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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. Because Blizzard similarly made no effort to correct the imbalance. It was more because they were flying by the seat of their pants than anything else. Bioware has had time to prepare, and THIS is the result?


    Correcting the imbalance would mean either to force players to roll one faction, by hard capping the amount allowed on the other. This pisses people off severely and shatters guilds etc. So its a no go.


    The other way to do it is to give advantages to the underpopulated side, which is a no go as well as you would fracture the balance between classes and sides as it is.


    There is simply not much Bioware or any game company can do to populate a specific side, other then allowing Cross server battlegrounds etc.

  2. Fanbois have to realize that criticism is valid. This game heavily lacks endgame content, and pvp is lackluster at best. Bugs are a whole other issue. The game has promise but I doubt through lots of mmo experience it will get fixed in time. There are just too many issues.


    Should have waited another year before release.


    And please....no "But WoW was terrible when it first came out!" Yes I know this...and I also know how patetically low gamer expectations are when we base out expectations off of a gmae that came out almost 10 years ago. This is not the first mmo flop. The industry in and of itself cannot produce good games anymore.


    Fans do know the criticism is valid but they also know that if hou don't use the brain you got and read tbe developer responses and ptr patch notes before complaining you just look stupid.

  3. LOLL! Calling everyone baddies, then going on to claim #1 problem has to do with lewt


    shows you can't read. That is simply my list of Changes Bioware needs to make to the pvp. Nothing more. 1) has nothing to do with his 1).


    Also not calling everyone baddies, just those that complain left and right about how horrible this pvp is and how imbalanced bla bla, while its not.

  4. It's probably a case of the PvP team sitting there going "Well, where do we start? They're complaining about everything!". I don't blame the community either, because almost everything about PvP is problematic.


    Population imbalance, Ilum performance issues, Ilum design issues, PvP quest design, absence of real open-world PvP, random bag system, gear progression, bland warzones, same-faction warzones, ability delay, animation delay, random bag system, expertise, ugly PvP armors, carbon copy characters due to PvP gear being required, too much CC, bad CC immunity system, random bag system, hour+ warzone queues on low pop servers, advantages to certain factions in certain warzones, poor/no attempts at class balancing, advantages to certain mirror classes, warzone AFK'ers with no penalties, Baron Deathmark, cap-swapping/kill-swapping, buggy warzones, disconencts, no ranking system, mercenary commendations don't exist, and the random bag system.


    I wouldn't know where to start responding either.


    Nothing imbalanced about player versus player at all, only the baddies say it is a bad pvp system. Fact is, this pvp system is fine. It just needs a few changes.


    1) Change the Random Number Generated Bags (the RNG-bags) to drop Commendations all the time. Put the gear in a store that use these commendations. For example Bag 1 gives 10 Commendations. 1 head item costs 300 commendations. Thats 10 bags. 2 bags per day. means 5 days of dailies = 1 Item. Increase the cost of the bigger pieces like chests. Make them say 600 commendations.


    2) Add the Crowd Control Abilities to diminishing returns, increase the length of Resolve to fill up longer.


    3) Cheat the wall glitches etc in Warzones so they can no longer be abused.


    4) Add in a "You are joining a Warzone in progress, would you like to continue? yes / No box upon joining a warzone. When selected no, player goes back in a queue.


    5) Allow Cross Server PvP. Shortens the wait time on PvP.


    6) Add more types of Huttball Warzones and other type of warzones. Add in a standard Capture the Flag.


    Thats all there is needed really. Ilum itself is fine but its "Imbalanced" only due to some servers have a low republic player amount. Which brings me to your "population IMbalance" issue. Bioware cannot fix this. It is up to you players to build a server community that is willing to invest to pull new players to the Republic side.


    Easiest way to do that, is for bioware to create Server specific Forums.

  5. What's even sillier is not everyone in the community agrees with all those problems, some of them contradict one another, and others are already being worked on.


    Thats because the large part this pvp community is falling over is server population imbalance, that as you might have guessed, is a player choice. Bioware cannot force people to go republic and giving the republic extra benefits imbalances the entire game.

  6. It's probably a case of the PvP team sitting there going "Well, where do we start? They're complaining about everything!". I don't blame the community either, because almost everything about PvP is problematic.


    Population imbalance, Ilum performance issues, Ilum design issues, PvP quest design, absence of real open-world PvP, random bag system, gear progression, bland warzones, same-faction warzones, ability delay, animation delay, random bag system, expertise, ugly PvP armors, carbon copy characters due to PvP gear being required, too much CC, bad CC immunity system, random bag system, hour+ warzone queues on low pop servers, advantages to certain factions in certain warzones, poor/no attempts at class balancing, advantages to certain mirror classes, warzone AFK'ers with no penalties, Baron Deathmark, cap-swapping/kill-swapping, buggy warzones, disconencts, no ranking system, mercenary commendations don't exist, and the random bag system.


    I wouldn't know where to start responding either.


    Nothing imbalanced about player versus player at all, only the baddies say it is a bad pvp system. Fact is, this pvp system is fine. It just needs a few changes.


    1) Change the Random Number Generated Bags (the RNG-bags) to drop Commendations all the time. Put the gear in a store that use these commendations. For example Bag 1 gives 10 Commendations. 1 head item costs 300 commendations. Thats 10 bags. 2 bags per day. means 5 days of dailies = 1 Item. Increase the cost of the bigger pieces like chests. Make them say 600 commendations.


    2) Add the Crowd Control Abilities to diminishing returns, increase the length of Resolve to fill up longer.


    3) Cheat the wall glitches etc in Warzones so they can no longer be abused.


    4) Add in a "You are joining a Warzone in progress, would you like to continue? yes / No box upon joining a warzone. When selected no, player goes back in a queue.


    5) Allow Cross Server PvP. Shortens the wait time on PvP.


    6) Add more types of Huttball Warzones and other type of warzones. Add in a standard Capture the Flag.


    Thats all there is needed really. Ilum itself is fine but its "Imbalanced" only due to some servers have a low republic player amount. Which brings me to your "population IMbalance" issue. Bioware cannot fix this. It is up to you players to build a server community that is willing to invest to pull new players to the Republic side.


    Easiest way to do that, is for bioware to create Server specific Forums.

  7. There is but one thing needed to make huttball even more awsome, besides new and better maps! and that thing is called Diminishing Returns.


    With every form of Crowd Control (be it Stuns, Snares etc) acting on Diminishing Returns will make players think more tactical then just Spamming there knockbacks and stuns all over the map. Afterall, if you knockback a player 2 times and he still manages to reach the ramp close to your end zone, a third knockback won't work as he might be Immune to it for several seconds.


    Add in the Resolve bar to that, making it larger and a bit harder to fill up, combined with the Anti CC ability will make players consider every option they got before they do anything.

  8. ...you get in the top third with 75k damage?


    what the hell, i do 125k-ish (except huttball) and im usually bottom third.


    Here ya go. Some of my results I screenshotted.






    First place with less then 50k damage.



    Might wanna think that through once more. In a fail pve tank spec you can dominate pretty much any class 1v1 and you usually end up top 3.


    Also, if you're losing to tracer missile spamming noobs I stand by my "not a very good PT" comment. There is no reason to lose to a tracer spammer with charge and 8 sec interuppts.


    Im not following you anymore. Fail specs get you 1vs1 wins and top 3? Win specs get you bottom? What are you talking about.


    Also I said Grav spammers, not tracer.

  9. what i meant is that most people describe this as OMG THE PT IS JUST SITTNIG THERE WAITING TO GRAPPLE ME THE ENTIRE MATCH!


    if a pt is in the right place and the right time, i think it's a valid tactic for sure. it's just pretty rare, and retarded to focus on as an ubertactic. i have played too many games of huttball and have seen it happen like three or four times. the guys that try to stand on that ledge the entire match never really do anything, and are thus retarded, which was the basis of my original post.


    Oh that. Yeah I hate that. I go out to fight, protect the ball carrier, be the ball carrier (tank). Stop the enemy ball carrier etc. Try to keep the enemy away from my ball carrier etc. If I die and happen to respawn and out of the forcefield while your running of the ramp to try and score, then yeah....I am gonne try and grapple you. However I will not Kill myself just to get there and wait for you maybe to show up.

  10. Something doesn't match up there. If you're ending up at the top of thd dps charts it isn't because you can't keep pumping out damage. :D


    Also, juggs in tank spec have worse resource generation than you do. Most of those hits are auto attacks.


    edit: Also, you admit you're pve tank spec which is huge /fail for pvp.


    If it is such a huge fail, then how come I always end up in the top 3. Clearly I am doing something right.


    Also as a Tank your are not a damage dealer. At most i get around 75-100K Damage done. 1 medal.


    I get a minimum of 2-3 Defender medals. 1k, 3k and 10k.


    I get Protection medals like paladin. 10k Damage prevented on an ally without dying.


    You get atleast 1 other medal for 1 Killing blow. (I can solo nearly every class 1-1 other then smugglers and grav round troopers =/)


    Then there is 1 more medal for 10 Kills.


    Thats 6 medals. add 1 more for the lower rank protection medal. Thats 7 medals.


    If your lucky, add 25 kills medal. Thats 8 Medals.


    8 medals is good for a tank.


    So yeah...PvE tank!

  11. like everything else on this forum, this issue is exaggerated. no good player will do this, because it's retarded. hope this helps.


    Uhh I have used it a few times in the last 10-20 seconds of a game. Hell I won a Draw 1-1 match with, by pulling the ball carrier into the spawn area in the last 4 seconds, giving me the ball in the last second. Bam Victory!

  12. For the love of christ, if I hear one more trooper/bh quote Baron Deathmark as evidence that this is working as intended I'm going to lose it.


    The kill mechanic is working as intended but the grapple is supposed to count as a score given that the ball has crossed the line. I don't think it's a high priority fix at this point but eventually I suspect they will raise the height modifier on the goal area so that this exploit is fixed.


    The mechanic means the ball has to be in the scoring line, not over it. I pull you OVER IT Towards me! So no its not exploiting and working as intended.


    remember the rules of Huttball. Cheating is encouraged!

  13. Lv 43, full shield tech for pve tanking. Mostly end up top 3 in PvP. Knowing your abilities is key. Yeah we do more damage then our Sith/ Jedi counter parts but we sacrifice the lonlivity of our skills for it. For example as they can keep wailing I need to balance my skills or I overheat quickly, making me pretty much worthless.


    So my two most used abilities are Heat blast and Vent heat. Which are both on a decent cooldown. I also Have hardly No CC abilities other then Electro dart and Grapple. Yes, I am aware I could spec shield for some slows and a different pvp skill, but that would make me kind of useless in pve.


    So no, Power tech Tanks are fine.

  14. What they need to do is change the system so that any type of Crowd Control, be it stuns or snares or mezzes etc, is on Diminishing Returns. That way after 2 or 3 stuns, a stun would be immunite to you.


    Combine that with a better and a slightly larger resolve bar, which adds in a extra effect to CC immunity when using your Anti CC at the right time.


    This makes people think more about when to use there stuns, snares, and other type of CC abilities. This also greatly improves pvp as it is.

  15. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. For ToR, unfortunately, mostly the worst. This isn't my first review - I reviewed the game during the beta several times, but I was shunned by incredulous and overzealous fans. After all, it was "just" a beta. Well here we are, at the dawn of release - no longer in the beta. So where does this game stand in the grand scheme of things? How does it compare to WoW, SWG, Rift, GW2? Lets find out.


    Who am I? I'm some dude that led a top-US CS:S team for many years, was a part of two top-10 WoW guilds, and played in several WoW Arena Tournies (including the CGS invitational) and many many CS tournaments, including the CPL. I also had a stint working for an indie game developer several years ago. I like to think that I know what I'm talking about, and usually, I do.



    Story. Story. Story. We've heard it over and over again. Bioware has really hammered this home - much how Vincent Chase is Queens Boulevard, The Old Republic is story. And story is one of the few battles ToR wins. The voice over quality is top notch and primary class quests are mostly interesting and engaging. Some may be deterred by the incessant use of family drama as a plot device since it gets old pretty fast. With that said, don't expect Chaucer, but the writing is sufficient.


    Unfortunately, the side quests are problematic and suffer from trivial subject matters ("blah blah click some turrets") or endless fetch questing (go to X, come back to Y, go to X again, now back to Y). This wouldn't have been a problem 10 years ago, but 2012 is almost here. WoW has moved us past the trivialities of fetch questing and now we do cool stuff like lassoing dragons, bombing runs or mind-controlling giants. ToR pretends like there hasn't been an entire generation of MMORPGs since KOTOR and suffers for it greatly. Bonus quests are an interesting touch, but more often than not, they insult the player. Here you are doing the most trivial of tasks (ex: clicking control panels - a Bioware favorite) and a bonus quest pops up that asks you to kill 30 of the same type of mob. And just like that, we're all sent back to the late 90s. Bioware has a lot to learn from Jeff Kaplan.


    On many levels, however, the VO is a technical achievement. Ordinarily, I'd have no problem with pouring so much money into something like voice over, but the gameplay significantly suffered from it. To me, that's unforgivable.



    The crux of a good MMORPG is solid combat. I expect combat to be fluid, responsive, and logical. ToR has a pretty good grasp of what it wants to do, but doesn't quite reach the bar set by better MMOs. First of all, the "heroic" combat Bioware preached for years and years isn't as heroic as they made it out to be. Animations are often choppy and blocking animations seem to happen at random times (as opposed to having weapons make contact). But lets face it, it's not a big deal. What is a big deal, however, is the lack of an auto-attack.


    This quizzical gameplay choice hurts more than it helps. It means that the gamer needs to manually press 1-1-1-1-1 (or right-click like a madman) to use the regular "white attack" ability and to generate resources that one may use (in the case of the Warrior-archetypes). Not only is this boring, but it literally provides zero gameplay improvement - what is the reasoning behind no auto-attack? Who knows.


    Stealth and cover are very underwhelming. Cover, in particular, is nigh worthless in PvP. The conical radius, the spent GCD, the fact that 4 classes can easily close range, and the fact that almost every class has a knock-back should be very clear indicators that a mechanic like cover is a terrible, terrible idea.


    Stealth, as mentioned, is very odd. On one hand, it tries to mimic what stealth is in WoW (a fundamental mechanic of classes like rogues and feral druids), while more often than not it becomes merely a trivial escape mechanism. It needs to be fundamentally reworked - stealth should be a game mechanic, not a novelty.


    PvE and Leveling

    Admittedly, a high point of the game are the instances (known as flashpoints). Black Talon, Athiss, Hammer Station, etc. are all fairly well-designed. Mechanics are tried and true: get out of the fire, interrupt heals, kite bad stuff. This is where ToR really does feel like "WoW in space" and it's also arguably the best part of the game. As a matter of fact, the only reason I'm still playing is because I'm curious to see if the large-scale Operations will be as good as Flashpoints.


    Leveling is fairly smooth, but the fact that the world is sharded can be distracting and does discourage grouping. Heroic 2+ man quests can be fun, but I found myself skipping them more often than not - the time invested doesn't seem worth it. During hardcore leveling periods, I also found myself skipping all VO. I don't care about your life story, I just want to get this quest out of the way. I feel somewhat guilty about it, but these are the scenarios that make me feel like side-quest VO is a swing and a miss - a very expensive miss.



    PvP is a joke, there's not much more to say. It's an insult to any form of competitive activity. Huttball is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen implemented in an MMO: Warsong Gulch with a passable flag? Really? What irks me most is that someone actually made money coming up with such a terrible idea. Inconsistent traps, obnoxious commentators, bad layout, Huttball has it all. There are 15-year-olds that designed better Unreal Tournament maps. Sure, there may be some occasional mindless fun to be had with Huttball, but there's no real value here.


    Alderaan is significantly better, but doesn't even compare to the wide variety of BGs present in MMOs like WoW or Rift. Ignoring WoW's trailblazing here, Rift's "Black Garden" was a particularly awesome innovation. World PvP is more or less nonexistent.


    If ToR was Communist Russia, PvP would be human rights.



    Companions were lauded by Bioware as being an evolutionary step as far as the genre is concerned. Unfortunately, they turned out to be glorified pets. They even have an ability pet bar just like in WoW! Some companions are interesting, some are boring. They do seem to break up the monotony of the often morose landscapes, but they are basically just pets.


    Companion crafting is a great idea, however. Not having to worry about crafting stuff yourself is pretty neat. ToR sometimes surprises you with interesting and progressive innovations. Unfortunately, these moments are far and few in between.



    Does The Old Republic have a chance? Not with what we see on day 1. No chance. Fanboys and fangirls may try to make a case for ToR, but the reality is that there is no case for ToR. There are many changes that need to make their way into ToR for it to be a competitor to 2nd tier MMOs, let alone giants like WoW.


    UI mods have been requested since beta. A combat log has been requested since beta. There are absolutely no features that even begin to address the social element of the game: guild achievements, guild skill trees, etc. There's a need for competitive PvP, LFG finders, etc, etc. These shouldn't be post-release patches, this is 2012! These are basic elements of modern MMORPGs. I don' think ToR is finished.


    The only reason ToR won't die in 6 months is "Bioware" and "Star Wars." Will these two names carry the burden for a year? Two? I doubt it. But then again, I could be wrong. http://warhammeronline.com/ is still going. Don't fool yourself though. It's dead.


    You may berate me now, but don't forget this review 1 year down the line. ToR is dead. Long live Titan?


    Red part :


    CS died with the release of 1.6 and source. They are trying to renew it with the new Counter Strike but fact is, leading a top CS team after 1.5 is not an impressive feed.


    Being in the top 10 wow guilds, with raids being as easy as they are, is neither an impressive feed nor really worth mentioning. Ive been there for 3 years before I finally said screw it. The same with WoW arena's every decent pvper knows that Blizzard ****ed up, hell they said so even, with Arena's and the Resilience pvp gear. SO again not really impressive.



    The only real thing Ive read in your review is the same stuff we have been hearing from others. Its nothing but your glorified Opinion on matters that you try to give some merit by saying you "Think" you know what you are talking about. It is the same Nonsense that the doom sayers on these forums have been posting over and over.


    Fact is, all the professional reviewers, magazines etc disagree with you. Hell even the Free little ones that mostly write honest reviews (the ones I read) agree that the game is good.


    One of those things you talk about is "Warsong Gulch with a passable flag" news flag, any decent pre-made warsong gulch team, passed the flag all the time. Its not new.


    One of the few decent things I agree with in your review is the UI Improvements. Yes there should be UI mods. UI mods only though, that change the aesthetic view of the UI, Nothing else. Boss mods or anything like Recount or DPS meters do not need to be added to the game. They serve no purpose and only dumb down the gameplay. Looking at WoW should tell you that, when developers saw no other option but to cater the raids around Boss Mods.


    Also regarding PvP these are just 3 standard maps. WoW had nothing at the very start but world pvp. Fun, but nothing competitive. I am Sure Huttball will gain much more exciting maps later on with different type of traps and maybe even random traps.


    The same counts for voidstar and the civil war. Basic maps. just like how warsong was a basic map. more interesting maps will follow soon enough.


    I do agree they should not have instanced the worlds but its not a breaker either. AoC had sharded zones and it worked out fine.


    THere is plenty of other things I could comment on that I either dis agree with or agree with, but you get my point.

  16. Dear Sir,


    I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


    Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


    Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


    These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


    For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


    We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


    The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


    We thank you for your interest in our product.


    The Management


    C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!



    Hahaha Awsome reply! Made my night and with that...its bed time! :D

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