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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. There is a lot of variables to change and animations to adept to reflect those Variables. That is why Ability delay cannot be fixed in the snap of a finger like some people prefer. That is the reason why it cannot be a hotfix either.


    The speeder is not an issue, to me at least. You should not be able to summon your speeder and at the end of the casting bar be racing already. You need time to turn it on, get on it and drive.


    However, a different issue is the capping in civil war and planting a bomb at the voidstar. There is no reason for my Bomb planting or capping not to count when I get knockbacked, interrupted or anything at exactly 8.0 out of 8.0 seconds with planting the bomb. Same for Capping.

  2. So if you didnt know...The imperial healers can just waltz over to the heroic area in illum (or other places tbh) and they can just stay there unflagged WHILE HEALING THE NPCS!


    It is a huge pain in the ***** and we need this fixed please. At least make those npcs flag people for pvp if theyre healing them! T_T


    Sooo annoying to be fighting then a healer comes over, cleanses the CC and starts healing all the npcs x.x Its annoying and its evil and we need it stopped!


    Edit : Flagging them for pvp would be the best solution so we can flip out and kick their *****


    You can do the same with your NPC's. Solution Solved. No need to be fixed.

  3. Its a scam of bioware. Read my post. I have all qualifications. My free game time is passed , I used a gamecard and I havent recieved the email yet that notifies me that I earned tittle.


    One week is for after you got the in game item which grants you founder tittle.


    quoted from the news article

    (NOTE: It may take up to 7 days for the “Founder” title to be applied).


    so how is it a scam again?

  4. Is 10pm when you received the email from bioware telling you that you received the title? Because it doesn't go into your in game mail box until you log into the game.


    I recieved them both simultaneously cuz for some weird reason I got kicked out at 10 pm and when I logged back in I had a Mail in game.


    Now it could well be that the timer there is meant to show how old the mail is, but it seems not to be working correctly then. Mail does disappear sometimes or not even arrive. (now if they went with a real life thing with it :p they hit it spot on)

  5. It's amusing that this guy couldn't figure out, especially since the same screenshot shows multiple older messages all counting up the older they get.


    Again, I recieved the mail at 10 PM GMT+1. I took that screenshot at 4.18 AM GMT+1.. If its how old the mail is, then 3 hours would be a bit off would it not.

  6. You are simply wrong, as anyone who has played WoW knows. Compared to this game WoW is a sandbox. There are quests everywhere, you choose where you want to quest, you don't have to pick up any quests you don't want to progress through the game, there is tons of exploration and locations that have nothing to do with quests, there are tons of hidden quests, etc. Every time you level up you can choose a completely different route. It's one of the many reasons WoW garnered over 12 million subscriptions while this game is currently struggling.


    Played world of Warcraft for 5 years, sure the zones feel bigger as they don't have invisible walls, however it is just as linear. Pick up a quest in a new zone and large chance it will lead you to other quests in that same zone. It however does not feel that way since it is not part of a single story.


    Also even in tor you can find loose quests in the wild. They are just rarer.

  7. Blizzard planned progression very well. You couldn't skip content, really. Gearing followed an orderly progression (quest, dungeons, ubrs, raids). Plus it took longer to hit 60.


    Tor levels you way too fast, you can easily skip content / grinds.


    Pacing in tor is off along with a lot of other stuff.


    I think the leveling in ToR is about right. ITs fast and fun. Leveling in wow took to long. There was no gear progression until you got to around lvl 55 when you could get your dungeon set. Then at 60 you could get Tier 1 and 2. After That it was just following up raid tiers at each max level introduced and later on Arena gear for pvp.


    Progression of gear got out of hand too in WoW with insane amounts of HP etc. Resilience really added in the broken factor and I consider it the most horrible stat ever introduced.


    However wow did a lot of things right, they made systems from other games better but the same. It was accessible to everyone regardless of experience level in gaming.

  8. And SWTOR was in development for six years. A lot of the trouble with patching stuff into WoW was trying to kludge them into the old architecture that was never designed to support them (like cross-server interaction, or flying mounts in the old world), and doing that while fixing old bugs and developing new content. Some features were just quality of life issues they didn't anticipate at launch until they saw how people play a game like this. Or new-ish ideas people came to expect from a game, like achievements. Those didn't get popular until xbox live put them in everything, so I can't expect blizz to anticipate a 'standard feature' years in advance. But there's no reason for BW not to put in achievements.


    BW has no excuse. Starting from scratch, seeing everything WoW and every other MMO has done, mistakes and successes, and spending $200 million I figured they'd launch with a powerful and robust engine and instead it's the clunkiest piece of trash I've ever seen. The engine itself would be marginal in 2002. In 2012 it's shameful.


    And to spend all that time developing leveling content...and then completely ignore the endgame. What?! You want people to subscribe for years. Even casual players are going to hit 50 in 2-3 months...what do you expect them to do once they do? Keep paying $15/month to level more alts?


    Anyway, so if it's going to take 6 more years for SWTOR to get fixed...well, I'll resub in 2018.


    world of warcraft was in development for around 5 years. So whats your point? Achievements existed long before that. Have you stopped to understand that achievements don't add anything end game wise, other then an annoyance? Unless of course you add in rewards for gaining achievements which really feeds the elitist attitude people have these days.


    Things aren't perse popular when WoW does them. People just take them for granted. Fact is many MMO's and new games work on older mechanics. It does not have to be like wow you know to be good.


    Fact is, this game has more end game then World of Warcraft had for the first 6 months. Hell it took them nearly 3 months on Blizzard side to add in a Dungeon for the lvl 40 people. Bioware took 1 month and added in a new operation and a flashpoint.


    In march we will get a major update and in between we will get minor updates that fix a lot of stuff. Etc.


    You are all jumping a hate train that does not exist. Simply because wow has it and spoiled the casual department with there easy to get into and easy to complete game (after TBC the game became playable so easy that players complained about how easy it was and they added hard mode which is.....Easy.)


    So yeah.

  9. That's why WoW has raids, and pvp, and achievements, and pets to collect, and holiday events etc etc. SWTOR has...broken raids and broken pvp and nothing else, and I don't think they've announced anything else they're planning for endgame progression yet.


    Wow also had 6 years to patch all of that in..... Pet collection, raids other then a broken MC and onyxia, etc was all missing the first year...then gradually with each expansion and each content patch over a course of 6 years they patched it in.

  10. They are not capable to fix even the UI (resizable, movable, sortable items) within several months.

    All this is standard in every UI or web page out of the box.


    What do you expect them to do in 3 further months ?




    The story is not worth hundreds of hours but only a few hours per char.

    There are hundreds of hours of grind and running and recycled quests for every char.



    There is not much polishment at all.

    The game is very primitive and rudimentary in every aspect except voice acting.

    At least they have fixed the problem of getting trapped in polygons.



    Just today has been created a thread about how the story choices and diversity are a lie.



    Where are the tens of thousands of characters ?

    There are only standard mobs that attack you blindly on approach.


    You do realize it takes a lot longer to Completely redo a UI right then just the snap of a finger. Its coming soon, so stop beating a dead horse.


    1) There is a total of 200 Hours worth of quests. This includes your class story and the story from the quests on each world. Per character. Not per class.


    2) Performance has some issues yeah, but thats really all. They never intended for High res pixels to be visible all the time. So again, stop beating a horse that was already explained and dead. They are working on making it so we can have these high res at any time, but it will take some adjusting of there infrastructure and engine. Patience is key here.


    3) There is only so much choice you can have. Its not always going to be a big impact in the world itself.


    4) He means player characters


    Really learn what your talking about before bashing it.

  11. The issue at hand is that maintenance as it is at the moment, is Convenient for our US brethren, from 2 AM to 8 AM. However for Maintenance being Simultaneously for both US and EU, these times propose a problem for us Europeans.


    This post here is a Poll and thus a Feedback post for our Developers, maintenance crew to make it easier for them to decide if Simultaneously or separate server maintenance is required.


    I do however understand that some European fans might not be satisfied with this, as a separate maintenance would mean the US gets patches before us. However keep in mind this also means that any patch problems can be corrected before rolled out on our EU servers.


    Let the voices and votes be heard! Please /Signed if you agree with separate times.

  12. I don't care if we're standing nose to nose ingame. If we're not both voluntarily flagged, then there should be no chance of PvP between us at all. Period.


    If I am not flagged, I should not be able to attack you. Period. I should be getting a "You are not flagged for PvP" message. No attacks from me should hit you. Period. You should be able to stand right in the middle of my AoE with no damage to you.


    So yes, the system needs to be changed.


    Sorry I disagree. But No, it does not need to be changed.

  13. I distorted nothing. If all you want is consensual PvP, then you'd agree people should not be able to hit you by accident. but you don't, you want PvP any way you can get it, screw the other player.


    Again distorting it to your liking. Ive said plenty of times now, that I do not agree with players tricking others to become pvp flagged.


    However I see no reason to change the system to a point where everyone has to be flagged before you can even attack anyone.

  14. So, instead of having a system where in order to pvp you have to right click and flag yourself, you prefer a system where you can inadvertently get drawn into PvP by stealthed toons even if you don't want to, and you defend this based on play style?


    Sorry, can't take you seriously. You can PVP all you like. You can flag yourself for PvP all you like. You can do it whereever you like. Because that is your fun. But the moment you say "if they attack me" when you have situations where the PvE person CANNOT KNOW they are attacking you, then your argument fails.


    If some moron runs up to you blasting away when he's level 23 and you're level 50 and he's flagged himself for PvP, blow him away, we're all fine. But when someone is AoEing trash mobs , there should be NO WAY for that person to be forced into PVP.


    Unless you can defend the results and the fact that it can be exploited and show why the current system is better for the majority of players, then I'm sorry, but the only reason you would defend this is that you're a griefer yourself.


    The red part is exactly where most forum goers in this topic fail. There understanding of reading Fails mostly, because they are blinded by there own point of view.


    I'll say it again and you can vision me saying it directly in your face, close up and Very very slowly so you can understand all of it. I DO NOT AGREE WITH PLAYERS TRICKING YOU INTO COMBAT!


    Shoudl they change it so that stealthed pvp flagged players cannot be targeted by aoe I guess so. However if I am standing there in plain sight, pvp flagged and you still use aoe around me. Thats your problem. Not mine.

  15. Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full. It is NOT the players responsibility to be aware and to be careful of what abilities they use so some nutswab doesn't gank them. Choosing to play on a PvE server... check... choosing not to flag yourself for PvP... check... those are the players responsibilities... some e-peen running into your AoE because he is 20 levels higher than you falls outside the realm of what the PvE'r should have to take into consideration. It's a bug that people are exploiting to grief other players. It is by no means "working as intended".


    It is not a bug, it is working as intended. Again, a pve server does not mean it is free from pvp. It means you cannot be attacked at anytime. Which is working as intended. In 99% of the cases you can quest fully without worry.


    If I play on a pve server (which I do) and I decide to pvp I should be able to do that all over the world. Not just the designated zones or instances. That is what the pvp flagging option is for. If I flag myself. Players can attack me if they so desire. Those that are unflagged, I can still not attack.


    However if they attack me, whether this is intentional or not, is there problem. Not mine. Why should my play style differ cuz you dont want to be attacked or responsible for your own actions?


    It is working as intended. Simple as that.


    btw, some players will do it to grief but those are by far the minority. Just deal with it and move on.

  16. But it should NOT be so. Quite simply, there should be no way of tricking me, on a PvE server, into flagging myself if I don't want to.


    There's the problem of stealthed griefers. There's the scenario of a group of level 50 Imperial player characters camping a strong group of Imperial NPCs that your Rep player char has to kill but isn't allowed to use AoE unless he/she wants to be destroyed.


    Quite simply, on a PvE server I should be allowed to use AoE whenever I damn well want to, without getting drawn into fighting with someone of the opposing faction.


    You have but one issue here. Not the system but players. Players have different mindsets then you. Some will trick you, most will not look your way as a lowbie and bother with you.


    That doesnt make the system unfair though.

  17. Why? And if you don't mind me asking, why are you defending it? Is it essential to your playstyle that you be able to trick other players who don't want to PVP into fighting you?


    Do you even read my posts? Im guessing not otherwise you would have known that I do agree the tricking is unfair.


    I am defending it, because its a good system. If I flag myself for pvp, while running around in PvE zones, that opens me up for Confrontational combat. allowing players to attack me.

    It does not matter to me, if you attack me willingly or not. I do most of the time look at your level. If you are 10+ levels below me, i will assume it was an accident and leave you be.


    Some players wont, but it is your responsibility to watch out.

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