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Everything posted by NilanVoid

  1. Attempting the following based on known numbers although the caveat is that I have no proof of the true numbers: Assuming the much bandied about initial outlay of $300 million for initial development minus the initial box sales ( 1.7 million units sold - let's use $70/box = $119m ) and monthly subscriptions (1.7 million subs x $15 x 3 mo = $76.5m, plus 1.3 million subs x $15 x 3 months = $58.5 million ) for a net revenue of $254 million. (Don't forget the free month of play). That still leaves $46 million to re-coupe. However, for the sake of argument let's agree that EA has broke even ( or is now making a profit ) at this point via additional box sales or continued subscriptions. I agree that EA is now eyeing sustainability profit vs pumping more cash into development. EA is looking at "maintaining" the game now. However, as a gamer, I'm not convinced that EA's philosophy coincides with mine. And maybe it's this view that many players are frustrated with - the gaming fantasy versus the business reality...
  2. That's my feeling as well, and also why the F2P model was announced simulataneously. It's nothing more than a last ditch effort to attempt to recoup investment. Nothing wrong with that, per se, but EA/BW are NOT addressing the main issues people have with the game. If they listened to the legitimate gameplay complaints, made as far back as beta, they could have prevented the mess they're in now in the first place...
  3. LOL...Your response totally WTFPwnd Andryah. +1000 internetz for you
  4. And just where exactly where do you find another post providing quarterly results info? Thought so.
  5. That's their "break-even" point. Apparently, with such a rapid bleeding of subs they're hoping to raise additional revenue with a cash shop before losing even more monthly subscription money. It makes good business sense ( in a Zynga sort of way ) although with all the negative publicity ( most of it justifiable IMHO ) surrounding this game I personally don't think it will remain online beyond 2013...
  6. hmmm.... when I click link obtained from google I get the full page...when I the link above I get "please subscribe to continue reading". Try using the following search in Google to get the full WSJ article: ea financial report 2nd quarter star wars
  7. EA acknowledges SWTOR has less than 1 million active subs: http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120731-722956.html
  8. ^^ Pretty much, this...
  9. Solution: nerf operatives....again....
  10. The solution to this problem is quite simple: Nerf stun-locking Ops....again...
  11. I have a job, a wife ( who is also a gamer ), kids, and we will be playing both SWTOR and GW2. We absolutely love SWTOR WarZones ( Huttball especially! ) AND GW2 WvWvW ( this past weekend beta was a huge success ). If either game can implement both to our satisfactions then THAT is the game we'll play exclusively. I'm not going to list all the pro's and con's of each game. I will be simply voting with my wallet...
  12. I too have noticed a general lack of bannings/warnings. Thank the Emperor! Those storm trooper community mods were way too heavy handed IMO
  13. I totally agree regarding new events. Also, SWTOR should have holiday-style events. Nearly every other MMO out there has these annual events for both fun and fluff. This is not a request to simply copy that other MMO but a request for unique community building events during holiday seasons.
  14. Solo rankings are required first - then bring on the ladders!
  15. Perhaps you simply don't want to hear comments from others that disagree with your own? Huttball is the most strategic WZ in this game. Every player has a role. L2P
  16. bwahaha...this tells me your sorc hasn't hit the 50s bracket yet... I'll be waiting to tear you to shreds when you hit 50.
  17. You want something done to people that are chatting about Jawas so you can spam LFG and WTB/WTS???? Just.....wow.... special little snowflake, are ya?
  18. And not ONE mention of a sorc? The real challenge is not dying within 4 GCDs!
  19. Extending the bridge and dropping that last force shield wall factor in as well. The team that does it fastest wins.
  20. And you know it's their fault how? Are you 100% sure you don't have connectivity issues at your end ( ISP/router/computer/packet route)? However, I do agree that a dc'ed player should be allowed to re-enter the match.
  21. This is no different than recruit geared vs. warhero geared in the 50s bracket. I vote no.
  22. Yep, annoying as HE-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS !!
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