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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. This is what I am talking about. They should be hotfixing the crap outta the game instead of trying to pile it all into a massive patch with new content. Stuff like the throwing 50's in a seperate bracket and making Kira talk again are prime canidates for "Oh this works now and has been a problem since beta, hotfix that in tomorrow."


    If more of that would happen then there would be less outcries when content patches get pushed back. We all want the new stuff to be bug free when released, but they shouldn't sit on things that have been fixed just because they want to push it out with something else.


    No they shoudn't actually. Hotfixed are things that never fix anything. A solid patch that fixes the problems and keep them fixed are the right way to go. If that means postponing, then so be it.

  2. If patching, critical fixes and general customer service were handled similarly where I worked (Software developer/project in the financial sector) there'd trickle down some very "positively urging notes about waking the fck up" from the top.


    and those people in the top are what brings good gaming companies to a halt and turn it into cash cows. Want to make a good company great again, fire the top and remove there retarded bonusses.

  3. To me, it's the classic "keep 'em coming back". You want to see if we fixed your game, and made it better, it'll cost you $15. Simple.


    Players that unsub cuz there unhappy about how the game is, arent coming back to see 1 small update. They will come back for a month 6-7 months after the game has been released and atleast 10-20 patches and updates have been implemented.

  4. Great the patch isnt ready, they delayed it, but what about his other points? What about the fact that people are experiencing the same bugs they experienced in open beta? 1 MONTH after physical release, and those bugs are still in?


    Don't disregard the whole post for one part of it.


    Very simple answer to be honest. Importance over convenience. Have you ever stopped to think that that one quest being bugged isn't an important factor? While there are other bugs to get fixed first. Like say, the performance issues?

  5. Rabble rabble rabble, the game should never have been released when it was, it obviously still needed polish and was pushed out early in time for Christmas, Biware and EA should be ashamed rabble rabble rabble.


    Rabble rabble rabble, what do you mean thay're delaying the patch because there are problems with it? They should just release as it is then fix stuff later rabble rabble rabble.


    pretty much what I read from it too.

  6. You just can't get your story straight now can you? You say in this game, each advanced class is a unique class. It is not. a Powertech is no more different than a Mercenary than a Shadow priest is from a Holy Priest. A different"class" in this game gets a different story. An incentive to try them all. There's no real incentive to level 2 Bounty Hunters up for each advanced class. It would be hella boring. I know. I played Powertech in beta, and play Mercenary in love.



    And what they said they were going to do is;



    Many people are wondering what the heck happened to that decision.


    Actually you are wrong. Powertech and Mercenary are two complete different Advances classes(or specializations) of one Class. Picking either will change your playstyle and core abilities completely.


    Saying they are the same as a Holy priest or shadow priest, which in wow are nothing more but talent changes, just like this game has talent changes. Pyrotech or Shieldtech would for example be the right way to compare Holy or shadow priest.


    The story however is based on the entire Class, regardless of choosing your advanced Class.

  7. Ill allow it if it means that changing your AC means you start at lvl 10 again, loose your gear and your credits. Then I will allow it.


    So yeah, my Vote is NO! You get plenty of Info to decide what your AC is going to be, use it.

    Hopefully bioware will listen to the majority and not allow AC changes.


    Another way I would allow it, is 150 million credits for an AC change.

  8. I have been testing it for quite a few levels now, on all kinds of different level mobs. In my conclusion the buff deactivates or lessens after death as the damage lowers and the aggro lowers by far. Ive noticed that reactivating solves most of my aggro issues after death.


    Inadequate testing maybe, but it is there and I have reported it as a bug none the less. Let the developers figure it out.


    Sure it might be that the tooltip is wrong, but a 40 or so % nerf in one of our core abilities since release? That does not make sense to me in anyway. Specially since there was nothing regarding it in patch notes, making it to my conclusion atleast, a bug.


    However just like many others, without an actual combat log and a statistic tool ingame, i cannot make a good observation.

  9. IGC is not bugged, the tooltip is wrong, the internal formula works pretty well.


    Is a must anyway, the proc is like 6% of our total damage (probably more, my spreadsheet still needs some work in that aspect), and the dot is another 3%, and makes Rail Shot always castable.


    It is bugged, the buff stops applying itself to you after death, even though it is still active. Making it so you need to reactivate it each time. It also deals around 40-50% less damage then the tooltip says. You can't say the tooltip is wrong on that, when the evidence is so clear in front of you.


    (never been good at math so the % value i said might be a bit lower :p)

  10. McFabulous...this isn't about a PVP server, though. The server I'm on is flagged as RP-PVE.


    Why bother with a roleplaying server at all? It's not like roleplaying is actually happening other than the occasional random dancer.


    But this is where you are wrong. Roleplay happens a lot. You just cant expect to find it in General chat. Again General chat is mainly Out of Character. On my server people create RP events, joined RP guilds and Set up events involving the entire server.

  11. Is it possible for BioWare to give the RP specific servers an additional chat tab for roleplaying (so roleplaying can occur outside the general chat for the general populace to join at their leisure)? I just think that MMORPG should have roleplaying at some point actually involved (other than the abbreviation for the genre).


    Besides, what was the point in having specific RP servers if roleplaying was going to be discouraged in the general chat? You can roleplay "secretly" on any server from what I understand?


    I guess I'm not understanding what the difference was then between a normal PVE or PVP server and a RP-PVE one?


    You are able to create your own channels and chat tabs. Use that. On my server the Empire has created a channel called "EmpireRP" it is an OOC channel, but quite a few guilds and people use it. Channels, even custom created ones, stick after you joined them even after logging out. The question is, getting your custom channel broadcasted over the server.

  12. TO be honest I found that most end game tier armor from world of warcraft Looked horrible after Tier 1 and 2. It was always so extremely Bulky, unrealistic un Warcraft 2-3 like that it was just effing Ugly. The gear in ToR, just has different colors but always the same model, which makes me believe that a lot of it, is still placeholder graphics.


    I'm hoping to see a large difference in gear in about 6 months. Don't forget wow had placeholder graphics for a lot of armor and high level armor for nearly 2 years.

  13. Nope.


    It will be the same in 2-3 weeks, maybe even worse since the free month will be over. MMO players won't sub to this, sw fans on the other hand yes.


    Thats what I have been hearing for the last 2 years on these boards, but nothing of those claims you make are true.

  14. General Chat is an OOC channel, just like pvp, guild and Trade. In most RP-PVE servers you wont find anyone Rping in it.


    Rp is mostly done ICly in Say and even Yell. Whisper is in general IC, but can also be used as OOC. So when typing OOC use (( text here )) brackets before and after your sentence.


    If you are on European time, join Trask Ulgo as your server. Both the Republic and Empire have large guilds there that are atleast 75% RP. Including the one I am in. We organise Events quite often :)

  15. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


    More Q&A, more information about PvP and Photo opportunities resembling characters(major) from the game itself. PvP tournaments only if its stand alone from the game. No valor or Arena grinding stuff. Also a Show in the Netherlands would be nice for once, instead of england.



    What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


    - I prefer Specific areas of the game and around the table with the developers.


    If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?



    Yes, Just like I did in england, I would come join a Meet and Greet outside the show. However this time, the show has to be held in the Netherlands for a chance :p

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