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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Syrellaris

  1. <---50 Sage Seer


    When you can do what I just did above then come speak in these forums about healing in pvp.


    Oh btw check out the sage seer forums its pretty dead bro... if we do these changes you suggest then what happens then? M0aR lightning people? and Pebble throwers?








    Please, just go troll somewhere else. Seriously. What did I suggest? exactly nothing of big impact or anything. Hell I clearly said I dont want there cooldowns or casting times increased or them to be nerfed so much they are no longer viable. All I said was the healing needs to be SLIGHTLY lower. That does not mean 50%, not mean 25% it does not even mean 5%.

  2. Then why do you think healing needs a little nerf if you can kill decent healers but can be outplayed by a really good healer?


    Because I do feel that Healing is just slightly to strong. I am not saying they need to have there durations increased of casting or there cool downs to be longer or there healing to be nerfed so much, that there is no point in healing. Just the amount healed in pvp, needs to be lowered just slightly. .

  3. That's the downside of pleasing the community. The players are not designers and changing the game basing on player QQ without careful analysis will end up with a broken game.


    Smuggler/Agent are the least played class because they're the most broken, so you'd think that the dev will try to buff them to make them more attractive. Nope, the only change they're getting have been nerf nerf nerf nerf. Why? because no one plays them so no QQ to buff them, only QQ for terrible players who gets killed by them. Terrible players so used to being OP that when they get killed, they think it's because of imbalance. Thus you get tons of QQ to nerf the least played class in PvP.


    Thats the crappy community thinking. Have you ever stopped to think that bioware sees this differently? That what they base there buffs and nerfs on is actuall numbers generated and stored for them?


    If you honestly believe they listen to the community's constant crying that they think Skill X is OP, then you are just being naive.

  4. Maybe if you are talking about Sage/Sorc healers, but Mercs have CDs tied to their other heals, and operatives have to have Tactical Advantage to use their other heals. They can't just switch to other heals at all times. Also, if you are interrupting the right heal in the first place the other heals do a pitiful amount of healing. You should also push your advantage after interrupting a heal by using a CC on the next one and put them in a hole.


    Well I am not a DPS, so it does not perse bother me. I interrupt them as much as possible and I can kill a decent healer 1vs1. A really good healer might out do me, since my damage is so low, but thats about it.

  5. There is still some ability lag on my maurader and at times the responsiveness isn't there but I can tell that they have made some tweaks to it since launch and things seems much smoother. Not quite polished yet but much better by far. I think Bioware is serious about getting this thing running as smooth as possible and eventually pvp will be unrivaled by anyone else in the market.


    I was initially hesitant thinking maybe they lacked concern or ability to address these issues but with the recent subtle changes I think we can put to bed the QQ that they don't care. Looking forward to what they have planned and really glad I stayed patient.


    The problem is not Bioware really, its the community. Lots of immature people around that never got taught the trait of patience. If bioware does not personally reply to each thread they create, no matter how insulting there thread is or how many different copies a day of that thread sprout, they get pissed off.


    Customer Service is not here to deal with your problems regarding an item not dropping, or you buying the wrong item etc. Customer support is here to handle the real issues. Like stuck characters and so on. People need to realize that.


    Bioware developers and there community representatives have other things to do that reply to threads. For example trying to find solutions to the problems people are reporting. Which takes time to find and create. Like i said, it all just takes patience.

  6. The "cheating is encouraged" argument is ridiculous.


    There is no in-context explanation for being instantly killed for entering the opposing spawn area. In fact, it's a mechanic designed to stop spawn-camping the enemy team. In other words, when you are pulled into the enemy spawn area, you are killed to prevent cheating.


    It is an exploit. It could not be more obvious that it is an exploit.


    It is not an exploit. It never has been. It is part of the game, just like the republic can do the same thing. It has not been a big deal untill someone started complaining then suddenly all of you are screaming it is an exploit. Its not.

  7. But thats the fun of it. Never knowing were you are going to end up, never knowing what your next move is going to be. It is called adapting to a situation for a reason! More traps, more random elements to the trap adds in a whole new dimension of thinking and dealing with problems.


    Its fun! If I know all the time that if I take the left vent, ill end up on the left ram, 2 meters away from the ramp to the overlay or if I walk up to a firepit trap and know exactly that I got to wait 10 seconds before the fire stops gushing out etc is going to bore me out since it never changes.


    Off to bed! its 4 am! :p

  8. They did, not in the battlegounds, but in Arena. After a while, a tornado spawnd at a random location and went in random directions inside the arena. This was early in Ring of Trials.


    Oh that. (the one in Nagrand, Burning Crusade) Yeah but that was just 1 thing. Most of the arena's didnt have anything like it. Besides wow's pvp got ruined with resillience and Arenas in the first place. Hell Blizzard even admitted they made a mistake implementing it.


    But regardless, that Tornado was easy to avoid and not impressive at all.


    Huttball is just a Gametype were you Run, pass, overcome obstacles etc. Its not a team deathmatch. The traps make the entire gameplay fun. Why would you even want to remove that.

  9. @Theneox


    Huttball is a gametype that adds Random Elements like traps into the mix. This makes it fun. The randomness of a trap, given in our current huttball map it is only the airvents, but I am hoping that in future maps, acid traps and fire traps, or ice traps etc are all going to be 100% random, makes it that fun.


    If everything was darned static it would get boring. No skill involved either, just zerg and stun, kill. repeat if passed etc. Boring!


    Also, you do not loose control of your character. You have the choice of taking the vent or the ramp. try some of your skills. You are never forced to do anything.


    WoW never had anything random in there pvp. It was all set and static. Boring elements that people got tired of off and turned into honor farms cuz ending it in 10 minutes was quicker then the 20 minutes it took.

  10. How can you defend having a random element in you arena?

    This one thing can make or break a game.


    Would you like to have your WASD movment keys just change randomly so you ended up at the other side of the arena? My guese is no.


    Because just as the acid and fire pits, its a random trap element. It is kind of boring when the map always has the same outcome in turns of traps...Thats why they randomize it. I hope in the end they will do more things like it in future maps. But then with say acid geysers or fire geysers etc. Were if you walk on it, you have a change of it going off or not.


    It is an exciting element. makes you think if you want to risk taking it.


    Besides the high route, which the air vents are connected to is the long way around anyway. Easiest is just to take the ramp near the acid pit.

  11. Who says you need to touch the line? he says cross the line just like cheating could mean anything at all.


    That's the problem with this community, they make excuses for exploits and really poor judgement when it comes to fairness and then blame BW for other players behaviour in 90% of cases. He says cross the line, touch it or not, being pulled up to the spawn means you have passed/crossed the line by any means available... it should result in a score.


    There is nothing wrong with this community making excuses. Cuz players make excuses for everythign as it is anyway. If you get stunned inside the colored area, the score does not add up either. if you get knockbacked over it, it doesnt score either. If you step in it and get grappled or force pulled back, you still dont score either.


    There is so many ways, the game does not register your score, yet you don't hear them complain about it. But because we grapple into the spawn zone and it kills you, its suddenly an exploit? Give me a break.


    It is a game for **** sake, enjoy it. Shrug it off if you get killed that way or take revenge by throwing the ball to them on the ledge, since this will kill them too. Hell do it right and you can make 2 scores without resetting the ball by passing.

  12. Oh and the dictionary says this about Crossing the Line "to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another"


    Soooooooooooooooooooo it's a score whether touching the line or not... the line actually extends up the wall as well in hutt ball soooooooo technically it's a goal area of sorts :p


    Yeah but the difference is that you need actually touch the line, which is something you arent doing. It works the same way with knockbacks. Noticed that the colored area does not extend to the wall? Well if you get knockbacked and over the colored area, you dont score either. Given you can still score by doing a few steps to the side but still.



    @Milco, try walking on the sides behind the fences. You can glitch some weird stuff there. But even there the AFK debug still counts.


    Also, I rather have them fix the CC stuff in general first. As it is right now with all the stuns, snares etc not being effected by Anti -CC and Resolve, its just aggrivating.

  13. There's not really much point arguing with those who think they're right on this forum. It results in those looking to ruin an experience for players in game smearing the forums with their bile too


    This tactic is especially bad for first timers who may have hit 50 through PVE and are looking to try PVP for the first time... This tactic could really turn a newbie off to PVP and result into more whining on these forums about LONG queues.


    Well, I dont see anything wrong with the tactic. The AFK debuff prevents it from being abused and I really only use it when we are tied and the enemy is about to score in the last 5 seconds of the game. Grappling him over the line into the zone, killing him and giving me the ball and then winning a tied game. Its just Epic.


    However I like most others I would assume, are not going to sacrifice ourselfs in fires just to get there in the hope to grapple someone up the ledge.


    If there is one thing that really scares players away at 50 or below that even, is the massive amount of CC spam and knockbacks, that you cant prevent. Like the snares. With Anti CC ability or resolve.


    Hell, that to me makes me nearly want to say screw it to tors pvp.

  14. @ Milco, I have been testing where the AFK Debuff ends. As long as you are ontop of the ledge, it will keep counting. It will not dispell itself until you are actually of the ledge and into the entire pit itself.
  15. All you need to know is those doing it say "This is how it's intended the announcer says cheating is encouraged" to excuse their moral lacking but then when posts quote about the announcer saying "get the ball across the line ANY WAY possible" a few seconds after that, they ignore it.


    The cheat should result in a score for the team its being used on. Simple as... I'm hoping BW update it and don't tell anyone so that when it does happen the Morally Bankrupt 'vocal' part of the community QQ here....


    But thats it. It never crossed the line. it went over the line.

    Also you could just throw the ball to the guy on the ledge, it will kill him. Give you the ball back and then you score. If he is standing really on the edge it will count a double score.

  16. Problem is if a stealthed assassin is doing it, you have no way of knowing that he is there (or indeed where on there he is) until he does it, so you can't throw the ball to him.

    I thought this was one of the most obviously exploits in the game and have been reporting it.

    At first, I got a response saying they were aware of people doing it and hurting the game experience, but now they just say it's an intended part of the game and link to the stickied Huttball tactics thread here on the forums.


    This ability is absolutely terrible and seriously impacts how fun Huttball is.

    There is nothing fun about an unavoidable, instant kill ability which you can't even see coming.

    I find it absolutely mind-blowing that the CS response now is that it is how they intended Huttball to work.

    It can and should only be considered griefing!


    It does not effect anything. Sure you get killed. So what. If I dont move out in time, I get kicked. So people wont abuse standing there to long as it is anyway. It is no different then the 50 million knockbacks you can get in a row, without being able to avoid it.


    Do you know how often I got close to the line to score, to get knocked back a bit, then right away knocked back again and again and again until I got knocked into the pit?


    Anti CC does not work on it, neither does Resolve. Let them fix that, instead of this.

  17. Lets see if all of you managed to think about it a bit. Current we got...


    1 Alderaan Civil War Warzone

    1 Huttball map

    1 Ship destruction warzone.


    thats 3...whole maps.


    So individual queuing would be........bad. as you would be playing the same zone over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


    Now I am sure they will allow this when they increase the map count by 2-3 more huttball, 2-3 more warzones, maybe 2-3 Catpure the flags etc.

  18. To score you need to touch the line, if you could score by going over it, then every knockback, every pass even when incomplete, would score for you. So no, they should not change this. It has been confirmed working as intended anyway.
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