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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. What you wanted was a single player game not a multi-player game.


    Does the OP have a point in that there should be some Legendary items outside of raiding? Yes they do. However I suspect that like you and others that keep posting drivel like this that they just don't want to have to do what is required to get said item.


    OMG I don't get to see or experience or get certain content because I don't want to group with other players. The Devs need to change that content to where I can do it solo as I pay my 15 bucks a month and should be able to do it the way I want to do it. Seriously? It is up to you what you experience or don't.


    Now to the OP's point. While you have a point in that not everything that is uber cool should come from raiding, you also need to realize that some things need to only come from certain kinds of content..


    Current legendary items are the best items in the game for raiding. As such they need to only come from raiding.


    Now if you had come here and said, you know legendary items look really cool. Very few people will ever get them even from raiding and that's fine. However there is nothing that a solo player can get that looks really cool and takes tons of hours to get. How about adding in something that requires tons of hours to get, looks really cool and gives a nice strong boost to our companions while we are wearing it?


    That I would support, why? simply put your not asking for multi player content and gear to be changed to fit your play style. You are instead asking for something that is comparable but only boosts solo player style at that point.


    Sorry I call Nonsense! This game is about gear progression after lvl 50. Nothing else but that. You have people that wish to solely play Single, you have people that like to group for flashpoints but not Raids. You got people that wish to do Raids as well and you got those that wish to craft and sell items. oh and lets not forget about the PvPers.


    There is no wrong in each playstyle and each playstyle has its own rights to gear progression. This includes Legendary items and artifacts.


    Again No one is asking for to have it handed out. People are giving ideas on how to make it a challenge for the single player, the crafter etc. There is nothing wrong with that. These type of people wish to progress along the gear line without Raiding and that is there right.


    Just as it is your right to go along the gear line by using the raid mechanics. However it is not your right to have a certain type of gear, in this case legendary, to be solely for raiding. Its the biggest nonsense ever heard.


    Raiding is in no way shape or whatever better then any other playstyle. The only thing that it depends on the is the players preference.


    Basically, raiders saying it should be only from raids is nothing but a egoistic style.

  2. Legendary items should be legendary. That means you get them by doing something legendary. Something that only requires time and money to get it isnt legendary enough, since well you know in time everyone will have it making it no longer a legendary but a common item.


    Also please dont say that they can add in a solo boss for you that is super super hard and that you then cannot play with your friends to do it but have to do it solo.


    Legendaries should also be looked at as a reward for a team and not just as one individuals possession.


    How is Raiding with 7 or 15 other people any more legendary then doing something solo, during a quest line or any other way they could think of? Exactly it aint.


    There is absolutely no reason for legendary, artifact or whatever you want this specific type of gear called, to be available only in Raids.


    For example, You can make it a Sith or Republic Historical weapon. It has survived the ages and is a great weapon to look at it and equal in stats. In a raid environment this could be a "Kill X boss" and he has a 1% chance to drop it type of loot.


    IN a epic story quest line this could be a historial expedition ina solo flashpoint that is difficult to complete and you unearth the Plans to craft this weapon from its broken pieces after the boss fight. Allowing you (the armstech) to craft it using say 5 Biometric alloys and a few other Rare Epic materials that are gained from Hardmode flashpoints or something.


    The possibilities are endless and in no way Raid only. The genre has gotton stale because everyone thinks Raiders are automatically the ones that should get it. and I do not believe in that.

  3. Why not?


    "Legendary" or "artifact" or whatever term you want to use to call gear has no corresponding definition in the dictionary. Unless you can point to the definition that starts with "Item in SWTOR that...".


    ar·ti·fact also ar·te·fact (ärt-fkt)


    1. An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest.

    2. Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element: "The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of male supremacy" (Philip Weiss).

    3. A structure or feature not normally present but visible as a result of an external agent or action, such as one seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation, or in an image produced by radiology or electrocardiography.

    4. An inaccurate observation, effect, or result, especially one resulting from the technology used in scientific investigation or from experimental error: The apparent pattern in the data was an artifact of the collection method.



    it is in the Dictionary btw. It does not automatically refer to SWtor Gear alone. Artifact has many meanings. Just like Legendary.

  4. And just like every other form of progression you can choose to participate or not.


    P.S. Crafting will NEVER equal content in level of difficulty.


    P.S.S. Using the dictionary to define a word that has no meaning in regular English is not smart.


    Exactly, you can choose but that does not mean an item should be only obtainable by one form.


    P.s. True, but that does not mean you cannot invent very hard and challenging quests to get your crafting recipe for a Legendary weapon or armor set. And Then having to collect the Rare materials used to craft it.


    p.s.s. Look up under Legend. Different word for legendary btw is Antique or Artifact. Both quite well existing words.

  5. Do people just not see the problem with this here? How is it legendary if everyone can do it over time?


    Really? People say you dont need Legendaries to do Solo content or Flashpoints(hardmode included). Truth is, you don't need Legendaries for Raid content either(hardmode and nightmare mode included).


    Legendary gear is nothing but a Rare item, in name only. It counts for gear progression. Players don't need to have a use for it. They want to progress there character, with and without raids. That is something they are allowed to do as they pay as much as you do.


    The argument used "its for raiding" is as false as can be. Just because some don't raid does not mean they are less entitled to a certain item then those that do raid.


    Therefor it is perfectly logical for legendary items to be received outside of Raid environments. Nothing is stopping Bioware from creating severely challenging content that is geared to Flashpoints or Solo content.


    Nothing is stopping that from creating a very hard and difficult quest line that have to do with collecting materials and recipe's for crafters to make legendary items(bound on Pickup) .


    Just because it is not available in a raid does not mean it does not have to be difficult or simply handed out. Which is exactly what you whining raiders think. "oh its not in a raid, must be handout gear then".




    • Legendary
    • Definition: Of or pertaining to a legend or to legends; consisting of legends; like a legend; fabulous.
    • Legendary
      - Definition: A book of legends; a tale or narrative.
    • Legendary
      - Definition: One who relates legends.
    • legendary
      - Definition: so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend; "the legendary exploits of the arctic trailblazers"
    • legendary
      - Definition: celebrated in fable or legend; "the fabled Paul Bunyan and his blue ox"; "legendary exploits of Jesse James"


    So where exactly does legendary state "super rare! Raid only item"

  6. I do agree with the op. legendary gear should not come from raids bit from long long and hard quest lines that include your crew skill and a lot of credits involved. This way everyone can do it over time and not just the minority that raids.


    I want to progress my character even if I don't raid. Raiding is never the only form of endgame and neither is pvp. Solo can also be a form or nightmare flashpoints, crafting quest lines etc.


    Sorry to step on all those fragile egos regarding raiding but suck it up. Games are no longer for the minority that calls tjemself hardcore raiders.


    Btw raids in this game are fairly easy.

  7. I am one of the more busy rp servers in the EU zone. Trask ulgo. And even I want a looking for dungeon or pvp option that goes cross server. Hm flashpoints are still being run but only marginal. Heroic 4 mans are hardly ever done on any planet. Its annoying. And needs to be addressed.


    There is just no multiplayer in this mmo...yet.

  8. I am fan of rpg games and have played pretty much all rpg games out there,including jrpgs on consoles.I never was fun of MMORPGs for one simple reason-I found them more boring and repetitive then single player games. I tried playing wow quit about lv40 when I realized all sidequest involved doing same stuff over and over.


    I am big fan of bioware and loved both kotor 1 and 2. So I just had to buy this game eventhrough it was mmorpg. I hoped bioware might avoid some of the pitfalls those kind of game usually have. Boy was I dissapointed after only couple of hours of gameplay.


    This game pretty much has 3 quests and thats it. They are just repeated hundred of times,with different dialogue.Quests are :


    1) Kill random number of enemies


    2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


    3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


    Whats worse even main class quests involve these 3 quests with addiotion of freeing somebody or killing some boss.


    Now problem I have with this is that single player rpg are not this much repetitive. Not even close. Take Skyrim for example.


    I just logged in to Skyrim and checked my quest log. I have about 20 quests there. NOT EVEN ONE quest involved killing random number of enemies or collectiong random number of crap nobody cares about. NOT ONE !


    Whats saddens me is that bioware has made games which are not this boring or repetitive. Not one of their singeplayer games has side quests which consists only of those 3 templates I mentioned. Not dragon age,not mass effect none.


    Dont get me wrong,of course you have to kill enemies,its just in another games its not so blatantly in your face repetitive. In singleplayer games,you kill enemies to survive,to achieve some other objectives instead of killing enemies. There is no any counter which counts how many enemies you killed.


    Now I am not bashing just this game. I realize all MMORPGS I like this. I already mentioned WOW has same problem.


    What MMORPG genre needs to do is clear : They need to make sidequests on the level of singleplayer game. If single player games have managed to add variety to sidequesting,to make sidequest interesteing not just because of dialogue,but because of the stuff you actually do,I dont see why MMORPGs cant do the same things. What the problem exactly ?


    Lets see. Skyrim quest


    1) go to X dungeon to collect X item.

    2) arrive at X dungeon

    3) kill XX amount of enemies till last boss.

    4) kill boss and collect X item

    5) turn in quest.


    The only difference is sw tor tells you to kill XX enemies before looting the item.



    You know these same type of quests are in every Rpg and mmo and just as boring!


    So what point were you making again?

  9. As a full shield spec at lvl 30 I was soloing appropriate champion levle mobs with just mako. I would always finish the fight with around 40% health left.


    Mako is one of your best companions, Together with gault (my gault sucks, i didnt gear him) and Torian (Love this guy! he's better in dps then gault if you ask me) i own packs of mobs.


    Hell I solo Heroic 2+ and even several 4+ at lvl 50 with just mako and Torian.

  10. Getting to a planet is like this:


    Go into space station and take elevator to ship dock


    Loading Screen


    Enter Ship


    Loading Screen


    Pick Planet from galaxy map and hit travel, watch as your ship jumps into hyperspace and comes out infront of the planet (Pretty cool)


    Click "Ship Exit"


    Loading screen


    Pop out at Planet space port, take elevator to surface


    Loading Screen




    All total, can take up to 15 minutes because of slow loading screens.


    Garbage is the word I'd use to describe it.



    Pretty much this. It is Garbage! it is one of the few things I dread doing and its wearing me out. I'm at the point I don't want to play the game just because of this.


    Bioware listen to your fans. Remove this over used amount of loading screens that are there for no other reason then annoying!

  11. The main point of this work is the optimal stat distributions, not "which class is better," as I wrote in my wall of text above.


    Anyways, if a SA gears properly DW falls off much less often. Most of the QQers just stack shield. Along these lines, taking DW falling off, SAs should probably have LESS shield than indicated on the optimal stat distribution graphs


    I have a hard time reading these graphs, I have really absolutely no idea what exactly they show, in which stats are optimal. My discalculi does not help with it either. Any chance you can make these charts a bit more obvious in readability?

  12. I dunno, this topic starts to cross the, pay to win model, line. I didn't like the idea that they were selling these in the collectors edition(even though I bought one), but once I saw they were almost useless I started feeling better


    Cant use it till you get a weapon that can hold a slot. Lvl 7+. The sucky part is you replace it at lvl 9 or so...***. This item should have been one that levels with your character. (pretty much like the heirloom gear in world of warcraft)

  13. Wrong. Go do Ilum/Belsavis PvE dailies. And even if you don't like the Ilum PvP pulling party, it's free gear you don't have to compete for.


    besides the pve part, which is true, I disagree slightly with the pvp part. It would indeed be what you said if it wasnt lagging so insanely!


    other then that your right ! :D

  14. A. You don't out do equal skilled tanks nub, You out do worse players then you, Simply put, the other Tanks are better then Powertechs at Huttball, You thinking you're amazing doesn't change that fact.

    B. Your Position on Knockbacks? Are you Joking? There is only one place you can actually stand on the Catwalks that gives you a small bit of Knockback immunity that you can somewhat control, and that's next to the Barricade after the first Firepit on the bottom level. Going past that point is Knockbacks are completely reliant not on your amazing position but on the Knockbackers position, Simply Put, You're screwed trying to run the ball with any half way decent knockback user. Hell a Single bloody Juggy can send your *** flying off the side just by charging you and aiming is knockback.

    C. People want to stop you? Are you kidding? It takes an idiot doing it one time to get chastised by his team for him not to do it again. You're relying on the enemy Team being stupid to score, thas has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with bad players. If you have a large number of players allowing you to do this, That doesn't say much about the server you're on in the first place.

    D. Grapple is a great skill till you end up against a Juggy... Or an opposing team that's not stupid....Or a Sorc.. Pull Juggy, He charges Team Mate or Enemy player, congrats, Your Grapple is wasted, Pull Anyone.. Oh look Enemy Sorc pulls him right back up, Grapple Wasted, Pull Anyone, oh look he just passed the ball to the enemy team... Wow.. That grapple sure is amazing for defense ....



    Your last part.. pretty much sums up how clueless you are.... Again.. You picked Team B, despite the fact that Team A can do everything the last part of your post lists... Only do it better...


    Even guarding the Ball carrier, We're still the absolute worst for guarding.. Know why? Because we don't have a Knockback...


    Right, I've never said I was amazing at all. There will always be better players then yourself. Simple as that.


    However you screaming that I would be clueless even though almost everything you post is nonsense is laughable.


    Yes you can position yourself for knockbacks. It depends on how well you can see who is what. But you keep beleiving you cant. Guess what, if you cant then how come I hardly ever get knocked off? Luck? Nope its not luck. Resolve? Nope not resolve either. Positioning? Well yup thats the correct one.


    Does that mean I cant get knocked off? Ofcourse not. I make mistakes too and hell I can be caught off Gard as well. Or when the fight is so hectic I cant keep track od everything.



    Anyway its clear you are clueless how to play a powertech so I am no longer going to waste my breath on it. Your set in your ways and that is your right and choice.

  15. A. Everything you can do on a PT Tank, The other tanks can do better.

    B. You're not walking across an entire platform against anyone who's a force user, CAuse you're going to get knocked off.

    C. "I've scored by using Jet charge on enemies that just spawned" Welcome to what a Juggy can do, but 10x better, You're also relying on the enemy being an idiot.

    D. "I've used Grapple to annoy players while scoring" Welcome to the Tank Assassin, who can do the same... While having Immunity and Force Speed...


    In Closing You picking Team B, proves you're an idiot..


    Hell, If the statement "We are not ball carriers" doesn't show how moronic being Team B is, then I don't know what is.


    Cause if you're not the ball carrier on the Powertech, Who do you think is on Team B.


    You think operative/sniper/merc is going to be running the ball?


    You really are clueless are you not? Must be for spouting all that nonsense.


    A) and thats why I and many other powertechs out do the other tanks easy enough right.

    B) really... Sure you get knocked off once in a while but position yourself better and keep an eye out what classes are fighting you and you get knocked off so easy. And no knockbacks arent random in were you fly. This btw is called skill. Take it you lack it.


    C) right, spawning is idiotic. If that was the case then pvp should be 1 life only. People see you as the ball carrier and want to stop you so they will move towards you. Using that to your advantage is not the enemy team being idiotic it is you being able to *gasp* think.


    D) grapple is arguable the better skill and one of fthe best skills in huttball. So you have immunity... So what? I do too. Its called resolve and a specific skill. Knowing when to use it helps a lot.


    Obviously if you think a tank is a ball carrier then your wrong. We arent the main ball carriers. We are defenders. Our job is to guard the ball carrier or the healer and to eritate the enemy so they focus on us instead of them. Running ahead in dangerous situations to catch the ball and score the last feweters etc. thats our job.


    so yeah keep complaining and whining, it just shows how bad you are.

  16. You keep talking about Defense, You saying the word doesn't actually make it any more viable.


    It's like you talking about Great Powertech Ball Carriers, Was this Powertech Ball Carrier great because there was a sorc pulling him? Or was He great because the other team was stupid enough to stand on the ledge near the goal line.


    Because really, That's your only "two" options for scoring on a Powertech. It's completely reliant on the opposing team being idiots, Or you having a Sorc.


    Assassin Just has to make it past the first fire pit, and it's a score by any competent one.


    Juggernaut, Just needs a single team mate.


    So keep talking about Defense while not having a clue how defense works in this game.


    Hell I can settle this debate right here and now.


    Everyone in this thread reading, Would you rather be on Team A or Team B when playing huttball.


    Team A, Is nothing but Force Users

    Team B, Is nothing but Non force Users.


    Team B. Why? Because you have no idea how to play as a powertech. Hell I am a PT Tank amd I rule in huttball. Why? We are not ball carriers. If you think we are you have a problem. Regardless for the rare times we do, powertechs can be a force to reckon with. Ive scared countless times by having 3+ players on me while I walked the entire platform. Ive scored by using jet charge on enemys that just spawned. Ive used grapple to annoyy players while scoring etc.


    Powertechs are one of the best classes in huttball. All you need to do is learn your class.

  17. 2x 4sec stun for resolve bar to fill.. break stun on the 2nd and ur good... and if they focus on CCing/stunning you, i assume you got competent allies who can kill em while they do this.. if this is a 3v1 situation, do you really expect to come out on top?


    3-4 vs 1 sure you are gonne die, but the OP has a point. This pvp system is solely based on stuns, knockbacks and snares. Today in 1 match i got hit twice in a row with blinding, which lasts the full duration each time, seeing as I already used my Anti CC and my resolve bar wasn't full thats a bit much.


    Knockbacks, 3-4 times in a row, even with a full resolve bar, happens each time. Resolve doesnt stop it after all.


    So many unbalanced CC in this pvp its stupid, it needs to be looked at. Simple as that. Add Diminishing returns on players and CC skills and combine that with resolve.

  18. Okay, seriously, just WHAT did you expect to be sold by the CE exclusive vendor? Really? They've hinted very strongly in a couple of interviews that the stuff sold there would be mostly cosmetic, and one time they mentioned customization. That's what it sells, and that's what we got.


    Now, I haven't visited the store too regularly, so I don't know if they updated its stock yet, since THAT is something they DID advertise with. It could be selling Corso Riggs Customization 14 by now without me noticing, lol.


    I visit the store once in a while and I knew exactly what I got into with the cosmetic stuff. but thats it, they don't sell anything worth stuff since it is all available out on the other planets. Whats the point of having a CE only vendor when it does not sell anything unique?


    That 1 little mount? Yeah its cool, but so far the store is not really satisfactory. They havent even updated it in weeks. I doubt they ever will.

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