of KOTFE was July but got delayed to August.



    The time between now until that second batch of story is apparently group content and other stuff not story related

  8. It is looking quite unlikely that there will be a season 4 of Rebels. Season 2 and 3 were confirmed around the time of the previous season's premiere, season 4 has not and there are fairly substantial rumours of a new animated series made by Filoni and crew already in production.


    Freddie Prinze mentioned they recorded some voice lines for season 4 I believe, I'm confident we will see a season 4 otherwise I think this current season would be more serious and less intro stuff for Thrawn...

  9. It feels like it is all a build up to a season finale with Thron

    Thron isn't just testing the rebels and studying their reactions but how his imperial commanders react and adjust to the rebel terrorist tactics.


    That is what the rebellion is. Terrorist trying to undermine the Empire through hit and run tactics. Thron is the latest Commander put in charge to counter the rebels and end the suffering against Empire interests.amd allies :p


    Nah Thrawn is taking a back seat to Maul in terms of the biggest of the bad.



    The mid season finale in 3 weeks is about Maul and his connection to Ezra. And I think it's quite clear it's building up to a Obi-Wan vs Maul finale.


    Thrawn I think is going to carry over more into the next season, I think season 4 will be the last though given the current time period

  10. What about



    Jedi consular final boss . What is his name ? Wasn't one of them too child of the emprore or something ?


    The First Son?


    He seems pretty dead and if not, he has no real purpose at this point.


    Most of the class bosses wouldn't fit in 5 years later, they're not relevant or powerful enough at this point... well except *cough* Jadus *cough*...


    Who could fit in, he was the master planner, no matter the outcome in Agent act 1, the agent isn't powerful enough to stop him

  11. I disagree. All three are needed.


    The Revan book makes it abundantly clear why both Revan and Scourge should be there at Valkorion's demise.


    With regard to Kira, if you maxed out her affection/influence, there is a minor quest after the events of Chapter 3 unfold where the emperor is still a threat to her and her friends. BioWare has not revisited that story due to scrapping future class story chapters and focusing on other things. This is a great opportunity for BioWare to tie up loose ends and resolve the wide open door they created with regard to Kira and Valkorion.


    Revan had his chance to defeat the Emperor, 3 times actually and he failed. His part is over.


    Kira is really not that relevant, she's some outcast girl that went to the Jedi, she didn't spend much time in the company of the emperor.


    Scourge spent centuries as his right hand, nobody knows him better, he is the only a real argument can be made for at this point

  12. Revan is not needed, leave him alone.



    Kira is debatable, she has formed ties to the Emperor but she doesn't offer much...



    Scourge on the other hand I feel is totally needed back in the story, I think he felt out of place not being in Shadow of Revan. The real mistake was ever making him a companion in the base game, it restricts him quite a bit. He's by far the most powerful companion and is immortal, his character potential is being wasted due to him being a companion before.


    Scourge has been to Nathema and knows the Emperor well.

  13. Anyways this latest episode, it was obviously setting up something larger, but I think Maul is going after Kenobi.



    "Twin Suns" (Tatooine), and overall it would be generally surprising for Kenobi to still be alive after Order 66, Maul seemed surprised.

  14. It wasn't too bad but like others said Thrawn and Bendu shouldn't have been introduced together. Thrawn is the one who should have been left out though.


    Bendu is going to be in this weeks episode I believe along with Maul.

    Clip from celebration with Maul.


    Thrawn isn't even coming back until episode 3 or 4.

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