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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. It doesn't exist in every mmo anymore, regardless how the baddies will try to say it's "normal".


    It used to be alowable in WoW, then they changed it.


    RIFT has never allowed flagged players to "trick" unflagged players with this mechanic.




    Damn straight, that's ALL it amounts to.


    What are you talking about, the way I described it is exactly the way it works in 90% of the MMO's out there, including world of warcraft.


    I do agree tricking players like that is unfair, but thats the reality of it. If someone flags themself and you attack them, whether intentional or not does not matter. It is your responsibility to watch out.


    PvE does not mean a game is PvP free. It means the majority of the zones is not automatically pvp enabled and players can quest normally without being attacked on the whim.


    besides it does not make those that have nothing against this system, myself included bad. I play on a RP-PvE server and Enjoy it. I pvp in the warzones and on ilum. Thats it.

  2. Option Number 1. Swtor is by far the better game. Everyone says guild wars 2 is the new innovative MMO that is Free to play to boot, however having tested the game at eurogamer 2011 in london I can safely say that some things are cool, but Its just more of what we already experienced. PvP is the same as any other type of PvP and nothing innovative.


    Yeah it will pull about the same amount of players as Guild wars at its peak, thats about it.


    Swtor, might not go above 1 million subs or stay steady at 800 000 or so, but that is not a shame. even then the game is still succesful

  3. This is the way it works on pve servers. You used a Area of Effect attack and hit a pvp flagged enemy in the process. It wasn't the mob he attacked, no it was your attack hitting him. He tricked you, sure but in the end it is your fault. Simply should not have used a AOE.


    The way it works on pve servers, in every MMO btw, is that You cannot become a pvp flagged person if you do not set yourself to it. However there are exceptions to that rule.


    1) Entering a PvP area, were you become automatically flagged

    2) Right clicking your avatar and setting the PvP flag on yourself.

    3) Attacking an Enemy player that is PvP flagged.


    You fall in catagory 3. Though luck.

  4. Really?


    You really think they couldn't have capped the amount per server until things got smoothed over? Well you have really low standards then.


    BTW it is too late to even do this now, it should have been done before as a precaution until things got quiet. Now look...everyone is gonna quit because of the ENORMOUS imbalance.


    This isn't a small imbalance here, this is out of control imbalanced.


    Players have a choice and will always have a choice. Bioware cannot chance that. Introducing a cap to player amounts on a faction is stupid as well. The reason there is a imbalance is due to everyone wanting to play the "bad guy" since they were always much cooler in the movies and comics, books etc then the republic was.

  5. For those that said WOW was broken and unplayable after launch please explain to me how its subs went up SEVENFOLD in the first 90 days. If we are going to bash let's me honest. Other than lag and server stability issues on some servers it was fine.


    For the record I like both games and have basically made the switch to TOR. I logged into WOW the other day and it just looked 'ugly' to me. BUT that doesn't mean it wasn't a good game for all those years.


    Simple. Marketing and a really well worked out casual approach of various game mechanics that older MMO's invented. In short people could come in, play 1 hour and saw big progress. Thats the way it still is with wow these days and thats the way it was in vanilla.


    But the first month or 6 of WoW was about the same as ToR is right now. IT had broken content, it had performance issues(albeit less grave then SwTor atm) and it had no real pvp other then some World PvP near SouthShore.


    They however had major issues with keeping there servers up and running and lag free. That wasnt fixed for nearly 1-3 years.

  6. There is so much ignorance packed in these few sentences it's mind-blowing.


    People who say things like this seem to have a GIANT chip on their shoulders that blind them to how incredibly skewed their perceptions REALLY are.


    As a side note, I'm not a fanboy and I have been a bit annoyed with BW's customer service. I also love the game.


    Oh come on now, everyone that has any technical background (IT etc) knows exactly that the first TIER of Customer Service are nothing but people reading from there computer's database. That is the reason I skip the Tier 1 and just tell them to connect me to someone of the higher tiers. THey have much more knowledge about the issues then the part time teens and young mothers / fathers earning a quick buck for there study.

  7. I played WoW on release, and although it did have some bugs it didn't have nearly as many problems as SWTOR does. SWTOR problems include everything from light rays shooting through the world, becoming invincible in combat by dancing, glitching mana to have infinite healing, duping items in your mail box, all combat actions delayed by half a second, having high-res textures vanish, etc.


    There is a difference between having some bugs and having a BROKEN, UNFINISHED GAME.


    Wow was broken for nearly 3 years from the day it was released. They never ever could keep there servers up, lag free and so on. It crashed nearly every week when a large group of players did anything. Raids went broken for months, quests didnt get fixed until 3-4 months later and so on.


    So yeah, SWtor might have problems and some of those problems are a big issue (performance) but compared to wow, there doing about just as good.


    In short both had issues and they will get fixed. It just needs time and 4 weeks isnt enough time to fix big issues.

  8. Frankly, the cc in this game is horrendous. The way it should be working is that roots, snares, stuns and mezzes(wth) give both resolve and work on diminishing returns.


    Bioware really needs to look at the way Crowd Control is working in pvp at the moment and change it accordingly because the way it is right now is not fun.

  9. high skill cap, requires a lot of keybinds and rotations are quite complex - but if your patient they are one of the most deadliest classes 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 - Both Sith warr and Jedi knight are late bloomers so you have to stick with it and itll get better - im luving mine


    I eat mara's for breakfast on my powertech shield :D (1 on 1 that is)

  10. wow yeah lets nerf the stealth classes even more, genius.


    Well he has a point. Stealth is not supposed to be that strong, when you are already engaged in a fight. Damage, specially dots, should keep you from stealthing. The fact that it does not work 90% of the time is just odd and should be fixed.


    Also it is not a nerf, it is simply fixing something that is broken.

  11. If you honestly think that when your lvl 50 in a 10-50 bracket, with your Centurion, Champion or even battlemaster gear pvp was fun and entertaining or even fair then you are simply delusional.


    All it did was turn the lvl 10-49s into a farm for you all as we lower players had no chance of defending our selfs or even inflict major damage on the 50s when they had atl east 2+ pieces of actual pvp gear with expertise. The proof was out there when you saw a Full Champion geared or battlemaster geared pvper, beating on 4 buffed up lowbies and didnt even drop below 75%.


    So yes, the lvl 50 only bracket was required and should not be changed back. Considering it is way more balanced this way.


    not to mention you are all whining as the players that geared up on the old pvp bracket system clearly made a easy advantage for you compared to the new and fresh level 50s.


    So in short : No, keep the 10-49 bracket and the 50 bracket as it is now. Its fair, you just have to get used to it.

  12. You want to have something that keeps players there and fighting, then when someone suggests something like it or even implement it you all complain about faction imbalance.


    Im starting to think pvpers other then myself whine, just to whine.


    (Page 3-4 or 5 now, I posted a Suggestion regarding a War world. Go read it)

  13. ^


    I don't think you'd get the point until you have obtained full battlemaster and realise how fruitless and unrewarding the system is.


    For the record also, 6 medal equates to absolutely horrible performance. Many classes, as you said especially with the defense medals, can get 10-13 medals with 10 being easily gotten. Objectives does not grant proper obj. points nor does it rewards you as much as medals.


    The two defining factor is win/lose and how many medals you got, it does not matter if you scored 5 times, whether you are a great team player, or any other points you can bring. I don't think it is necessary to go too in-depth and you should be able to see how bad the PvP system is.


    By titles I meant to write achievement, my bad. Oh by the way, go figure out the hundreds of hours it takes to get up 10 valor ranks to only get a title from rank 60 onwards. Also, I think you got your facts completely misconstrued. You get absolutely NOTHING from hitting valor 60. You just unlock the ability to open Battlemaster bags at two a day, which could just result in many empty bags.


    There is absolutely no point in PvP'ing after 60 other than 'for fun'. From a PvP'er perspectives this becomes nothing more than Team Fortress 2 warzone. In fact TF2 is even better, it's competitive, has stats tracking, (lol hats galore), and waaay smooth.


    It's great news that they're fixing the combat responsiveness in 1.1.1, but based on the performance so far, don't expect too much. It'd probably break more things or wouldn't even fix it.


    What do you expect? that there will be a never ending supply of pvp gear improvement after each 10 levels of valor of 60? Get real, thats never going to happen. Once you have collected everything then yes you play for fun and wait till they release new stuff for you to get pvp wise. Just like PvE waits for there new operations after they geared them self outs etc.

  14. Well faction balance is an issue but its not something bioware can change. It is up to the players to populate sides. Thougha solution to this can be tied to a simple thing ive saidat the top. A none instanced world. Seeing as no instances can be created, this means they can introduce a level cap, but that would make players unhappy.


    I believe population in the end will sort itself out and even if the republic is in the minority regarding population, that doesn't mean they cant win this planet. As long as there spawn points in the main bases cant be camped.

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