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Everything posted by Anishor

  1. I would say AoC's was pretty good, though last I played it was right before launch of SWTOR so I have no idea of its state, I know its numbers are down a lot. Also SWG had the best PVP experience in space =D
  2. I disagree. Good DPS should eventually kill a healer. That way you it's not super overpowered when introduce guard. If there were no tanks, I would agree with your statement but there are tanks.
  3. yeah, I think rage will do decent in yolos and regs but if you want to play rage in g-ranked, make a Mara version of your toon.
  4. I would say there are more ranked pvpers players than players who have cleared all the challenging PVE content. Also PvP != pvp servers. Those population issues mostly due to that fact that world pvp is pointless in this game and designed around trying to keep both sides as far away from each other as possible ( with exceptions like Yavin and Onicron ) PS you can have multiple teams within a company working on different areas, which I imagine is how it'll go now that KotfE has launched. I think I heard that Bioware Austin uses Agile-Scrum so they assuredly have multiple teams working on different things. In agile-scrum you have cross-functional teams meaning you have design, art, engineering, and testing on a team.
  5. This would be awful there are some of us that use non-cookiee cutter stat builds.
  6. From what I"ve seen for hte most part their survability has increased ( ie they can run and escape any encounter even more easily) but their damage doesn't seem to have been improved all that much.
  7. http://ebhawk.enjin.com/forum/m/17460172/viewthread/23805646-zakuul-knights-heavy-rp/post/last#last This might be what you're looking for.
  8. Deception Assassin is pretty easy and you have the benefit of stealth so you can feel out opponents and fights more.
  9. It's a good change that actually requires people to actively participate in the game and allows smaller but active guilds to compete.
  10. Some of us enjoy not having to waste our time fighting stupid npcs. Tedium / Grinding != difficulty.
  11. If you want a challenge go without a companion =)
  12. They'll be back, we only have the first 9 chapters =) The question is when.
  13. I am not seeing a buff on my bar nor a debuff on the dummy. Someone want to parse this out to confirm it's working?
  14. And they are providing such great sustenance!
  15. I wasn't putting htem on the same level my friend =) Just stating that they too would also need to be adjusted. Once that gets sorted maybe you could try forcing trinity for yolos, which would help a lot of classes. Also would showing the #s of each type and faction in queue. I've got a skank tank set now, simply because it's the only good way to increase my chances of winning yolos, if there's a skank tank on the other side it's damned near a requirement if they have /any/ skill.
  16. I miss my hump macro in a-tab hot pants victory dance.
  17. I would keep yolos 4v4 and make G-ranked 8v8. But that's just my opinion, but there are other changes to wzs that are needed for 4.0 ( like adding hindered while you have the huttball )
  18. If tanking gets moved to tank only, off heals do need to get nerfed otherwise that'll be the next big thing. Also Tanks in DPS gear are doing too much damage ( and yes part of this is the uselessness of tank stats aside from shield )
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