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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. Is he talking about the preorder crystal? Because that's yellow and black, not green and black.


    If you buy razor Swtor products you can get the Green and Black crystal as a Bonus. Which was supposed to be an exclusive. I kind of feel shafted too to be honest.


    I bought the swtor mouse and i get a +4 endurance green / black crystal and now in 1.2 I can fricking buy the upgraded versions with rakghoul DNA? but not just me, everyone can.


    Bioware if you are reading this please upgrade the Razor crystal to match the ones in the store! Or let us turn in our +4 Endurance one for a free lvl 50 green black one.

  2. I don't get it - first, everyone complains about flashpoints and operations being too easy. Now the healers got nerfed so we have a harder content and everyone complains about that...can some people ever be happy??


    We tried Lost Island in hardmode and we had quite fun because finaly there was some stuff we had to watch out.


    I like a challenge, no doubt about that. However there is a big difference in making a dungeon challenging by design, instead of making it challenging and irritating by letting Bosses spam a certain ability that does big damage.

  3. This is why your tank should only interrupt incinerate and nothing else and dps should interrupt plasma arc ... also kiting the boss is must in this fight so try that ...




    I don't know what to say ... either you are not looking hard enough or it doesn't show it on low graphics I don't know but if you think it is a bug then I suggest you make a ticket about it ... for me the panels what are going to get lava burst are getting brighter just before you will actually take damage from it enough time to move away from that panel ...


    Weird, I play on high graphics, except shadows sicne I got that turned off. Hmm when I try again tomorrow I'll recheck. who knows, maybe I just wasnt looking hard enough

  4. Firstly there is visual representation before lava comes up secondly your DPS should be able to interrupt some of the plasma arcs ... ppl this really is not a hard fight once you understand mechanics


    I have been paying attention to the fight the entire time and I do not see a visual representation of the lava going to burst out, before it actually happens.

  5. No. The boss is not even remotely insanely hard. Stop QQing. If you can't kite the boss properly (avoid the middle vent area) you are supposed to die from plasma. Also, use interrupts on plasma arcs.


    I think the difficulty on this fight is just fine and I love this fight for how intense it is. People like you will get this game back to the miserable trivial pre 1.2 state.


    I was not crying, i was just giving my few cents. If you don't like it or do not agree with it thats your choice but at least comment normally or just keep your damn mouth shut.



    I also have no problem with the damage output of the attacks, just the insane amount of spam the boss does with Plasma Arc. Combined with everything else this encounter has, its just to much. Lower the spam of Plasma Arc slightly and its fine.


    Also if this boss is supposed to be kited, then Implement a visual representation of where the lava is going to shoot, don't make it a guessing game. Though I am fine with the way it is now, if they lower the plasma arc spam.

  6. I just did this instance for a while and we wiped plenty of times on the first boss. It is quite insane on how hard this boss is. What was killing my group is the plasma arc, it spawns it to much for DPS and the healer to actualyl do anything constructive, without running around headless.


    Ontop of that you got lava bursts and Adds and Incinerate. As a BH tank I noticed that the plasma arc hurts a lot, even if you touch it lightly. Without the amount of spam around it, makes it really hard. which to say is, I got to watch out for those while I dodge lava bursts from the floor, try to grab adds for the dps and also interrupt incinerate? Which if i miss it, pretty much nukes me to hell and back.


    Just lower the amount of usage of Plasma Arc and the encounter will be fine and fun.

  7. Yet again this company shows why it's a boy amongst men in the MMORPG industry. No forewarning or documentation in their patch notes. If the RP thing is true, it's not hard to ban it on a set of servers. Lazy.


    Claiming things like that, shows how little you know of server management.

  8. What are you talking about?


    My post was in RESPONSE to someone who said basically, "you have no excuse for not having gotten to 50." EVERYONE's situation is different. Why are other posters judging those of us who somehow could not get there? You know NOTHING about our lives or our circumstances, which is the whole point here.


    Yet, some posters feel entitled that they somehow deserve the 50, more than the rest of us scum right?


    You quoted me and I responded and now you are attacking me again? Just like you did in your other post.

  9. Do you work a 9-5? Because I don't. Do you have family and other significant obligations? I do.


    There are a whole lot of us who have to lie to our families to play video games...maybe you don't understand what that's like (or maybe you have very understanding family) but I don't.


    Actually I work very irregular hours in my job line and i work 160 hours a month. You sir, are the example of stereotyping that if someone does not agree with you, he must have low understanding of family etc.


    But on the contrary, I have a family to maintain , I got Paintball, gaming and smithing as my hobbies and they take lots of time. I also hang out with friends etc and I still found plenty of time to level my characters in sw tor to 50.


    So you sir, can keep your insults to yourself.

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