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Everything posted by NilanVoid

  1. TL;DR: Thread #523423444321 about failed PvP
  2. NilanVoid

    Goodbye Bioware

    Can I have your stuff?
  3. Why is it that every idiot feels "they" know how to fix a class that they don't play? I say we dispense with all armor, weapons, and spells and simply run around donkey-punching each other.
  4. I stopped here. Ignoring the WZ group bug you do know that 8v8 is still 8v8 right?
  5. Ummmm... Huttball is one of the better designed war-zones.
  6. ^ This. If only the QQ'ers would L2P...
  7. Do us all a favor and level one up if you think they're OP. My guess is your new here and obviously don't know how to counter.
  8. Good suggestion. However, what if everyone queue'd is DPS but no healer?
  9. Is this some form of Engrisch?
  10. if ( ( ( player.coordinates == player.previous_coordinates ) || ( current_accumulated_objectives == previous_accumulated_objectives ) ) && ( current_idle_time_check - previous_idle_time_check > threshold ) ) { allow.votekick(); } The bill for services rendered is in the mail.
  11. Scaling Incentivized Objectives??? /dance /dance /dance This will sooooo eliminate friggin' AFKers and reward true participation!!!
  12. Here's a suggestion: create your own guild. You'll probably never be happy with someone else's...
  13. Jawas! Easiest to implement. Only need one model with one height to skin for male/female. Different costumes would of course be a bonus! I would soooo create a Jawa alt in a New York second.
  14. I have a sorc and a skilled mara will utterly destroy me.
  15. Same issue with speeders in Voidstar when you're on defending side. Some of the game designer decisions are just retarded...
  16. Oh look , thread #23409872342 discussing Sage/Sorc nerfs. while ( horse.dead() ) horse.beat();
  17. I'll take X-Server PvP with quick queues any day. I want to fight every one, every where, every day.
  18. Agreed. Regarding dailys: Change the requirements from 3 wins to perhaps 3 WZ wins or 3 top performances - whichever comes first.
  19. Don't PvP before getting Sprint. That is the only requirement. Other than a few abilities the higher level players have - PvP is pretty well balanced for levels 15-49. Adding additional brackets is totally uncalled for.
  20. The percentage of damage/heals/guard/objectives the player has contributed to game determines the amount of XP/Comms/Credits that player receives. If there was a total of 200000 damage/healing/guarding/objectives done then figuring a percentage per player is rather simple. Results: 1.) AFKers would get nothing since they didn't contribute 2.) People would stop quitting knowing their performance alone determines their XP/Comms/Valor.
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