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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. 5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.





    That one made me laugh so hard. Haha, so true.


    makes me believe there placeholders honestly.


    @KiranK, your IQ dont seem to be much higher if you have to resort to this type of insult.

  2. Posted this on the suggestion forum area. Located here.




    Scroll down for the Basic Starting information of the planet.


    Type of PvP :[/bOpen world. No instances.


    Quests :


    [*] Daily Quests ; Mainly quests that allow players to earn Materials for there side.


    [*] Weekly Quests ; Mainly quests that allows groups to collect rarer and harder to get materials from enemy controlled bases(camps), required for the bigger upgrades on there side.


    [*] Monthly Quests ; Mainly quests intended for operation groups of 8 players. Rescue of Sith, Imperial or Republic officers and soldiers with a expertise from Heavy enemy controlled bases, like minor fortresses. Personnel needed to control the biggest vehicles. Turning these in Rewards the player with a Faction Token(**).


    Type of Bases:


    [*] Minor Camps : for the daily quests. Enemy units to kill and materials to collect. Materials handed in for Warzone Commendations at your main base. Only NPC silver and sometimes an elite guard.


    [*] Camps : intended for the Weekly quests. Heavier elite NPC's that are harder to kill. Could use a group. Collect rare mined or stored materials that you can turn in at your main base for mercenary Commendations


    [*] Minor Fortresses : Intended for the OPS groups. Large packs of Elite and champion NPC's. Rescue npc soldiers for your side. Has Turrets that players can control.


    Materials are used for:


    Materials players can collect can be used for upgrading your main fortress fortifications, weaponry and soldiers around the battlefield.


    Rare materials can be used to produce the limited to a certain amount of attack vehicles, drop ships etc.


    Soldiers, officers rescued are required to even operate these Created or brought in vehicles.


    Upgrades :


    All the materials collected from Daily quests go towards the upgrade of Base fortifications and the upgrading of Soldiers. Ranging from Standard to Champion. Gear upgrades should point this out. Battlefield however should stay a mix of all types of Units. Both normal, silver, elite and champion.



    Players :


    Players are constantly competing against each other, to defend there camps and fortresses to make sure the enemy side gains as little materials and personnel as possible. Players should at all costs, try and kill the created vehicles that roam the land and Players should defend there own vehicles from being destroyed.


    Players defending the main fortress from attacks should be able to use stationary defense mechanisms to defend against enemy NPC's, vehicles and players.


    **Faction token :


    A token that can be earned to turn in for specific and rare rewards only available on this pvp planet.



    Basic starting Scenario.



    both sides have barely landed on the planet, have set up a few forward camps and 2 or so Minor fortresses. There main base and home of all the elite personnel is just about up and running, but could require at least a lot more upgrades.


    The only Npcs that you find running, fighting and repairing or resupplying (yes active NPCS, not stationary ones) are Normal level ground soldiers, Jedi and Sith apprentices and small groups of Squadrons led by silver mobs.


    Except for the camps and minor fortresses as thats were the Daily, weekly and monthly quests are completed.


    As the battle is proceeding, sides will get active changes based on how many materials are flowing in. In example after 3 real life days of questing, the Republic side has gained packs of Elite troopers and jedi, while the imperials have slacked off in there questing or were successfully stopped and only still have Silver groups and a few elites roaming the battlefield.


    It is purely up to the players to advance there factions on this planet.


    The Final Goal :


    Planet Wide control. When a Faction wins the war, the Enemy retreats and is destroyed. The main base in ruins (transitional phase) and is now the factions home for new normal and pvp quests for experience, money or loot. Quests should become available in factions Main base.


    Planet wide control should also open up Unique Flashpoints and an operation or two so that guilds have a reason to go down there for anything else, same for random players.


    Planet Wide control Lasts 7 days, before the world resets.



    Closing Comments :


    I believe by creating something similar to this, will spark peoples interest in open world pvp as long as it based on objectives that allows players to win unique rewards.


    Feel free to add your two cents :) even if you do not like the idea. However please remain civil and constructive. Thank you.



  3. Scroll down for the Basic Starting information of the planet.


    Type of PvP :[/bOpen world. No instances.


    Quests :


    [*] Daily Quests ; Mainly quests that allow players to earn Materials for there side.


    [*] Weekly Quests ; Mainly quests that allows groups to collect rarer and harder to get materials from enemy controlled bases(camps), required for the bigger upgrades on there side.


    [*] Monthly Quests ; Mainly quests intended for operation groups of 8 players. Rescue of Sith, Imperial or Republic officers and soldiers with a expertise from Heavy enemy controlled bases, like minor fortresses. Personnel needed to control the biggest vehicles. Turning these in Rewards the player with a Faction Token(**).


    Type of Bases:


    [*] Minor Camps : for the daily quests. Enemy units to kill and materials to collect. Materials handed in for Warzone Commendations at your main base. Only NPC silver and sometimes an elite guard.


    [*] Camps : intended for the Weekly quests. Heavier elite NPC's that are harder to kill. Could use a group. Collect rare mined or stored materials that you can turn in at your main base for mercenary Commendations


    [*] Minor Fortresses : Intended for the OPS groups. Large packs of Elite and champion NPC's. Rescue npc soldiers for your side. Has Turrets that players can control.


    Materials are used for:


    Materials players can collect can be used for upgrading your main fortress fortifications, weaponry and soldiers around the battlefield.


    Rare materials can be used to produce the limited to a certain amount of attack vehicles, drop ships etc.


    Soldiers, officers rescued are required to even operate these Created or brought in vehicles.


    Upgrades :


    All the materials collected from Daily quests go towards the upgrade of Base fortifications and the upgrading of Soldiers. Ranging from Standard to Champion. Gear upgrades should point this out. Battlefield however should stay a mix of all types of Units. Both normal, silver, elite and champion.



    Players :


    Players are constantly competing against each other, to defend there camps and fortresses to make sure the enemy side gains as little materials and personnel as possible. Players should at all costs, try and kill the created vehicles that roam the land and Players should defend there own vehicles from being destroyed.


    Players defending the main fortress from attacks should be able to use stationary defense mechanisms to defend against enemy NPC's, vehicles and players.


    **Faction token :


    A token that can be earned to turn in for specific and rare rewards only available on this pvp planet.



    Basic starting Scenario.



    both sides have barely landed on the planet, have set up a few forward camps and 2 or so Minor fortresses. There main base and home of all the elite personnel is just about up and running, but could require at least a lot more upgrades.


    The only Npcs that you find running, fighting and repairing or resupplying (yes active NPCS, not stationary ones) are Normal level ground soldiers, Jedi and Sith apprentices and small groups of Squadrons led by silver mobs.


    Except for the camps and minor fortresses as thats were the Daily, weekly and monthly quests are completed.


    As the battle is proceeding, sides will get active changes based on how many materials are flowing in. In example after 3 real life days of questing, the Republic side has gained packs of Elite troopers and jedi, while the imperials have slacked off in there questing or were successfully stopped and only still have Silver groups and a few elites roaming the battlefield.


    It is purely up to the players to advance there factions on this planet.


    The Final Goal :


    Planet Wide control. When a Faction wins the war, the Enemy retreats and is destroyed. The main base in ruins (transitional phase) and is now the factions home for new normal and pvp quests for experience, money or loot. Quests should become available in factions Main base.


    Planet wide control should also open up Unique Flashpoints and an operation or two so that guilds have a reason to go down there for anything else, same for random players.


    Planet Wide control Lasts 7 days, before the world resets.



    Closing Comments :


    I believe by creating something similar to this, will spark peoples interest in open world pvp as long as it based on objectives that allows players to win unique rewards.


    Feel free to add your two cents :) even if you do not like the idea. However please remain civil and constructive. Thank you.



  4. I read post after post from you and everytime its about how BW is doing what it should, everything is great, its all perfect,..blah blah blah


    Ofcourse you have, cuz the information I spread is the same info Bioware has said many times before and even does right now. That they are aware of the issues and are working on solutions.


    Also I hardly agree with everything bioware says, so stop making up ********.

  5. BS,. wakeup Fool and get your fan boi face out of biowares ***


    Right, why dont you drop the name calling and tell me what your problem is. Trolling doesn't work on me buddy, so go somewhere else.

  6. This has been asked many times weeks ago when people were starting out. General consensus seems to be "working as intended".


    If it gave you 7% HP each time you vented heat, it would be bordering on overpowered. As it is, it is comparable to other class talents. For example, when a Darkness (tanking spec) Assassin uses Overcharge Saber (2 min CD, same as Vent Heat), he gets 10% HP back. Same thing.


    Yes, the talent is mostly useless. That's how I feel anyway. Especially so deep in the tree. But then, consider the Shieldtech 31 pointer - it's junk.


    If you think the shield techs final skill, heat blast is junk, then you simply arent playing your tank correctly. It is one of our bests skills.

  7. I am a full tank spec at lvl 41 for pve. I can dish out a good amount of damage, always end up in the top 5 with a minimum of 6-7 medals and around 100k damage.


    It is all about how you play. Yeah I lack skills like snares and stuff, but I make up for it in defending the ball carrier, bomb planter etc.


    I also have no problems 1 on 1 with lvl 30-49. I kick there arse most of the time and they can kick my arse.

  8. one difference is travelling to difference planets quickly becomes a pain in the *****. even in wow people would just announce head to hillsbrad people are fighting. you hop on a zepplin and then a FP and you're there.


    travelling in this game is MUCH more of a burden. people wont go to a planet for pvp ESP due to faction imbalances.


    i was sick of the 3 WZs before hitting 50. and ilum flopped. and oh there are no new WZs coming out til march? /yawn


    i do not like wows current pvp, but I did have fun in hillsbrad back in the day. so saying there is no difference b/t wow and swtor pvp isnt really a compliment. and wow has arenas, i dont care for them, but you still cant say that swtor pvp = wow pvp.


    Help me arenanet, you're my only hope


    you tell me that I was an outsider, but here you are rambling about travel. Travel is a seperate issue from pvp. It has nothing to do with it, other then traveling to the location where the pvp is at (ilum).


    Do I hate the travel in this game, Yeah i do. Mainly cuz of all those stupid Get on your ship (load), get to your location, get off (load), walk through the orbital station to grab a shuttle (load). etc. But it has nothing to do with pvp.


    Do I like wow's pvp when i played it? Yeah I did. Mainly the open world pvp before they killed it with Honor grinding and Arena / resilience. Then i stopped doing it. hillsbrad foothills as horde was one of the most fun times I had in a MMO, Alterac Valley playing it the way it was meant to play for 2 days straight as 1 match (play, sleep, wake up, play and end up in the same AV you left) was awsome fun.


    But regarding the amount of warzones in Swtor..yeah its low. Just like how other mmo's only have 1-3 zones to pvp in from the start. WoW in fact only had 2 from the start for nearly 6 months.


    Do I think swtor needs more game types? Yes. do i think swtor needs those gametypes to be queable on choice? yes. Do i think we need more locations? Hell yes. Do I think we'll see it happen? yes, pretty soon even. They already said pvp is going to be improved. but right now, pvp isnt the main issue. Game performance and ability delay are.

  9. spoken from a true outsider. clearly you haven't experienced daoc pvp or even world pvp back in the days of hillsbrad foothills in vanilla wow. where everyone would battle while waiting for AV queues.


    Actually I have played all of that and it is no different then the pvp in this game. Yes there is a problem with the delay and there fixing it, get over it. If they get it fixed, this pvp will be the same as wow pvp, the same as any other mmo pvp etc. There is simply no fundamental difference.

  10. The real question is... 100 million dollars, 4 years in development... and THIS is the best PvP they could come up with???


    hows it any different then the other types of pvp out there? exactly, hardly none. World pvp is fun, but its still the same type of pvp as you have in warzones or instanced pvp. The latter just comes with objectives.

  11. I am waiting for Guild Wars 2. Off first impressions it looks to me that it will be amazing for PVP ...but we all know where hype got us last time...


    That’s right, it got us here.


    Guild wars 2 isnt anything impressive. it wont reinvent the wheel and feels just like any other mmo pvp. So yeah. Your right. Dont get your hopes up


    i hear ya. this game is the suck.


    it's like a tiny WoW clone.


    this game was so hyped that i bought me CE...


    ...i got pwnd.


    you mean like how WoW is a clone of pretty much all the other MMO's before it.

  12. They do need a deserter debuff. People who say it's unfair cause premades get in, you get half a premade. if you can't stand it, start rolling with friends. PvP is not a solo activity, even if the current state of Operatives dictates otherwise. Get some friends, join a guild. If you think that's unfair to you, then you have no one to blame but yourself. If you can't stand to lose a match in PvP, then you really aren't a PvPer, just want an easy ride.


    I dont want a debuf at all, ive been in 4 hutball matches today, of which I only won 1. The other 3 my team sucked. They didnt follow, defend or heal the ball carrier. They didnt run ahead, so passes could work. They just stood there fighting the enemy team, getting demolished that way.


    Few times, I had the ball, I ran forward. The entire enemy team was on me, but maybe 1 person. MY TEAM, was fighting that person near my base. They didnt give a **** about the ball.


    So yeah..I leave a group like that cuz it is a pain to deal with for 15 minutes.

  13. The PvP system is fine, just because you dont agree with it, doesn't mean its bad.


    What they need to do is change the Bags to 1000 WZ / 1000 Mercs a bag and give it a Token that you can buy pvp gear with.


    In example


    battlemaster Bracers == 1 token

    Battlemaster Belt == 1 Token

    Battlemaster Chest == 5 Tokens

    Battlemaster legs == 3 Tokens

    Battlemaster Hands == 3 tokens

    Battlemaster helmet == 5 tokens.


    Battlemaster relics == 5 Tokens

    Battlemaster ear piece == 3 Tokens

    Battlemaster Implants == 3 Tokens.


    this way you have a timesink, you get to have fun and you wont have the horrendous Random bags.

  14. your reply is really to ask the enemy if they are willing to let you win, if you let them win a couple.


    that is the saddest most depressing thing i have read on a forum, and that is REALLY saying something


    Player is probably from wow, cuz win trading is pretty much the thing in wow for the last 3 years or so.

  15. Yes I might not be the best of the best in pvp, but I aint bad either. Breaking the 5-7 medals during each pvp match and mostly always end up in the top 7, unless the enemy team is full of 50s.


    And that there is the problem. 50s. Thank god they get there own bracket, but when they are decked out, they cant be touched by anyone lower then 50 and even then as a 50 it is quite hard if your not decked out somewhat similar. 72 damage from a skill that is supposed to do 300+ as its base damage? You call that bad pvp, even though it is out of my hands, when its the game at fault.

  16. This pvp is a disgrace. As a non 50 in a PvP match you cant even touch the 50s, when boosted, you do to little damage and dont have the defense to defend against there attacks. But thats not even the worst thing.


    It gets worse when the 50 has pvp gear, I just witnessed 1 decked out lvl 50 in pvp gear that only got 72 damage from my skill that is supposed to deal 340-500 damage.....WoW.!

  17. So your saying that its fair game when DPS classes get 50-100% armor penetration and we cant even protect ourselfs from most damage thrown at us? Really?


    You can protect yourself from 50% of the damage as a Tank thrown at you in PvP. Stop thinking Tanks are just Tanks in PVP. As a Tank you also have a much larger health pool then a Pure DPS class, so get over it.

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